Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1335: Life is a big happy event

Chapter 1335, a great event in life

In this way, you can continue to work together and cultivate your feelings. Maybe you can eat your candy in one day!

Xiao Song thought that when Han Han and Su Manman stood together, they felt happy.

At the beginning of the cold, I looked at Xiao Song...

Xiao Songxiao laughed: "Today, Manman and Hanchu brothers play together, acting you should be the deepest experience! I saw the early Han brother... You and Manman played very seriously today! You have not had this for a long time It’s a I think Manman’s performance should be really good! So don’t say it privately... I think Manman can be a heroine.”

In these years, when the early Han Dynasty was in the field of acting, it was almost impossible to compete in the circle!

Today, acting with Sumanman, I had to admit that he liked that state very much at the beginning of the cold...

A good actor, after the director has shouted, can not only enter the state, but also bring the opponent actors into the state together.

Sumanman is such an actor!

She is still young, but she has the talent that ordinary actors can't get for a lifetime, and the skills that old actors have.

These are things that others can learn after years or even ten years of hard work. She seems to be born, it is really a material to be an actor.

Xiao Song is also rare in these years. When the first act of the cold is really serious, whoever plays with the old bones!

Probably... I haven’t encountered an opponent who is worthy of being serious.

Chess is also a happy event in life.

In the eyes of Xiao Song, before the encounter with Sumanman... At the beginning of the cold, it was really a solitary defeat!

"Well..." At the beginning of the cold, there was a cry. "I can recommend it."

Xiao Song’s lips twitched: “Well! Then I will call Chen’s assistant first to explore the tone... Look at the heroine and set it down.”

After that, Xiao Song retracted the rear seat to call Chen’s assistant to call the wind. When the cold came, he put the earphones on the seat back and rested.

Hanging up the phone, Xiao Song originally wanted to say that the heroine Chen Dao had no suitable candidate at the beginning of the cold, but when he saw that he had closed his eyes and rested at the beginning of the cold, he was hard to bear.

Director Chen Wenhua is as famous as everyone, very talented, although the work is slow, but as long as it is out of the boutique...

Whether he is a set or an actor's costume, or an actor's selection is very serious, even ... a lot of scenery for the real thing is the real guy.

Choosing an actor, the picky person is indignant, the good image is not in line with the work, the acting image is in line with the image... not dedicated!

In short, the actor who can be seen by the director Chen Wenhua is very rare.

Xiao Song really hopes that the director of Chen Wenhua deliberately chooses Sumanman, so that Sumanman and Shi Hanchu deliberately experience a love in the movie, and maybe they will come together in the future!

Well, maybe... can heal the heart of the cold, because the wound left by Jiang Mingzhu died.


Sumanman made a good makeup and waited for the end of the drama of the man and the woman. When she was on the court, she sat in a chair, her eyes and eyes condensed the male and female masters of the deep-looking models, and the brows were slightly tight.

In the last generation, Sumanman lived too much in front of people to suppress his personality, pretending to be gentle and gentle. The greatest wish in this life is to live a little self, and there is no convergence.

But... There are some habits in her body, and there is no understanding of the care of the early hours of the cold, and it will inevitably lead to misunderstanding that she is imitating Jiang Mingzhu.

When Sumanman frowned, the fingers unconsciously Mosuo dressed in clothes and thought of the word habit...

Sumanman coveted his fingers holding the corners of his clothes and released them like an electric shock.

Such subtle little movements and habits have never been concealed and misunderstood... it is a matter of course.

咚咚 suddenly rushed from the outside, probably worried that it would affect the scene shooting, depressed the sound to Sumanman said: "Manman! Manman! After the shadow, Jiang Mingzhu!"

Yang, who is watching the hero and actress acting side by side, slightly tightened his hand with his mobile phone, and stretched his face without looking back at Sumanman.

"What..." Sumanman was very calm.

"Tu Jie brother can't get through the phone, the phone hit me!" He handed the phone to Sumanman. "Jie Ge let me look at you and let you not talk, then hurry up and give him back." Phone calls!"

Su Manman took the phone and looked at it. Tu Jie is very eye-catching. The post has not been completely heated up, but Tu Jie’s people have already discovered it.

"Yang only... my cell phone?!" Sumanman looked up and asked.

Yang only turned back and handed the phone to Sumanman: "Here!"

Su Manman took the phone and looked at it. Tu Jie played 14 unanswered, and the phone was muted. She saw Yang's only look.

Yang’s only guilty explanation: “The deputy director just said that the mobile phone of the scene is muted, so I am...”

Without waiting for Yang's only explanation, Sumanman had already taken the phone out to give Jie Jie a call.

Meng Yuqiao, who is filming, sees Sumanman rushing out of the studio door, and his lips are twitching... Looking at the dragon's eyes, he is more and more charming.

Studio door.

"Jie Ge!" Su Manman called the sound of Jie Jie.

"Online posts should have been shown to you. I want to marry you. Don't act rashly. If the media asks you about this, you can deny it. If you cooperate with you at the beginning of the cold, I will let him. Stand up for your testimony, after all... Once upon a time, Jiang Mingzhu’s best friend is well known!”

Tu Jie did not panic because of this incident, a pair of early coping strategies.

"I know!" Sumanman responded, she has no doubt about Tu Jie's ability.

"This is not a big deal. If you don't answer the phone, I am worried about what you think in your heart. Remember that this is not the case that affects the state of your filming. The hard work is the last word!" Tu Jie appeases Suman Man, "You just filmed, all the other things are left to me!"

That's why, Sumanman wants to sign a broker and others don't find the reason to find only Tu Jie.

For so many years, in the entertainment circle, Tu Jie is the only one... only let the artists pay attention to the works, and other things are all the ones who will never let the artists have too many concerns.

"I know Jie Ge, I believe in you!" Su Manman replied with sincerity.

Tu Jie thought that this thing required him to appease Sumanman, but he did not expect Sumanman to answer so simply.

This is exactly the right appetite of Tu Jie.

Hangman called Sumanman seriously to see the post from the beginning, there are Sumanman behavior and tone imitation, there are in the "Antiquity" crew, there are in the "Terror War" program, some vague and somewhat clear ......

(End of this chapter)

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