Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1361: Are you crazy? !

Chapter 1361 Are you crazy? !

"Sumanman..." At the beginning of the cold, Sumanman’s name was called, but he could not say a word...

Why is Sumanman, to find out the cause of Jiang Mingzhu’s death, even his own comfort? !

"I know what you want to ask..." Sumanman laughed at the beginning of the cold, and poked his own affectionate person in front of the cold. "Because... I know that you like Jiang Mingzhu, but I I like you! So I want to help you find out the cause of Jiang Mingzhu’s death, let you put down your feelings for her, and recognise me to accept me!”

"So I am joking with my own safety?!" There was a fire in my heart at the beginning of the cold. "Are you crazy?! If it is really as you said... Du Lingyang is a madman, your safety will be threatened!"

"What are you afraid of?! I am the daughter of Fu's family. The bodyguards in the dark and the dark are too many to come to you!" Sumanman said with a relaxed tone. "I am not a moral kidnapping. I just said that I hope that after waiting for things to be checked, you Give me a chance to accept me, but...not to check it out, you have to accept me! This is two things..."

At the beginning of the cold, the brows of the Chuanchuan word became deeper and deeper, but he couldn’t say a word when he rolled his throat.

Say Sumanman is stupid? ! Very stupid...

Smart? !

Very clever, knowing to use this method to lead Du Lingyang to panic.

In the first two years of the cold, Jiang Mingzhu’s death was not checked, but Du Lingyang’s work was too clean!

The only flaw is Du Lingyang's mother, but Du Lingyang cares very much about her mother, and she is not close.

At the beginning of the cold, I was afraid that the approach was too impatient. It was easy for Du Lingyang to be malicious and to make a dog jump, so there has been no progress so far.

At the beginning of the cold, more than anyone wants to find out the cause of Jiang Mingzhu’s death...

Especially in the mother of Jiang Mingzhu, thinking that Jiang Mingzhu was killed by the drug, he would like to find out more.

He didn't want the stigma to fall on Jiang Mingzhu's head, especially... or Jiang Mingzhu's most hated way of dying.

"Starting today... your safety, I am responsible!" said Shi Hanchu.

Sumanman’s heart suddenly began to control uncontrollably: “What?!”

Seeing the appearance of Sumanman’s eyes, I didn’t know that it was appropriate to do so at the beginning of the cold...

"Which district does your family live in?!" asked at the beginning of the cold.

Sumanman’s eyes are brighter: “I also have an apartment in the national color, just below you!”

The large flat layer of national color and fragrance, one ladder and one household, the elevator to the household, is also famous for its expensive!

"I swear I didn't buy it because you bought it. National Color is the project of our family. You bought the top layer. My grandmother gave me the top floor! But... I am afraid that you think I am a follower. So I didn't live in the past!" Sumanman's eyes are proud. "Since you said... I am responsible for my safety! Then... I moved over!"

Shi Hanchu: "..."

Is he thinking too much, how does he think that Sumanman has been premeditated? !

And he... is the one who was put in by Sumanman? !

"I still have something to ask for your help! Probably... only you can help." Sumanman said when he hadn't figured it out at the beginning of the cold.

At the beginning of the cold, he stared at Sumanman and nodded: "You said..."

Sumanman approached the first few steps of the cold, and lowered his voice: "I want to ask you to go to the mother of Mingzhu's mother to find something! Only you are the most suitable... Be sure! Let Meng Yuqiao know! ”

Today, since Du Lingyang has torn his face, although Sumanman arranged human protection around his mother, she also worried that Du Lingyang dog jumped into the wall.

Sumanman is not very suitable for being close to her mother now, and she goes to say that Jiang Mingzhu has asked her to take something, and she may not be trusted by her mother.

But... it was not the same at the beginning of the cold.

At the beginning of the cold, Jiang Mingzhu was the best friend of Jiang Mingzhu. This is what Jiang Mingzhu’s mother knows. She is not obsessed with the cold.

If it is time to go and say something, Jiang Mingzhu’s mother will definitely let it go.

Yes, Sumanman did not take anything else at the beginning of the cold, the manuscript of her father Jiang Yishi.

In order to find the manuscript, Du Lingyang turned over the tomb of Jiang Mingzhu.

Probably for him, even if the manuscript says that he was burned together, he didn't believe it. His man was cautious... Only when he burned himself, he believed that the manuscript really didn't exist.

When I looked at Sumanman at the beginning of the cold, I always felt that Sumanman knew more about Jiang Mingzhu than himself.

"And it is also necessary to let Meng Yuqiao know that it is a music manuscript. If you get it... I can let Du Lingyang plead guilty," Sumanman said.

"So, it is really Du Lingyang killed the pearl?!" At the beginning of the cold, the brow wrinkled.

Su Manman nodded: "You know Jiang Mingzhu for so long, with your understanding of Jiang Mingzhu, she will take medicine?!"

This sentence is said to the heart of the early Han Dynasty...

"Then, what is the relationship between you and the Pearl?!" asked Sumanman when he was cold.

Sumanman had long thought about it, if one day, in the process of revenge, he needs to help when he is cold... or was discovered by the beginning of the cold.

Then, Sumanman must give a manager to the beginning of the cold.

Sumanman has long thought of a good reason for this.

She smiled and said to the beginning of the cold: "I am the CP powder of you and Jiang Mingzhu! So I will never do anything to hurt any of you."

When I was at the beginning of the cold, I looked at Sumanman, who was smiling at the bottom of my eyes. Really... I don’t believe a word.

Sumanman smiled and his eyes were bent and his eyes were bright.

She didn't want to say that when she was not here, she was forced to ask questions. He was close to Sumanman...

Sumanman stood in the same place and looked up at the beginning of the cold.

I saw it at the beginning of the cold, and whispered in Sumanman’s ear: "You don't want to say, I am not reluctant, but I believe... one day you will be willing to tell me."

After that, when the cold came straight up: "I and Chen lead a vacation, and then go to the Pearl Mother to take things."

"Mingzhu sister's cloakroom in a few pairs of black boots, may have to work hard, you open the insoles of those boots, just under the insole, after all... When the aunt did not let the Pearl sister touch any object of Mr. Jiang, the father of Mingzhu, That manuscript... It’s the Pearl singer who secretly opened one piece and hid it under the insole."

At the beginning of the cold, I stared at Sumanman, and my throat was swaying... I felt a ridiculous illusion in my heart.

Standing in front of your own eyes, it is actually Jiang Mingzhu himself!

"I know that you want to know why I am so clear, because it was told by Mingzhu!" Sumanman was serious about the beginning of the cold. "Otherwise, I am not a big god, how do you know..."

At the beginning of the cold, I raised my hand and pulled my neckline. I knew that my idea was particularly ridiculous.

(End of this chapter)

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