Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1336: Manman, what are you talking about? !

Chapter 1336 Manman What are you talking about? !

Fan Mingzhu’s fans have hated Jiang Mingzhu in recent years. Someone had a female star a year ago because of the tone of her speech and Jiang Mingzhu’s voice. Jiang Mingzhu’s fans smashed the female celebrity to imitate Jiang Mingzhu. Was unable to stand up to announce the retreat.

There are also women who imitated Jiang Mingzhu who were forced out of depression by her fans and attempted suicide.

Sumanman read the writing of this post, the psychology has probably figured out what is going on.

"Manman, the deputy director said that I am going to your show soon, let you prepare!" He said to Sumanman who was reading the post.

Sumanman nodded and handed the phone to him: "I know!"

Sumanman hooked his fingers...

Hey will attach his ear, Sumanman whispered something in his ear, and looked at Sumanman: "Manman...this... is this good?! I look at you and let you not do anything!"

"Trust me!" Sumanman patted his shoulder.

The letter will be suspicious of Sumanman.

"Is it paying you a salary, or is Jie Ge paying you?!"

Ok, I succumbed to money and nodded.

This scene is the last scene of Sumanman's "Antiquity" crew.

This scene is the play of Su Yanman’s elder Feng Yi’s death in the hands of the Dragon Emperor.

Since the battle that almost destroyed half of the dragons and phoenixes, Feng Yi was permanently distributed by the Emperor's uniform to the extremely cold land of the northern wilderness.

In order to please the good-hearted Feng Yi, Xuanwu took away the cold place where Xiao Fenghuang came to live in Fengyi.

Fengyi, who was lying on the ice crystal tree, got up and looked at the Xiaofenghuang eyes who were thrown in the snow by Xuanwu and looked up at her, and let Xuanwu throw Xiaofenghuang out of the extremely cold land.

Xuanwu only wants to give Fengyi gas, not to control Xiaofenghuang, but to leave... Leave the space to let Fengyi revenge.

Xiaofenghuang finally saw Fengyi, who raised her adult, and begged that she could seek for forgiveness from Fengyi. She said that she had already pleaded with the Emperor of Heaven, and Fengyi could not live in the extremely cold land of the Northern Wilderness. She would also like it. Let the position of Fenghuang to Fengyi, only hope that Fengyi can return to the Phoenix.

Feng Yi was not moved, Xiao Fenghuang shed tears for redemption... stabbed his body with a sword, saying that it was the sword that the dragon emperor stabbed Feng Yi for her and asked her to forgive.

Probably to highlight Xiao Fenghuang is the true love of the Dragon Emperor, reflecting the dragon's various brainless pets Xiaofenghuang, so the wisely long Emperor saw the **** little Fenghuang, and has been the same as the mad It was abolished by Feng Yi, who had been repaired for life.

Feng Yi was sitting on the ice crystal tree, as if sitting in the sycamore tree and leaning against the dragon emperor.

"Don't!" Xiaofenghuang screamed wildly, but the dragon's sword still penetrated Fengyi's chest.

The dragon sees the red blood from the heart of Feng Yi, and dyes her red fox scorpion. The throat swaying and swaying toward the phoenix, seems to think that Feng Yi can escape.

Feng Yi only held the sword of the Dragon Emperor, his face was indifferent, and he took the sword out of his chest little by little.

The dragon Emperor held the sword's hand and trembled. He only listened to Feng Yi and said, "I killed half of the dragons. Today, a sword, we are both clear..."

Under the ice crystal tree, Xiaofenghuang licked the wound and shook it in the snow...

The dragon emperor was horrified, quickly landed off his coat and draped over Xiaofenghuang, picked her up, and said to Fengyi: "Feng Yi, I hope that you don't forget when you are, you are a phoenix, a pair of phoenixes. The emperor must have a minimum of awe."

After that, the Dragon Emperor held the Xiaofeng Emperor and disappeared in the extremely cold place of the Northern Wilderness.

On the ice crystal tree, the blood of Fengyi fell to the ground, and her lips smirked and looked at the sky and snow, and her eyes were relieved with a bit of sarcasm: "Feng, non-indus, I am already a phoenix..."

At this point, Feng Yi’s play is over.

The next step is when Xuanwu came back and found that Feng Yi had disappeared, and the huge ice crystal tree that Feng Yi often lays down has become red, becoming the only color of this white and cold place.

Knowing that Feng Yi was dead, the basaltic demonization of the violent movement launched the war, and even the Emperor of the Heavens would kill.

Of course, in the end, the male and female masters killed and killed Xuanwu. Finally, the wedding was held under the auspices of the Emperor, and the happy life has been together since then.

Meng Yuqiao originally thought that Sumanman’s performance would be abnormal today. Who knows that Sumanman’s acting is completely online!

She sat high and looked at Meng Yuqiao’s eyes, letting Meng Yu’s body tremble...

Different from the previous Sumanman's look at her when she looked at her, she was so cold that Meng Yuqiao felt that she was already an insignificant person.

Sumanman is still one, and the director is very satisfied. However, Meng Yuqiao has come back several times because of the influence of Sumanman’s acting online.

The director is very dissatisfied with Meng Yuqiao, and feels that today's simple scene is coming back again. It is really wrong.

Du Lingyang didn't know when he came to the crew. He kept watching.

The blind man seems to be thinking about why Sumanman has not been affected by the post.

After all, the star that is rising during the period, suddenly bursting red, the work has not been killed, the impact of this post should be huge, there are many newcomers with poor psychological quality, may be wrong because of this thing all the time, what is wrong, from then on Disappeared in people's sights.

Sumanman’s killing drama group arranged to send flowers, and in the applause of everyone, Sumanman smiled and laughed at everyone.

Because of the tight time, after Sumanman’s killing, everyone will start to change the set. Sumanman smiled and walked toward Meng Yuqiao.

Meng Yuqiao stunned, and the corners of his lips also politely smiled at Sumanman.

Sumanman stood in front of Meng Yuqiao. He didn't care about the other people watching her. He said: "The post did not affect my acting today. Are you surprised?!"

Meng Yuqiao's face changed, her throat was tight, and she never thought of such a thing. Sumanman would say it in the public.

"What do you say?! What post?! Manman, what are you talking about?!" Meng Yuqiao did not understand.

"I said that I said that I copied Jiang Mingzhu's post. Did you think that it would affect my acting today?!"

Meng Yuqiao stepped back and there was a panic in his eyes: "I... I don't know what you are talking about!"

"What are your guilty?!" Sumanman put aside the flowers in his hand and said to Meng Yuqiao, "Are you not a good friend of Jiang Mingzhu?! Besides you... who knows Jiang Mingzhu's habit?! Who Will you be bored to compare my behavior with Jiang Mingzhu?! Who can have this opportunity to get along with me and compare my behavior with Jiang Mingzhu?!"

(End of this chapter)

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