Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1373: Excited

Chapter 1373 is not exciting

"This is the case, because the movie has not yet been released, so it needs to be kept secret... You know, it’s not convenient to have an outsider in it..." It’s hard to show a good face at the beginning of the cold. "So, today you and Suman I am asking for this meal, I will go back... I will ask you again, can you see this?!"

"Can be! Of course!" The suit man said with a smile, "Work is important! Work is important!"

Sumanman: "..."

The suit man said and went to the bathroom with Sumanman’s hand, and came back later...

Sumanman politely nodded with a smile.

When Shi Hanchu sat down opposite Sumanman, she asked: "Why didn't Chen Direct call me directly?!"

"How about a drink?! Still like it?!" asked when he sat down at the beginning of the cold.

Sumanman’s line of sight swept the glass and opened the way: “Generally...”

“Freshly squeezed lemon juice, the taste is just like...”

Sumanman’s face sank and he looked at the time when he was sitting opposite him.

Seeing Sumanman sitting with his arms in his arms and staring at his poor eyes, he asked at the beginning of the cold: "Why do you lied that your taste has recovered?!"

Sumanman raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean when the cold?!"

"Why are you lying?!"

"You shouldn't think that I am for you!" Sumanman, who was cold-hearted, suddenly smirked his lips. "When you are a movie, you want more... I just don't want to worry about my family and my grandmother!"

At the beginning of the cold, Sumanman did not say anything. He said, "I have invited an old Chinese doctor for you. When the crew is not busy these two days, I will take you to see it!"

"Hey... Are you particularly easy to get on?" Sumanman smiled and sat on the back of the seat, with a trace of sarcasm on his lips.

"This is the case, if you don't want your family to know that your taste has not recovered yet!" Shi Hanchu had already stood up first.

Su Manman’s smile is more vivid and vivid, and his eyes are cool: “At the beginning of the cold, there is something... I am very curious!”

At the beginning of the cold, he turned to look at Sumanman.

I saw that Sumanman dragged his chin with one hand and asked casually: "What did you like at the beginning... is the face of Jiang Mingzhu, or the person who likes Jiang Mingzhu?!"

At the beginning of the cold, the scorpion was dull, and the bottom of his eyes was cloudy and cool. After a deep look at Sumanman, he turned and left.

Sumanman smiled lowly. She took her own bag, took out her wallet and put down the money. She got up and left, saying nothing...

After the suit man came back, he found that Sumanman was gone, and his face was forced to go. When he asked for the cold, he said that he had just finished talking about the things in the play and didn’t pay attention.

The suit man did not go after Sumanman, after all, Sumanman was driving over!

He couldn't help but ask when the cold can begin to add a WeChat at the beginning of the cold. At the beginning of the cold, it was very kind and gave WeChat, but it was the one that I didn't usually use.

The suit man left with satisfaction.

"What did you say to Manman just now, and Manman even greeted him without saying hello?!" Tu Jie asked when the cold was early.

At the beginning of the cold, I lowered my head and ate the food on my plate: "Nothing!"

After Sumanman drove back, his heart was annoying...

Thinking of entering the crew the next day, she took a hot bath, and when she mentioned Jiang Mingzhu in her mind, it was full of cold at the beginning of the cold.

Jiang Mingzhu is really so important to him, why is she in front of him, but he can't feel it? !

In fact, even Sumanman himself is contradictory!

Whether it is Sumanman or Jiang Mingzhu... In fact, it is her.

At the beginning of the cold, Jiang Mingzhu left an old feeling, indicating that he is a long-lived person. This is a good thing...

Sumanman persuaded himself.

She came out of the bathtub, looked at herself in the mirror, and chuckled...

She is probably the only person in the world who is jealous because of her own.

Sumanman shook his head and came out of the bathroom, only to see the micro-sign of the suit man on the phone sent countless WeChat...

What the hell? ! More than 20 articles were issued...

[Business suit man: Manman, how are you leaving? ! Didn't you say it to me? ! 】

[Men's suit: I am so happy when I saw it at the beginning of the cold...]

Sumanman: "..."

The following information is all praises of the early Han Dynasty, Sumanman has no intention to read.

She put down her mobile phone and wiped her hair.


The phone was shocked.

Sumanman took it and looked at it. This time... it was the beginning of the cold.

[Shi Hanchu: It’s already good to tell Chen, we can go after 6 pm tomorrow. 】

Su Manman really didn't know what was going on at the beginning of the cold. She licked her lips and returned directly to the voice...

"The time God really said that the wind is rain! You are such a covenant... I have to think about whether there are people who have time, right?!"

Sumanman's tone is light.

Soon after the cold, I will reply...

[Shi Hanchu: Chen guide will not arrange anything for you tomorrow. 】

Sumanman bit his lip and replied...

[Sumanman: My friend will come to visit the class tomorrow, no time. 】

[Shi Hanchu: Who is eating with you today? ! 】

[Sumanman: Right is him...]

[Shi Hanchu: We added WeChat today, I asked him. 】

Sumanman: "?!"

She just seemed to see a suit man telling her a WeChat, adding a WeChat at the beginning of the cold.

Sumanman quits the chat interface at the beginning of the cold, and opens the chat interface with the suit man, and glances at it...

Sumanman: "..."

When did the two of them add WeChat? !


When the mobile phone was shocked, the screenshot of his conversation with the suit man was sent out at the beginning of the cold.

Sumanman: "..."

Do you want to be so true at the beginning of the cold?

[Sumanman: I really want to let you tell you, I don't want to go with you? ! 】

[Shi Hanchu: I really want to let my family say that your taste has not recovered? ! 】

How did Sumanman not find it in the early days of the cold... Is it so confusing? !

Sumanman did not reply, and did not say anything at the beginning of the cold.

Sumanman slept in a sigh of relief, and was woken up at five o'clock the next morning, and packed his suitcase and set off for the crew.

Because Sumanman was injured and rested, the crew was very relaxed during this time.

After all, the heroine is not there, what to shoot? !

Everyone thought that Sumanman was coming back. Director Chen Wenhua would work overtime.

Who knows that at 5:40 pm, Director Chen Wenhua said that today is over, fearing that Sumanman’s body has not recovered.

At six o'clock, when the early cold has been unloaded, the makeup is fully armed to bring Sumanman to see Chinese medicine. Sumanman is also helpless.

The heart is jumping out of the heart, thinking that when I was at the beginning of the cold, I had to date with Sumanman, and I was not excited.

But when the cold was at the beginning, she did not dare to ask...

Hard to bear.

(End of this chapter)

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