Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1360: What do you know?

Chapter 1360 What do you know?

Sumanman sneered: "Do not let your hand hit me, is it insulting your love for Pearl sister?! Then your love is too strange, can you rely on beating people to maintain it?! Pearl sister... Let you prove your love for her?!"

"You!" Du Lingyang was originally said to be at the center of the guilty conscience. At this time, the flustered mess. "You are arrogant, you are arrogant! What are the things that are messy, I don't understand!"

"Oh..." Sumanman’s eyebrows are all unconcealed contempt. "I just asked you a question. If you don’t have it, you won’t have it. You have to beat people and blame it. Can't insult your love for Pearl Sister! Hehe... Generally speaking, when I ask you to ask your mother not to try to save the Pearl Sister, the question of the normal person... Is it not why I don’t believe in the career of a doctor who has worked for many years? Moral standards?!"

Du Lingyang’s throat rolled and bit his teeth and looked at Sumanman: “What do I remember when I was irritated by you?!”

"So I only remember your love for Jiang Mingzhu?!" Sumanman smiled. "Then I may have misunderstood you. You love Jiang Mingzhu to love you more than love your mother. Jiang Mingzhu knows if it is underground... Isn’t it the death that should be dead, and it’s dead?!”

This is full of irony...

Both positive and negative words were said by Sumanman. Du Lingyang is really a poor word.

"What else do you want to ask me about Mr. Du?!" Sumanman smiled and looked as if he was so aggressive.

Du Lingyang did not dare to look at other people's sights, but Yu Guang knew that everyone was talking.

I don't know if it is because of guilty conscience. He always thinks that everyone is talking about his mother's efforts not to try to rescue Jiang Mingzhu.

No matter what other people say, Du Lingyang knows... Sumanman must know something!

Otherwise, it will not be exactly the exact wording of the word.

He glanced at Sumanman and turned away from the studio to avoid the eyes of these people who explored and doubted him.

When Du Lingyang left, he turned his head and looked at Sumanman at the beginning of the cold. His expression was cold.

Sumanman seems to be unable to see the cold expression at the beginning of the cold, smiling at the beginning of the cold.

At the beginning of the cold, Sumanman opened his mouth, and the mellow and deep magnetic sound of the singer: "You come out with me..."

Sumanman handed the water in his hand to the cockroach, and he happened to be in the studio behind the cold.

At the beginning of the cold, his hands were in his pockets, and his frowns stood in a remote place with Sumanman.

The little girl walked over and stood in front of him, looking up at him, her eyebrows were more dazzling smiles than today's sunshine.

"What do you know about the death of Pearl?!" asked at the beginning of the cold.

Regarding what Sumanman said, Jiang Mingzhu dragged her to bring something before she died... Nothing is believed in a word at the beginning of the cold.

When Jiang Mingzhu was hospitalized, it was almost every day at the beginning of the cold, not on the bench in the stairwell, or at the door of the Jiang Mingzhu ward...

Because of his special status, he was disguised himself at the beginning of the cold, and almost everyone regarded him as a passer-by.

In the meantime, Su Manman was not seen at the beginning of the cold.

This person has no special skills at the beginning of the cold, but he will never forget the things he has seen and the people he has seen.

At the beginning of the cold, I carefully searched in my memory. When I was in the hospital, I really didn’t see Sumanman...

Moreover, if Jiang Mingzhu really wakes up, he should be discovered by the doctor in the first time!

Then the mother of Jiang Mingzhu, who was always there, was discovered at the beginning of the cold!

So, how did Jiang Mingzhu let Sumanman give words? !

In the end, how did Sumanman see Jiang Mingzhu from under the eyes of his eyes, from the eyes of Jiang Mingzhu’s mother, from the doctor’s eye? !

The question of full stomach waited for Sumanman to answer.

"I know that Du Lingyang killed Jiang Mingzhu, and... Jiang Mingzhu is not a peony. She gave Du Lingyang a medicine. I said so... do you believe it?!" Su Manman asked early.

For the character of Jiang Mingzhu, no one is more clear than the beginning of the cold.

Jiang Mingzhu’s father is not because of the peony talent, Jiang Mingzhu’s most painful thing in this life is the medicine!

Although she apparently disagrees with her mother, she is most concerned about her mother. She knows that her mother had blocked her from entering the entertainment circle, and she was afraid that she would dye the things that should not be contaminated like her father.

Even if Jiang Mingzhu encounters any big joys and sorrows, he will not touch that thing!

"How did you know?!" At the beginning of the cold, he did not question Sumanman's words.

"I just know..." Sumanman said so early in the cold.

At the beginning of the cold, I saw the resoluteness of Sumanman’s eyes, knowing that the little girl would not say, inexplicably irritated...

"Do you know that if Jiang Mingzhu is really harmed by Du Lingyang, if you say things out, you are in danger?!"

"I know..." Sumanman’s lips are getting bigger and bigger. "I have no evidence in my hand. I said this today. If he can’t hold it, he should hurt me. He just has an action. ... I can grab his handle and take advantage of the fact that Jiang Mingzhu can be re-examined!"

At the beginning of the cold, I stared at Sumanman...

He didn't understand why Sumanman wanted to do this. Her contact with Jiang Mingzhu was clearly only when she was filming "The World" when she was a child, she played Xiao Su Qinghe.

At the beginning of the cold, I dare not say that Jiang Mingzhu knows everything about himself, but at least in making friends... I know what interesting people, Jiang Mingzhu will still talk to himself.

But only... Sumanman.

After the end of "The World", Jiang Mingzhu said that in addition to the small actor who played Xiao Su Qinghe, she will definitely be longer than her, and she is no envy. She has never mentioned Sumanman.

With Jiang Mingzhu’s concern for beauty, if it is really related to Sumanman later...

Will definitely vomit in front of him, or ... crazy skin care whitening, vowed to be more beautiful than Sumanman.

In the past, Jiang Mingzhu cooperated with the famous angel girl Vinina in foreign countries. After returning, she also discussed the feasibility of micro-shaping with Shi Hanchu, saying that she wanted to make her eyes deeper.

However, it was given to the early Han Dynasty. After that, Jiang Mingzhu tried to mention it several times. Until the beginning of the cold, Jiang Mingzhu’s eyes were not as deep as the angel girl Vinina’s exclusive Western feelings, but it was long and narrow. After doing it, there is no characteristic of Jiang Mingzhu, Jiang Mingzhu only gave up.

In my heart, with the understanding of Jiang Mingzhu at the beginning of the cold, if she saw Sumanman, she would definitely discuss with her own knives where to smash the Sumanman.

Therefore, at the beginning of the cold, Sumanman’s words and the things he did were quite different.

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(End of this chapter)

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