Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1314: I am looking forward!

Chapter 1314 I am looking forward to!

Probably because I have been too windy, I am always afraid of any problems with my two children's marriage.

Fortunately, Lu Yunhang's wife is very sensible, and Lu Yunhang is very loving!

Lu Yunhang’s father could not help but worry that his little daughter’s marriage would go wrong. Now I heard that my little daughter has already chased her beloved man to bring back to see her parents. Lu Yunhang’s father had to go abroad to talk about the big list and not go!

Going to his mother's big list, it is most important to have a cabbage that has been raised for more than 20 years!

He really likes Lin Biao, and it is true... I feel that it is a bit difficult to talk with my daughter’s childishness.

However, since her daughter is now satisfied, his father is also happy for her daughter. She only knows that her daughter is not worthy of being matched, but she must not accept Lin Biao’s purpose for her daughter or her bad intentions!

But today, he found that Lin Biao is not really out of his heart for his daughter. He will press the account book, and even if he is hated by his daughter, he will never hand over the account book.

The entire Lujia is close to the enemy, and soon Lin Biao and Lu Yunfan are ushered in.

Lu Yunfan's father's shirt and sweater, sitting on the wicker chair with glasses, read the newspaper, and saw that the car that did not belong to Lujia slowly came in from the door. It was just because of the tension of the future son-in-law and the feeling of a little sadness. .

Looking at Lin Biao getting off the bus, her daughter went to the rear of the car like a small follower, and took out the gift from the trunk to the Lu family. His daughter wanted to take it all from Lin Biao’s hand. But it was stopped by Lin Biao...

Lao Lu slammed his head and his daughter was too diligent.

Lin Biao took all the gifts with one hand, closed the trunk with one hand, locked the door, raised his hand and licked the head of Lu Yunfan, and looked at the child's general favor.

As a man, Lu Yunfan’s father found that Lin Biao’s eyes were not as passionate as his daughter’s.

Yes, but definitely not hot.

Not to mention the love that Lin Yun’s eyes are eager to see, the love of Lin Biao’s eyes is more and less pitiful.

Lu Yunfan’s father tightened the newspaper in his hand and looked at his daughter again... and sighed silently, but Lu Yunfan liked Lin Biao so much. Does he not allow his daughter to fall in love with others in this life? !

He knew that there would be no perfect things in this world. He was happy here, his son got happiness, and when he got to his daughter... he was going to fight.

Looking at Lu Yunfan's eyes on Lin Biao, Lu Yunfan's father has reason to believe that if Lu Yunfan and Lin Biao are not allowed to bear the testimony... This stupid girl is afraid that he will not marry for life, and even ran to Lin Biao to see the little lover who can't see the light. It is possible!

Oh, a headache...

Lu Yunfan’s father watched Lu Yunfan and Lin Biao getting closer and closer, and finally trembled and picked up his own life-saving pills and ate a few more.

"Dad!" Lu Yunfan saw his father sitting at the door, and gave a happy call. The little hand directly dragged Lin Biao's arm. "Dad! I brought Lin Biao to come back to see you! We are getting married!"

The old father’s heart hurts, and his intimate little cotton squint looks like someone else’s.

The old father endured the distressed, dizzy spirit, and he had to check for the prostitute... Look at what the idea of ​​Lin Biao’s kid is playing, and clearly that the love of their family in the eyes of the family did not reach the point where they could marry. I came to the house to say something about marriage, and he must figure it out.

The old fox smiled and put together his own newspaper, folded it aside and got up and daggered: "Go home first, your mother is ready for a morning..."

"Uncle!" Lin Biao beheaded Lu Yunfan's father.

Lu Yunfan’s father nodded: “Go in!”

Seeing Lu Yunfan’s father came with Lin Biao and Lu Yunfan. Lu Yunhang, who was on the phone, also hung up the phone and walked over and smiled and reached out to Lin Biao: “Lin Shao...”

After Lin Biao and Lu Yunhang shook hands, they were greeted by Lu Yunhang...

Lu Yunfan, a mother who was busy in the kitchen to arrange snacks in the morning, heard the news that Lin Biao came, and after the grooming, the appearance appeared, and the eyebrows were the calmness and grace of the lady.

After several people sat down, they asked Lin Biao about his work and life. How did Lin Biao and Lu Yunfan start to decide how to get together? Lu Yunhang looked at his sister and finally couldn’t help but say "Today is a happy day. I may be a bit abrupt in my words. Vatican is my most loved sister. Some words... I can't help but ask."

Lu Yunfan heard that he was reaching out to the paws of the snacks, for fear that Lu Yunhang was difficult for Lin Biao, frowning: "Brother!"

Lu Yunhang looked at Lu Yunfan. Before he could appease his sister, he listened to Lu Yunfan’s father. “Vatican likes you not to be news, almost everyone in this circle knows!”

Lu Yunfan’s father did not care about the cup in front of him, but he still smiled with a gentle face: “But you have no heart for Vatican, and this is a well-known thing in this circle. I went to Haicheng in accordance with Vatican and started you together. I want to ask Asking you... Do you really want to be willing to spend the rest of your life with Vatican?! Still have other considerations?! After all... When you are together, I can’t just look at my daughter’s happiness as a father of Vatican. My eyes are blind, and I still have to ask some words!"

"Dad, what are you asking for this! We are all getting married!" Lu Yunfan frowned.

Before coming, Lin Biao had already prepared. He nodded and patted Lu Yunfan sitting on his side, telling Lu Yunfan not to argue with his family.

Then, Lin Biao opened the door: "As my uncle said, my time with Vatican is not long. Today, I have no intention of deceiving the two, and I am willing to tell the two."

Lu Yunfan’s father saw Lin Biao’s eyes calmly and nodded.

"My mind has never been in the children's sentiment, which is why I have never handed over my girlfriend so far, to Vatican... I really don't really love it, so I want to marry her... ”

Lu Yunfan heard this sentence, and the fist resting on his knee was tight.

In fact, she knows... just numb herself not willing to admit it!

She believes that Lin Biao likes her own, but it is far from the point of love.

I am afraid that Lin Biao said that it was because she was responsible for her marriage last night. She felt that if she told her parents, she would be self-confident...

"But I like Vatican very much. Her enthusiasm for life has infected my boring life! Originally... For me, marriage does not matter who the wife is, but if my wife is Vatican I am looking forward to it!"

Hey, I didn’t finish Lin Biao’s brother today, then... Manman’s and Shi Han’s early days are not tomorrow or the day after tomorrow!

In addition, about Lin Biao Ge and Fan Fan, how do you say... Life is impossible, everything is perfect, Lin Biao brother likes Vatican, but has not reached the point of Vatican, and marrys Vatican, because of responsibility but also because of love, marriage After getting along with each other for a long time, the situation is certain, but for now... Lin Biao Ge’s big wood is a far-fetched love for Vatican!

Life is like this, it’s so easy to be perfect...

(End of this chapter)

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