Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1374: Be very respectful

Chapter 1374 is very respectful

It was only after the early Han and Sumanman left, he was excited to ask Yang only: "The only thing... You said, is God with Manman?!"

Yang only collected his own makeup tools without saying a word. She didn't know if she was with Sumanman at the beginning of the cold.

But... she really doesn't like this feeling!

It seems that at the beginning of the cold, Jiang Mingzhu has been left behind and forgets this person.

Yang’s only eyelid is a little red. She used to be with Jiang Mingzhu. She knows that even Jiang Mingzhu doesn’t say... Her heart is especially fond of the early cold.

And now, Jiang Mingzhu is gone...

She was because... Sumanman gave her a job, and after that, she started to like Sumanman!

In addition, Sumanman later applied to Jiang Mingzhu to let the scum male Du Lingyang enter the prison. She is really grateful to Sumanman...

I became more and more fond of Sumanman.

However, in gratitude and like Sumanman, Yang only felt that he betrayed Jiang Mingzhu.

She is really contradictory.

When I saw it again, I seemed to like Sumanman at the beginning of the cold. She was even more distressed by Jiang Mingzhu.

What should I do? !

First, then, then when the cold is...

Then who else can like Pearl sister in the future!

No! At least... she can't betray the Pearl Sister!

Yang only bit his teeth, trying to think about the badness of Sumanman, and then turned to Sumanman's black powder!

Can eat people short mouth and short hands, people Sumanman gave her such a job, the salary is so high!

She really hates Sumanman.


In the car.

Sumanman didn't say anything all the way. Even if she was sitting in the back row, she was wearing a hat mask and sunglasses, for fear of being taken out.

At the beginning of the cold, I looked at Sumanman through the rearview mirror and said to her: "You don't have to be so nervous. There are no paparazzi followers. Everyone knows that the film crew directed by Chen Wenhua is strict. Probably now the paparazzi think we are filming in the crew."

“There is no wall in the world!” Sumanman said, “If you let people know that you and I are going to see Chinese medicine, tomorrow’s news will dare to say that both of us have children... I don’t want to marry or marry. ?!"

"You are still small..." Shi Hanchu said, "It is too early to marry!"

"Oh..." Sumanman sneered, " seems like you are interested in me, waiting for me to grow up!"

There was no buzz at the beginning of the cold.

At the beginning of the cold, the car drove all the way to the Huanshan villa area, which made Sumanman somewhat surprised.

Her brows are slightly tight, looking at the back of the cold...

At the beginning of the cold, it would not be... Take her to her grandfather's house to see the tongue? !

Su Huixin is a family of Chinese medicine practitioners. Jiang Mingzhu’s grandfather is the authority in Chinese medicine. He is now older and has lived a retirement.

She remembers that when she was still young, Grandpa would not have seen anyone.

How many people ask for help, and my grandfather ignores them. How can I treat people brought to the cold? !

Moreover, she didn't know when she knew her grandfather at the beginning of the cold.

In her impression, this grandfather is very lonely, especially after he died, even Su Huixin did not see much, let alone seeing outsiders.

When the car at the beginning of the cold stopped at the door of her grandfather's villa, Sumanman still did not believe that the grandfather would treat the person brought to the cold.

However, when she heard the grandfather who was watering the flowers on the balcony, she believed...

"Come in!" Jiang Mingzhu's grandfather Su Moqing put down the watering can, laughing at the beginning of the cold, "Is it a traffic jam on the road, waiting for you for a long time! The rice is cool!"

Sumanman: "?!!"

Looks like, in her memory, my grandfather is not so enthusiastic about her mother Su Huixin, right? !

Sumanman took a sip of cold air and looked at the beginning of the cold. It’s hard to be... What is the sinister relationship between her and her grandfather? !

For example... illegitimate child? !

Not right!

She must have been too deeply influenced by Fu’s grandfather Fu Qingquan. Not everyone likes the grandfather of Fu’s family to like to find an illegitimate child in his later years.

Her grandfather and grandmother are very loving couples, such problems as derailment... should not!

I remember, when I was young, I saw that I saw which star was derailed. My grandfather was still angry than I was, saying that this man had no sense of responsibility and did not take responsibility.

From the car, Sumanman couldn't help but whisper when he asked: "How do you know this old Chinese doctor?!"

"This is the grandfather of the Pearl..." said at the beginning of the cold.

Sumanman certainly knows that this is the grandfather of Jiang Mingzhu.

"Knowed by Jiang Mingzhu?!" Sumanman tempted.

At the beginning of the cold, the villa door was opened and he turned back to Sumanman and said, "No, Su Lao... saved my life."

Sumanman: "?!!"

Why didn't she know about this? !

Sumanman suddenly found out that the last life... she does not seem to understand the past of the cold!

I never said it at the beginning of the cold...

Regarding the parents of Shi Hanchu, he said that he died prematurely, when he was at the beginning of the cold... He only said that he used to live in the United Kingdom, later in the United States, and finally lived in Venice for a while, and then returned to China to be drawn into the entertainment circle by Tu Jie.

The grandfather... how did he save his life? !

Just approaching the door, Su Moqing has opened the door. He took off the reading glasses and hung it around his neck. He smiled and looked at Sumanman: "This is the little girl you said!"

At the beginning of the cold, he nodded and reached out and gently pushed a hand behind Sumanman’s waist to let Sumanman come forward.

Sumanman instinctively was afraid of his grandfather. When he looked back at the beginning of the cold, he received a look at the beginning of the cold, and he bowed: "Hello..."

Su Moqing smiled and nodded: "Advanced is coming..."

Sumanman followed his grandfather and walked in while listening to his grandfather and said: "Your situation I heard from the beginning of the cold, I lost my taste after the head hit??"

Sumanman nodded prudently: "Well! Yes..."

"In this way, you may have not eaten yet, eat first, eat after dinner... I will give you a diagnosis." Su Moqing said.

"it is good!"

Sumanman’s attitude towards Su Moqing is very respectful.

After many years, come to Su Moqing's home, Sumanman found that the grandfather's family still has no TV, or those old things... even the position is exactly the same as before the death.

Sumanman entered the kitchen and saw the picture of Jiang Mingzhu on the stairs...

From the stairway to the top, all are the growth photos of Jiang Mingzhu from small to large.

Sumanman silently followed the old man into the restaurant. She thought that... from small to old, the elderly were indifferent to her.

On the dining table, it is the habitual four-in-one soup of the elderly. It is a vegetarian dish. The old man pays attention to health in his later years. The soup is a pig lung soup with medicinal herbs.

Inform the baby, this book will be completely finished next week...

(End of this chapter)

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