Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1359: How did you get in? !

Chapter 1359 How did you come in? !

No way, I know too much about the characteristics of Sumanman's beauty.

Du Lingyang saw Sumanman had tied his hair and bent over to look at the director Chen Wenhua. He walked over and whispered around Sumanman: "Manman..."

As soon as he heard the voice of Du Lingyang, Su Manman frowned and turned back...

Seeing Du Lingyang and her holding a half-squatting posture, she frowned and spoke very bluntly: "How did you come in?!"

Not far away, when the French shirt cuffs and cufflinks were unveiled, the brows were tight and they looked in the direction of Sumanman and Du Lingyang.

"I have something to say to you, can you talk in one step..." Du Lingyang asked with a smile.

Sumanman straightened up and raised his brow: "I am familiar with Mr. Du?!"

Sumanman’s words can be said to be exceptionally rude, and with the fact that Sumanman had previously disclosed the information content that Du Lingyang sent to her in front of the reporter, everyone had no good feelings about this Du Lingyang.

If Du Lingyang’s explanation before, it’s an explanation...

But now suddenly come to find Sumanman what?!

Is Meng Yuqiao let him come? !

At the beginning of the cold, he turned his head and handed the cufflinks removed to Xiao Song.

"Hot brother, that Du Lingyang..."

Xiao Song’s words have not been finished yet. When I saw it, I had already strode in the direction of Sumanman.

Du Lingyang followed Sumanman straight up and smiled and said: "I really have something. I listened to Yu Qiao and said that you and she said some words about Pearl, I... I..."

At the beginning of the cold, he stopped at Sumanman’s side, with a sarcasm smile on his lips: “Mr. Du is now in love with Miss Meng Yuqiao, and asks her ex-girlfriend, is it right?!”

"Hot brother at the beginning of the cold..." Du Lingyang looked at the height of his head. When he was tall and long, he stood next to Sumanman, and suddenly he had no confidence.

"Mr. Du, Pearl has passed away. Since you already have a girlfriend, you must cherish the people in front of you. Why do you have to wait until you lose to understand the value?! It’s late to regret." At the beginning of the cold, there seems to be something in the words. so big.

After all, when the early Han Dynasty was the best friend of Jiang Mingzhu, this sentence was said from the beginning of the mouth when he did not like to talk much. The people who eat melon always felt that the melon was coming again.

Du Lingyang licked his lips and snorted, and his heart was particularly annoying when he was a cold man.

"I didn't know enough about Meng Yuqiao last time?!" Sumanman did not intend to cover Du Lingyang. "Mingzhu sister asked me to help her mother, be careful! As for why I don't know... I am only responsible for the message!"

At the beginning of the cold, the brow jumped slightly, Jiang Mingzhu... Once I dragged Sumanman to tell her mother, be careful of Du Lingyang? !

Du Lingyang did not expect Sumanman to speak out in the public, a moment of panic.

But he immediately calmed his mind and looked sad. "I told you Yuchao, but I don't understand. I love Pearl. I can't wait to change my life with my life. Why is she? Will Auntie be careful with me?!"

Su Manman had a cold face and felt that Du Lingyang’s acting skills were really great. It’s a pity that he didn’t go to the movie.

"I am only responsible for the message!" Sumanman said with a smile on his lips. "Since the Pearl sister asked her aunt to be careful, Mr. Du, I have to be careful, Mr. Du... If I had any accidents, such as... ...and I have a car accident like the Pearl Sister, I will definitely let my parents check it out!"

Du Lingyang is like a lightning strike.

understood! She really knows!

Du Lingyang’s body is shaking and his face is pale...

Even the other people on the scene were all awkward.

Sumanman can really say that, like Jiang Mingzhu, he took drugs and made a car accident. This is a map... Jiang Mingzhu’s car accident is related to Du Lingyang!

However, looking at the reaction of Du Lingyang at this time, it will not... really Du Lingyang? !

Soon, Du Lingyang stabilized his heart and pointed to Sumanman, hysteria: "What are you talking about! Do you believe in me..."

At the beginning of the cold, the eyes of the hand quickly buckled Sumanman’s wrist and pulled the person behind him to protect him. He buckled Du Lingyang’s wrist in one hand.

At the beginning of the cold, the pair of sly scorpions stared at Du Lingyang, and the sound of the cold was not like: "Mr. Du, be careful of your words!"

"King of the cold! You will not believe this woman's words too! I really don't know about the pearls. It was also the last time I checked the blood... I didn't want to see anyone in the car accident, I don't. Dare to say that it is me... After all, there is an aunt! Can the pearl die... Who is sad except for the aunt?!"

"is it?!"

Sumanman, who was hidden behind him by Shi Hanchu, sneered...

"But Du Lingyang, the rescue doctor of Mingzhu sister, but your mother, do you have your majesty to ask your mother to save Jiang Mingzhu?! There are still secrets that are ulterior... I hope your mother will not try to rescue Jiang Mingzhu? !"

Upon hearing this, even the director Chen Wenhua stood up and looked at the direction of Sumanman and Du Lingyang.

Jiang Mingzhu... It can be said that in the heart of Chen Wenhua, there are half disciples.

"What are you talking about?!" Du Lingyang's eyes are red, and he is going to rush to Sumanman.

At the beginning of the cold, I was not polite at this time. Just hold Du Lingyang and push it hard...

Du Lingyang's feet were unstable, and he bumped into the back light, and the wolf fell down and sat down.

"Talk to the lady, be polite, this is the most basic education!" The sound of the early cold is still slowly, but the cold is the back of the hair.

"You can't believe this woman's words at the beginning of the cold?!" Du Lingyang looked at the early Han Dynasty, "She said nonsense! When we were all in the hospital, how could we wake up so brightly in the middle of the Pearl, let Sumanman hit it?! We didn't find out... She was lying in the cold brother!"

At the beginning of the cold, the brows became more and more tight, but there was not a little bit of trust in Du Lingyang.

Sumanman also came out from the back of the early Han Dynasty: "Hey...what is it that the center of the matter is guilty?! Even the most basic disguise does not care, want to kill people?!"

"You..." Du Lingyang’s brain became a mess, and he could calm down quickly. "You can't insult my love for Pearl!"

Sumanman didn't talk too much: "If you haven't done it, why are you doing this?! I said... Pearl sister didn't say anything except to let me take care of the aunt, but then I said nothing. It’s my guess, what are you excited about?!”

"Do you know that gossip can kill people! You can kill me... but you must not insult my love for Pearl!" Du Lingyang said with a firm face.

The expression of true affection, if not Sumanman experienced, she really wants to believe.

(End of this chapter)

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