Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1375: What is the stagnation?

What is the stagnation of Chapter 1375?

Sumanman, who has not eaten here at Grandpa for many years, drank the first soup... Although I don’t know the taste, I still feel that my heart is sour.

"I heard that you are very busy recently..." Su Moqing asked when the cold was early.

"There is a little bit, but there are five birds on time, you can rest assured." When Shi Hanchu and the old man talked softly, the respectfulness was sent from the heart.

Sumanman looked down at the beginning of the cold and bowed his head to drink soup.

"I will send you the medicine you used to send, will you let the babysitter give you soup on time?!" Su Moqing asked.

"Yes, you can rest assured that I am drinking every day, busy in the crew, my assistant's mother is good, let my assistant bring me to the studio, and I haven't pulled it down!"

After asking his own questions, Su Moqing nodded with satisfaction.

"The things of Pearl are coming to an end..."

When he heard his grandfather mentioning himself, Sumanman looked up at the old man.

Su Moqing's lips evoked with a bit of sadness: "You... should also let go! Let's find a girl to marry and have children! Otherwise it's less than thirty-five years old..."

"Grandpa, I know!" When Han Han interrupted Su Moqing's words, "You can rest assured, I have a few hearts!"

"You have a few!" Su Moqing nodded, and turned to Sumanman, "Speaking, after the death of Pearl, you can wash the stains, but also thanks to Miss Su..."

Sumanman clenched the chopsticks and said to Su Moqing: "You are too polite to the old gentleman!"

"You lose your taste because of the pearl, so... you can rest assured that I will cure your tongue and let it restore its taste!" Su Moqing's confidence is sufficient.

This situation of losing the taste due to head impact, he has encountered before, and cured, so Su Moqing is definitely not bragging.

After dinner, Sumanman habitually went to clean up the dishes, and was stopped by the early hours...

"Let Sue Lao give you a diagnosis! I will clean up!" said Shi Hanchu.

Soon, when the early cold began to clean up the tableware, Su Moqing was taken for granted, took Sumanman to the living room to diagnose the pulse, and asked some questions about the eating habits of Sumanman.

Su Moqing was silent for a long while, pondering the little girl's blood in her head has been scattered, how did the taste still not reply? !

Su Moqing worried that the little girl was psychologically traumatic, but as a doctor he could not say...

"In this way, I will not give you medicine for the time being. We will take acupuncture for a while. Do you want to see if you would like it?!" Su Moqing asked Sumanman.

Sumanman is really afraid of his grandfather's golden needle.

In the past, I always watched my grandfather give a needle, and the needle was tied to the person’s body and shook and shook. Don’t be too scary.

But this is my grandfather, I don't believe who my grandfather can believe!

So Sumanman nodded: "That... go!"

Sumanman lay on the recliner and let Su Moqing put a needle on each acupuncture point, but it was not the same as she imagined...

The acupuncture points of the needles are not painful, some places do not feel, and some places are sour and sour.

Su Moqing very seriously asked about the feelings of Sumanman's various acupoints. After a detailed record, the tableware was washed out at the beginning of the cold.

"You can go for another five minutes!" After Su Mo cleaned his hands, he took a paper towel and wiped his hands.

"How is her situation?! Can taste be restored?!"

Carrying Sumanman, he quietly asked Su Moqing at the beginning of the cold...

Su Moqing frowned: "Not very good, unlike the situation I have treated before, I will not prescribe medicine for her, I will prescribe some medicated diet, I will supervise her to eat, and slowly adjust it! I always think this child ... Is there any stagnation in the psychological, if you really care about this little girl, ask more questions, enlighten and guide! Sometimes the knot is clear... This taste is good!"

At the beginning of the cold, I nodded thoughtfully.

When Su Moqing saw the early Han Dynasty, he sighed: "You don't have such a heart for yourself. I can tell you, thirty-five years old... is your hurdle! I can't guarantee when you can live. Let's marry and have children soon... even if you keep an incense!"

At the beginning of the cold, the lips smirked and smiled and shook his head: "I have been away from the age of thirty-five years. Why do I have to marry and have children? If I am not there, it is not cruel to my wife and children! Forget it... need to let others bear the pain of my departure."

"You! Let me say how good you are!" Su Moqing shook his head. "At the beginning... because of this, I don't want you to be with Pearl. Now I think I regret it. If you let you be together, maybe now How old a child is, can have a thought..."

"Grandpa, you think about it. If I had a child with Pearl, the child would have to face the mother to leave, and then the father might probably live thirty-five years old. How child is this pitiful?!" Laugh, "Everything is destined, let it be natural! Can't force it."

Su Moqing shook his head: "Your illness is mainly heart disease, but it is not a physical heart disease, it is psychological... If you have children with Pearl, you have thoughts and concerns, at least you will live longer! ”

Hearing the cries of the clock watch on the wall, Su Moqing went to Sumanman to take the needle, and explained the maintenance method that Sumanman went back, and came to tie the needle every three days. If it rains, don’t come over, rainy day. Not pinning...

When Sumanman was a child, he heard Su Huixin say that her grandfather had the habit of not having a needle in the rain.

On the way back from Su Moqing, Sumanman still sat in the back row, still could not help but ask: "You said... Mr. Su Lao saved your life?! How to save?!"

At the beginning of the cold, holding the steering wheel in both hands, faintly opened: "Those things have been done many years ago."

This is what I don't want to say...

"A lot of years ago, did you know Jiang Mingzhu early?!" Sumanman asked.

"Yes..." At the beginning of the cold, he did not follow this topic.

At the beginning of the cold, there were a lot of secrets she didn't even know. She thought that... she is the best person in the world who knows the beginning of the cold.

That way, neither of them spoke again.

From the beginning of the day, every three days, I will take Sumanman to Su Moqing on time, but it has not been effective for a long time.

Sumanman lost interest in treating the tongue until the crew was killed.

"Yu, so take me to cure the tongue, it is better for you and me to taste the dishes of a restaurant, my grandmother asked me to eat, I am afraid of the stuffing, you taste for me first!" Su Manman is so right Said at the beginning of the cold.

When I stood at the door of the dressing room, I thought about it and said, "You and I went to Su Lao to tie the needle. After the end, I will taste it for you."

The tail of the summer was hit by a bad cold... So it’s late to update today, sorry for the babies!

(End of this chapter)

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