Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 504: Do you want to call the police? !

Chapter 504 Do you want to call the police? !

Retreat 10,000 steps, even if Fu Huai'an is the last person Qin Zhen they want to check...

Even Fu Huai'an wants to kill him!

He also recognized it!

Thinking of this, Qin Zhe closed his eyes and organized the language in his heart, thinking about how to open up with Fu Huai'an for a while.

The limousine all the way to the jumeiraohfrongp villa area, Qin Zhe finally opened his eyes, he looked more complicated outside the window.

The car stopped at the door of the villa, Fu Huaian took Lin Wen first to get off, Qin Zhe was sitting in the car and did not move.

"Qin Zhe..." Fu Huai'an held the door with one hand and called Qin Zhe.

Qin Zhe was silent for a moment, looked up at Fu Huai'an and nodded: "Come on!"

When getting off the bus, Qin Zhe’s hand has moved to the back.

Fu Huai'an took Lin Wen to go one step further and was unprepared.

Qin Zhe came down from the car, and the action shot was directed at Fu Huai'an. The hand was slightly trembling: "Fu team!"

Looking back, Fu Huai'an scorpion tightened and subconsciously kept Lin warm behind him.

When she saw that Qin Zhe was holding a pistol in her hand, Lin Wen was also shocked. She tightened Fu Huai'an's arm.

The black driver who just got out of the car was so scared that he quickly raised his hands and stood there and was overwhelmed.

"Qin Zhe?!" Fu Huai'an brow wrinkled.

"Fu team, I have to ask you a few questions! First, I am betrayed by beans. How come you happen to be on the streets of Dubai?! Second, you bring me to the top jumeiraohfrongp villa in Dubai, which is definitely Not your industry, then...who is this! Third, your business on the face is not said, secretly... Are you involved in the arms?!"

The small land in the villa originally saw Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen coming back, and was about to come out with a group. Who knows that someone suddenly saw a gun, and he was afraid that the group would be busy transferring the attention of the group to bring the group upstairs.

"Small warm you are advanced!" Fu Huai'an is open to the forest behind him.

Lin warmed up Fu Huai's strong arm and shook his head.

"Fu team, before you answer my question, it is best not to move the scorpion!" Qin Zhe has calmed down, and the voice is calm.

Qin Zhe is betrayed by the most trusted beans, and it is reasonable to become untrustworthy.

"You are obedient!" Fu Huai'an lowered his voice. "You are here only to make me feel bad! Qin Zhe will not hurt me! You can rest assured!"

Lin warms his head!

She is not at ease! Ten thousand are not at ease!

I just thought that Fu Huai'an had an accident. She had just put down her heart. Now someone is pointing at Fu Huai'an with a gun. Lin warm's heart is hanging in the eyes of the blind man.

She gritted her teeth and looked at Qin Zhe: "Wai'an and I appeared here, brought me and our son to play. This place in Dubai is my choice because our son wants to go to the lost aquarium. Pavilion! Here is the villa of Huai’an friends. There is nothing wrong with it! If you don’t feel comfortable living in it, you can go now! If you sell it once, you will lose the ability to believe in others. You are such a person... even if this time, Huai’an saved you. The next time you will die in your distrust of others!"

Qin Zhe cold eyes swept through Lin Wen, only asked Fu Huai'an: "Fu team!"

"Qin Zhe!" Lin Wen did not know where the courage came from, and loudly contained the name of Qin Zhe. "I used to be in Iraq, I admire each of you! But now... I look down on you! You are a coward! You even believe You have never had the confidence to live and die with your teammates! Are you sure you can walk out of Dubai alone?!"

When Qin Zhe was warmed by Lin, he said that his face was ugly.

He wanted to believe Fu Huai'an, but he was shaken when the luxury car parked at the jumeiraohfrongp villa.

He thought that even if he died in Fu Huai'an, he recognized it...

He got off the bus and he pulled out the gun.

"Small warm! Advanced to go!" Fu Huai'an uses the body to block Lin Wen, step by step to step back, to protect the forest warm door.

Lin Wen was forced by Fu Huai'an to step back up the stairs, and she grabbed Fu Huai'an's arm.

Qin Zhe bit his teeth, his eyes were so bright, and after the inner heavens and the war, he finally took the gun back.

Lin Wen’s words are right, he is alone... I am afraid there is no way to leave Dubai alive.

Once they were in the water ghost squad, Captain Fu Huai'an took care of his fledgling boy. It was a real gun on the battlefield... How many times Fu Huai'an saved him, even Qin Zhe himself did not remember.

Today, he actually pointed the gun at Fu Huai'an because of doubt.

Qin Zhe bit his teeth.

"Fu team! Sorry..." Qin Zhe's eyes are red, his throat is sliding up and down, the reddish eyes are unspeakable sadness, sobbing and opening, "Fu team... Feng Yang is dead!"

When Qin Zhe said this sentence, the seven-foot man was so frustrated that he shed tears.

"They...they...given Feng Yang to make people awake. They tortured Feng Yang and let him see the organs inside his organs in a sober state!" Qin Zhe could not help but cry, holding his head. Going on, the long-awaited emotions seem to have finally found a break, and broke out. "It’s right in front of me! I can’t do anything, I can’t even show my sadness!”

Qin Zhe will never forget Feng Yang’s curse, until he finally clenched his teeth and stunned his eyes and died. He finally gritted his teeth and did not sell him.

In fact, as long as Feng Yang speaks, as long as he says his name, he can not die! No need!

Lin Wen was scared by the words of Qin Zhe. The dark side of the world, Lin Wen has never touched, the world she saw... is beautiful, even though some means and darkness are never serious enough to use such cruel means. The point of life.

"Go in!" Fu Huai'an turned back and said two words to Lin Wen.

Lin nodded warmly and turned back...

Xiaolu has gone downstairs. He saw Lin Wen coming in and panicked and said: "Mrs. Do you want to call the police?!"

Lin warmed his head and asked, "What about the group?!"

"Little Master is upstairs, I have a puzzle for Little Master, I am fighting!"

Lin warmed upstairs to take care of the group. When he went upstairs, Lin warmed through the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the door. Fu Huai'an reached out to Qin Zhe and pulled Qin Zhe up.

After playing with the group for a while, the group was probably bored, the soft body leaned against Lin Wen, and the little head chicken and glutinous rice looked like a little bit of a pair of sleeping.

Lin warmly embraced the group, put him on the soft big bed, covered the quilt with the gang, and gently went out, and saw Xiaolu just coming downstairs.

"The group has fallen asleep!" Lin warmed off the door and asked Xiaolu, "Wai'an?!"

"Mr. and the other gentleman are in the downstairs room, haven't come out yet..."

Xiao Lu’s voice could not conceal his worries. Just now Qin Zhe saw Fu Huaan’s gun and Xiao Lu.

(End of this chapter)

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