Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 580: Then stay away from her!

Chapter 580 and then stay away from her!

"Well!" Lin nodded warmly.

Lin Biao saw Fu Huai'an car start, but also started the car.

Going to see Ji Yun, Lin Biao is very embarrassed.

She admits that she is a selfish person, so she knows what it feels like her mother is in front of her face!

She didn't know what it would be like Lin Wen to see the picture he met with Ji Yun. She always felt that she had experienced this uncomfortable feeling and wanted to avoid bringing such unpleasantness to others, even if the other party was Lin warm.

However, Lin Wen took Ji Yun out of the hospital. Lin Qilian’s current address does not know. If you want to see Ji Yun, there is no way to sneak it. You must pass Lin Wen.

Lin Biao clasped the steering wheel with both hands, followed by the front of Maybach, and the replayed in his head... all in the poor home, and the various pasts of Ji Yun.

She thought about it, red-eyed, holding the steering wheel with one hand, one hand elbow resting on the window, five fingers inserted into her long hair, the complex sadness that could not be said.

In fact, she is very cruel, Ji Yun does not know anything at all, but for so many years she has never seen Ji Yun once.

When I was a child, Lin Biao always felt that Ji Yun was humiliated. He always felt that because Ji Yun himself would be laughed at by his classmates...

I remembered that I had a self-study class in high school, and it was a madman’s Ji Yun who would worry that Lin Biao would be unsafe at the end of the night, and he would go to the school to pick up Lin Biao...

Originally, Lin Biao thought that in high school, no one knew that her mother was a madman. She could live a normal life. But she did not expect that Ji Yun was on the first day of her school, so that her high school students also knew that she had A neuropathic mother, Lin Biao went home and became angry with Ji Yun!

Since then, Ji Yun has been picking up Lin Biao at night, always silently following in the distance, but Lin Biao is inevitably ridiculed.

One day, Lin Biao had a night of self-study and deliberately honed in the classroom. There was a sudden rain outside, and the rain did not stop. The good-hearted classmates said that they could send Lin Biao home. Several people took the umbrella out, and Lin Biao looked at it. Ji Yun, who saw the broth of the broth, stood at the door of the school. The idiot, with his hands on the fence of the school gate, looked at the school with his toes.

When Lin Biao came out, Ji Yun was in the face of Lin Biao’s classmates, and he took the umbrella out of his coat and smiled and handed it to Lin Biao.

Looking at the Ji Yun of the chicken soup, some students whispered to Lin Biao: "How can your mother hold an umbrella?"

Lin Biao heard someone whispering: "Lin's mother is a madman!"

Then, the group of students sneered and left, saying that since Lin Biao’s mother came to pick up Lin Biao, they left first!

Standing at the door of the school, Lin Biao looked at Ji Yun’s anger and went straight to his head...

I always felt that the students frequently looked back at her and talked about her. Lin Biao was miserable with a small face and did not return to the rain.

Ji Yun did not know for a moment, or open the umbrella to catch up with Lin Biao's distressed umbrella for her, regardless of heavy rain and wet themselves.

Lin Biao grabbed the umbrella and threw it on the ground. He stepped on a few feet and took advantage of Ji Yun to stop Ji Yun from dying outside! Then she will never have to be laughed at!

Lin Biao is next to the bag shoulder bag, and rushes to the rhyme: "Don't you say don't come to school?! Why don't you understand?! Do you know that you are a madman! You will laugh at me when you appear here. A mad mother! Do you want to force me to die?! Do you like listening to everyone who calls me a dead mad child?! I hate you! Why am I your child?! Why don't you die!"

After shouting, Lin Biao quickly ran back in the rain, leaving Ji Yun far behind.

Waiting for the Lin Biao to cry and cry out after a shower, Ji Yun has come back, the whole body is soaked and standing at the door of the bathroom, the foot is all the rain flowing down the body.

When Ji Yun saw Lin Biao, he still showed his white teeth and smiled at Lin Biao...

Lin Biao’s heart was distressed and he regretted that he said that Ji Yun would die. When she came back to take a bath, she smashed herself thousands of times. How can she tell Ji Ji if she is scary?

However, Lin Biao did not apologize, nor did he take care of Ji Yun. Dry his hair and squat on the desk to do his homework.

Ji Yun is still in the wet look, the clothes are too late to cook for her, and the tomato eggs are finished. Lin Biao looks at the wet look of Ji Yun and slams his head again. Slap the face bowl, let Ji Yun go to take a bath to change clothes, and then stay away from her!

After hearing Lin Biao let her stay away from her, Ji Yun looked at Lin Biao with a sorrowful look and shook his head: "Mom is not crazy, mother is not crazy... Hey eat! Don't eat stomach pain苒苒 苒苒 eat..."

Thinking of this, Lin Biao's tears fell straight down, watching the Maybach's gaze blurred by tears.

She wiped her tears, her hands on the steering wheel, her nose blocked, and she took a deep breath and exhaled her breath. Lin Biao’s mood was better.

Lin Biao thought of the phone she gave Lin Wen when she was in the UK, Lin Wen said...

"After the truth, Lin’s parents tried their best to meet all your requirements to compensate you, but I never walked into the heart of my biological mother. My biological father did not leave me a word because of suicide. Oh, at least your parents are still there, but my home is gone..."

Think about it, she really monopolizes all the love of Ji Yun.

Now Lin Biao recalls that she once told me about Ji Yun, the man who has passed away, and remembered what he said to them. Lin Biao’s heart is regretted!

If it is such an ending long before, she must treat Ji Yun well, and must treat the man well!

It won't, then it will be opposite to Lin.

In fact, she knew in her heart that she and Lin Wen were also transferred to their children at the same time. Both of them did not know anything at the same time!

If you can choose, who is willing to leave your own biological parents? !

The reason why people feel that Lin Wen is the heinous, but because Lin's living conditions are excellent, and the Lu family poverty has collapsed.

Soon I drove to the door of the villa. Lin Biao’s eyes and nose were still red. She parked the car, took a paper towel, wiped her tears and nose, and opened the mirror to see if her eyes would reveal the signs of crying. The powder was confirmed to not leak, and Lin Biao pushed the door to get off.

The cold wind blew, Lin Biao's hot nose and eyelids eased. She went to the trunk, pulled out the food she liked for Ji Yun, closed the trunk door, and looked up at this beautiful villa.

It seems that Lin Wen should be very good for Ji Yun. Actually arranged in such a good villa to let Ji Yun cultivate, this environment is quiet and the air is fresh!

The important thing is said three times, the November benefits have already come out! After the baby has voted for the monthly ticket, they can find the owner administrator to exchange the benefits! Group number: 818324296, find snow and snow exchange!

(End of this chapter)

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