Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 503: Fear of despair

Despair after fear in Chapter 503

On the way, Lin Wen has been afraid to think but can’t help but think...

If there is no Fu Huai'an, what should she do?

Just think that Lin Wen feels that the whole world has collapsed.

There is a clear answer in my heart, Lin warmed and refused to let himself go to the fog, not letting everyone feel the answer!

At this time, Fu Huai'an stood safely in front of her, tears burst out, and the fog on her mind that she did not deliberately cleared clearly, she only knows afterwards... If there is no Fu Huai'an, she probably can't live anymore!

From birth to the present, even if he encounters a big thing, Lin Wen has never had the idea of ​​not living.

When she was thinking in her head and guessing that Fu Huai'an did not answer the phone, she was going crazy!

She thought that if she came today, what she saw here was Fu Huai'an already...

Lin Wen is not crazy, you must not live!

At this time, Fu Huai'an was standing in front of Lin Wen warmly and holding Lin Wen warmly, but Lin Xin still felt a heart being breathless by the big hand!

Still feeling the fear of despair.

"Sorry, it's me bad! The phone is in the car! I met before..."

After Fu Huai'an hadn't finished, Lin Wen heard someone called Fu Huai'an: "Fu team!"

Lin Wen wiped his tears and snot on the shirt in front of Fu Huai'an's chest, turned his head, and his hand screamed at Fu Huai'an's shirt without loosening.

Called Fu Huai'an Fu's team, it was the dark-haired man that Lin Wen opened the last curtain. The man had already put on the cap and the black sweater's hat was also buckled on his head.

Just now, Lin Wen was worried that Fu Huai'an didn't look carefully. It was a while that I felt that this person was familiar.

Fu Huaian bowed his head to Lin Wendao: "You should have seen Iraq, Qin Zhe!"

Listening to Fu Huai'an, Lin Wen loosened Fu Huai'an's shirt and stood next to Fu Huai'an's side facing Qin Zhe. The red-haired nephew carefully looked at his facial features.

Qin Zhe also had an accident and seriously looked at Lin Wen’s little face...

Lin Wen looked at Qin Zhe's skin was obviously tanned into honey facial features, only to feel familiar, but could not remember which warrior he is, after all, including Fu Huai'an, their faces are camouflage colors.

"It's you! Sister!" Qin Zhe remembered who Lin Wen was, and subconsciously called out the nickname of Lin Wen in their team.

Lin Wen: "?!"

Is this calling her? !

"Sister?!" Fu Huai'an seems to be the first time I heard about Lin Wen's nickname.

Qin Zhe raised his hand and licked his head and smiled: "The drama in the team at the time!"

Lin Wen himself is also a woman with no strength, but for a strange child, dare to confront the terrorists, that is, not to surrender the children, this is not what? !

Thinking of the appearance of Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an, Qin Zhe curiously asked: "Are you in Germany to settle down?!"

Lin Wen still did not answer, Fu Huai'an raised his hand around Lin Wen's shoulder and nodded.

Qin Zhe's lips smiled and said: "Congratulations!"

He looked at Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen, smiled and embarrassed, but wanted to suddenly remember what the sadness that was difficult to hide was passed away in the eyes. After the throat rolled up and down, he smiled sincerely: "Fu team, I see you living now very much. Ok, that's great! If we all... can be so good!"

Qin Zhe seems to have something in his words...

His nephew was red, and he clenched his fists hard, as if he had made some determination, and said: "I should go, I will not give up as much as you thank you! Go away!"

"Where are you hurting with you?!" Fu Huai'an brows wrinkled, and there is no intention to let Qin Zhe go. The tone is irresponsible. "Follow me!"

Under the cap, Qin Zhe frowned: "Fu team, I can't hurt you!"

"To say that you have been tired, you are the one I sent to the hospital!"

Qin Zhe was a brother who was born and died with Fu Huai'an! It is his team member!

Fu Huai'an doesn't know what to do. If you know it, you can't stand by!

Now, how is the situation of Qin Zhe dangerous? How can Fu Huai'an who has performed the task not know? !

Fu Huai'an said that the big hand holding the bill of consignment buckled Qin Zhe's shoulder armor and pulled the person to himself: "I have a way to send you out of the country! Let's go!"

Fu Huai'an patted Qin Zhe's shoulder armor and signaled his peace of mind.

Qin Zhe's heart is uneasy, but Fu Huai'an's words have always been orders from them. Fu Huai'an's sense of power has been here for a long time. Fu Huai'an has said that he can't open his mouth.

Followed by Lin Wen and Fu Huaian, got on the bus.

Lin Wen did not ask what happened to Qin Zhe. Qin Zhe’s identity is special. Lin Wen’s guess should be related to the task. It should be kept secret.

She just asked if Fu Huai'an could not contact Fu Huai'an today.

Fu Huai'an said that Qin Zhe was injured at the scene of the accident, so Qin Zhe went to the hospital, and the cake and mobile phone fell on the car. This was not able to receive a call from Xiaolu.

In the extended luxury car, Qin Zhe's hands were sitting on the window by his hands and couldn't help but look out.

On the streets of Dubai, such a luxury car is not conspicuous.

The front baffle has risen and the driver can't see the situation behind.

Fu Huai'an did not ask Qin Zhe about the task, just asked: "Is betrayed?!"

Qin Zhe accidentally looked at Fu Huai'an and nodded uglyly. The hands in his pockets were tight, and the back of his hands was beating.

Fu Huai'an looks like a heart: "Tonight, arrange your return to China!"

"Will you be tired of you?!" Qin Zhe was sitting upright.

"I have some relationship here, and it doesn't matter who wants to move. Even if someone finds out that I am sending you back to China, it doesn't matter!"

Fu Huai'an's words made Qin Zhe feel at ease.

Qin Zhe hesitated for a moment and seemed to have something to say with Fu Huai'an. The line of sight swept through Lin Wen's final lips, sitting on a comfortable sofa and frowning.

Qin Zhe’s mission is to investigate arms smuggling.

Qin Zhe would like to say that when I found out here in Dubai, there are some clues pointing to the domestic sea city. Qin Zhe would like to ask if this is related to Fu Huai'an, and he is worried about scaring Lin Wen, if Fu Huai'an really involves it...

Qin Zhe looked up at Fu Huai'an and thought of Fu Huai'an that he had some relationship here.

For a time, Qin Zhe even could not determine whether Fu Huai'an was trustworthy.

Qin Zheben is more willing to believe in Fu Huai'an. After all, Fu Huai'an's younger brother and sister-in-law are all killed under the guns of those people. He said that Fu Huai'an involved arms and he may believe it!

But said that Fu Huai'an smuggled arms to those people for money, Qin Zhe did not believe it!

Thinking of this, Qin Zhe’s heart has settled a lot...

He is willing to believe in Fu Huai'an!

After a while to avoid Lin Wen, Qin Zhe is willing to make a real match with Fu Huai'an!

Thank you for the gifts of the baby! Kaisen! Thank you, baby, for the support of thousands of thousands of monthly votes! It’s hard to push the monthly gift of the gift, and I feel it in my heart! Dear, dear! Is the holiday still enjoyable? !

(End of this chapter)

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