Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1313: Let's be a little more serious!

Chapter 1313, we must be a little more serious!

The unyielding enthusiasm of Lu Yunfan’s little girl is like a fire burning into Lin Biao’s heart, which gives him a temperature in his heart.

Married to Lu Yunfan, Lin Biao’s responsibility after last night was also due to...

With such a fresh and lively girl, Lin Biao thinks that after life, he will become... fresh!

Lin Biao looked at the little girl who was eating breakfast happily. The gang banged the drums like a furry little hamster, and couldn’t help but reach out and lick the little girl’s small head.

Lin Biao and Lu Yunfan are happy to have breakfast here, but Lu Yunfan went back to Lujia on a phone call and turned over.

Lu Yunfan’s mother rushed to Lu Yun’s father and said that today’s daughter will bring her future son-in-law to go home. It is possible that my future son-in-law will become a son-in-law this afternoon.

Lu Yunfan has always been favored at home, and the family members of life are very concerned about it.

Lu Yunfan, who has already gone to the airport, immediately listened to the driver and transferred the car to the front of the car to inform the secretary to change the itinerary. What is more important than the return of his daughter to bring the son-in-law? !

Lu Yunhang listened to Lu Yunfan this afternoon to bring back the future son-in-law, and hurriedly asked: "Mom... This Vatican will not ask for help from others. I will be disheartened to bring someone back to get married! If you are like this, Can be stopped!"

"What and what! Vatican said that Lin Biao brought back today! Oh, I don't know what is going on, you don't go to the company, come back soon, we are ready, the first time I see a female aunt is a little nervous, still Have your wife-in-law! Let your wife and children come back together, the future son-in-law will come to the door for the first time, let's be solemn!" Lu Yunfan's mother is obviously nervous.

According to the truth, Lu’s famous door, even if someone visits, should not be so nervous.

But the people who come are different, this is the future son-in-law!

Don't say that the female girl once went to the mother's mother's house to be nervous. In fact, the mother-in-law is also nervous...

"Well, well... I know!" Lu Yunhang repeatedly responded. "I will come back, but my daughter-in-law will not come back. This point should have been on the plane..."

"Really! When is it not a good business trip, just go on a business trip at this time! The future son-in-law is coming... Our family should be neat and tidy!" Lu Yunhang’s mother muttered, and the tone was full of Lu Yunhang’s wife. I don't like it.

"Oh... Mom! She didn't know if she was already on a business trip! Your daughter came back with a son-in-law. It's a temporary idea. How come you blame my wife?" You have to go back like this. I have a lot of things in the company this morning! It’s not my son-in-law!” Lu Yunhang said this, but he has already turned the turn signal.

My wife's wife Lu Yunhang can not hurt? ! That is to say, his wife and children are their own mothers, otherwise he has long turned to greet each other for the last eighteen generations.

"You dare! Come back to me! I don't say... don't say your wife!"

Lu Yunhang's mother always knows that her son is protecting her wife, but... Lu Yunhang's mother is actually very happy with her son, daughter-in-law and two people. Otherwise, she doesn't know how much she has to do.

However, Lu Yunhang’s mother just did not look at Lu Yunhang’s wife’s kind of small family. It’s probably from the poor family’s family. Some of the people’s habits are incompatible with their high society. How do you say... others take their daughters out They are all showing off, she can’t help but go out with her daughter-in-law. Can her heart be a taste? !

If you don’t feel the taste, you will inevitably think of the birth of your child.

But she knows that she is really filial, and she is as good as her mother...

Therefore, every time Lu Yunhang’s mother couldn’t help but angered her daughter-in-law’s temper, and she would apologize when she turned back. Although she couldn’t pull down the shelves of the long-haired people to apologize to her daughter-in-law, she was also very blunt to send her daughter-in-law to herself. Weaving scarves, or high-end custom-made dresses that are not suitable for those who go to France to "freely" buy them.

In short, Lu Yunhang’s mother expressed her kindness and apology to her daughter-in-law, which is a variety of things to lose, and I have done it myself, as well as Haute Couture! At the auction, I was rushed to fight back with others. In short, I used all kinds of "unsuitable" and "do not want" as an excuse to throw it to my daughter-in-law.

At this point, although Lu Yunhang can't see through, but Lu Yunhang's daughter-in-law is looking through!

All said that people's hearts change people's hearts, Lu Yunhang's mother is also a mouth and temper harder, the human heart is good, Lu Yunhang's wife and children will naturally filial mother-in-law, and occasionally mother-in-law took her to seduce, Lu Yunhang's daughter-in-law, although wronged at the time, did not Really care.

Therefore, the life of Lu Yunhang’s family is quite harmonious. It is only in the eyes of the Lu family that the harmony of their Lu family is thanks to Lu Yunhang’s daughter-in-law’s general knowledge of the overall situation, so whether it’s Lu Yunhang’s father, Lu Yunhang and Lu Yunfan’s love for Lu Yunhang Some daughter-in-law.

There is no complaint about this Lu Yunhang mother. She also feels that her daughter-in-law has tolerate her more. The rest of the family is the daughter-in-law who favors Lu Yunhang.

Today, Lu Yunhang’s mother’s anger is just like that. I think that since the daughter brought her son-in-law back, it’s not a coincidence that the family should be neat and tidy.

The fathers of Lu Yunhang and Lu Yunhang went home, and under the supervision of Lu Yunhang’s mother, they went upstairs and changed their clothes.

Lu Yunhang did not say, Lu Yunhang's father was tossed enough.

Lu Yunhang’s mother said that she should be solemn, so his father put on his suit, and Lu Yunhang’s mother said... Who is wearing a suit at home! Just wear the usual clothes...

Then, the cloakroom was overturned by Lu Yunhang's mother. Finally, Lu Yunhang's father was paired with a dress. The old clothes that changed clothes sat in the cloakroom, wiped the sweat with a handkerchief, and ate a few rescue pills.

Wife so toss a straight man to change clothes, really changed to Lao Lu doubt life, the heart can not stand!

Unlike other middle-aged men who pay attention to health and body in the upper class, Lu Yunhang’s father is chubby and fat, probably with a woman and a wife. Everything is satisfactory, so the heart is wide and fat.

Lu Yunhang’s father has not had any other women except his wife in this life. It can be said that... the first love is married, but fortunately the two are right, even the bottom of my heart still feels that I have climbed the beautiful wife and loved my wife. No, so this life has passed smoothly!

(End of this chapter)

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