Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 581: So I like it!

Chapter 581 so I like it!

Lin Biao’s heart is a little faster after Lin’s warmth...

I haven't seen it for many years. I don't know what Ji Yun has become like. !

In Lin Biao's memory, Ji Yun always has a low pony tail, but the hair is messy and dry like weeds, and there are always stains on his face that cover the five senses...

Only when the shower is out, Ji Yun's hair will be smoother and his face will be clean.

Lin Biao desperately wants to recall the five senses of Ji Yun's clean, but I can't think of it, just like I have never seen it before.

Probably, the most profound memory in Lin Biao's heart is the appearance of Ji Yun's standard madman, the clean appearance of the shower... blurred to make her even the outline can not be combined.

The door was opened to meet them. It was a middle-aged woman wearing white protective clothes. She smiled and called Mrs. Fu Huai'an and Mrs. Lin Wen, and then nodded to Lin Biao: "Miss Lin is good..."

Probably before Lin Wen came to call, the caregiver knew that her surname Lin Biao was not strange.

"Mrs. In the backyard, the little girl is accompanied!" The nurse warmed the forest.

"Good! You have worked hard!" Lin warm smiled.

Lin Wen accompanied Lin Biao to the backyard. In the garden, Ji Yun wore a white turtleneck sweater and a black coat with a shawl type on the swing.

She was holding a doll in her arms, her eyes staring at the green, green eyes in the distance.

A few years later, I saw Ji Yun for the first time. The middle of the forest was separated by Fu Huai'an... Through a small garden, Lin Biao actually did not dare to recognize the discipline.

Sitting in the tidy atmosphere of Ji Yun, sitting quietly, the facial features are exquisite, the temperament is noble, except that the doll held in her arms does not match her demure and temperament at this time, Lin Biao actually thought that he saw a person like Liang Shu A sly lady.

At this time, Ji Yun, Lin Biao has no way to associate her with the madman Ji Yun.

If it wasn't for Ji Yun, the five senses that made her familiar, Lin Biao thought that Lin Wen took himself to the wrong person.

Fu Huai'an cell phone vibrated, and he left the phone to let Lin Biao return to God.

It turned out that under the dirty face, Ji Yun... had such a beautiful face. Before Lin Biao’s heart was blinded by anger, he never saw it.

It is no wonder that Lin Wen will be so beautiful, the original level of facial features is derived from Ji Yun.

Sitting on the swing, Ji Yun, who was stunned by the scorpion, suddenly moved. She looked down at the doll in her arms and smiled. The eyebrows were dyed with a gentle, watery look.

She patted the doll's body gently and sang the song that the child slept on the doll...

Ji Yun's familiar voice into the ear, instantly defeated Lin Biao's heart, she could not help but raise her hand to cover her lips, turned her head back to Ji Yun not to see, forcing her own tears and crying voice.

Such a soft and pleasant voice, such a song Lin Biao has not heard it for many years, but Ji Yun’s opening makes Lin Biao seem to return to her childhood as soon as possible. She lives in Ji Yun’s arms and sings her to sing her. .

The deepest memory of her is that in the summer, the family has a mosquito-repellent incense to put down the mosquito net. She is lying on the mat and holding Ji Yun’s arm. In the dark, she meets Ji Yun face to face, and smells the fragrance of Ji Yun’s body mixed with hazelnut powder. Lin Biao will feel Especially peace of mind!

Ji Yun will gently pat her little **** and sing her songs that she slept. She remembers the songs of Ji Yunhui, which is not for other children!

Once, Lin Biao was very proud of it.

At that time, the mother and daughter were deep!

The warmth and tenderness has long been forgotten by Lin Biao for many years. Today, I suddenly heard such songs, all of which became the sharp edge of tearing Lin Biao’s heart, letting her regret that she would be cruel to Ji Yun at that time, so I don’t know anything! That is, Xiao Chi Ji Yun loves her for her sincerity.

Lin warmly sees Lin Biao back and does not dare to look at Ji Yun, his shoulders tremble, whispered: "In the past, sit with your mother!"

Lin Biao bit his teeth, quickly wiped away the tears, nodded, because the nose blocked and did not make a sound.

The nurse helped Ji Yun to sit on the wicker chair under the umbrella, padded the back of the rattan chair, and added fruit and hot tea.

Although Ji Yun will not answer, the little caregiver gently tells Ji Yun what he wants to do next...

Lin Wen stood under the eaves and watched Lin Biao walk down the steps and sat down next to Ji Yun. She left to leave the space to Lin Biao and Ji Yun.

Haicheng, which has been in the late autumn, the location of the villa in the mountain is still a bit cold.

Lin Biao took away the snacks that Ji Yun liked to bring, and put them on the small round table.

These snacks, Lin Biao found some effort, because the demolition of the dim sum shop has long been moved, Lin Biao around to find out.

I still didn't speak, Ji Yun saw the snacks on the table, and the scorpion lit up...

I took a piece of osmanthus cake and muttered it: "Hey, I like it!"

Said, Ji Yun put the sweet-scented osmanthus cake to the mouth of the doll, the voice is soft and soft, licking the doll: "苒苒 favorite! Eat... eat!"

Seeing that the doll refused to eat, Ji Yun changed a thousand layers of cake: "This, I like it! Eat it!"

Lin Biao, she thought that these are the most favorite of Ji Yun!

What memories buried in the deepest part of my heart suddenly came to my mind...

When Lin Biao was a child, every time she had something she liked to eat!

For example, this sweet hibiscus cake is the reason why Lin Biao was poor when he was a child. He likes to eat sugar very much, so he likes it!

Melaleuca cake is what Lin Biao likes when he is seven or eight years old!

Sweet-scented osmanthus cake, Lin Biao likes to be around ten years old!

Long Xu Crisp is the favorite of Lin Biao at the age of eleven!

Hawthorn cake is what Lin Biao likes when he was seventeen years old, because at that time he began to know about beauty, and I heard that Hawthorn cake helps digestion and lose weight!

Lin Shuren trembled, watching Ji Yun put one snack after another on the doll's mouth to test, the moment of the eyes accumulated tears, misty.

"Mom..." Lin Biao whispered, gently calling Ji Yun, the voice choked like a word, tears like a broken line of beads.

Ji Jiyun is immersed in his own world, as if he did not hear Lin Biao calling her.

Lin Biao’s heart was **** by a knife.

When she left, Ji Yun was not like this. At that time, Ji Yun could recognize her...

Lin Biao couldn't help but hold the hand of Ji Yun. He didn't mind the snacks on Ji Yun's fingers. He put his little face into the warm palm of Ji Yun. He cried: "I am awk! Mom... ...I am oh! I am oh!"

Ji Yun’s eyes were free in the snacks, and he looked back at which piece of snack was not fed to the doll.

Seeing the hawthorn cake, Ji Yun naturally took his hand from Lin Biao’s hand and pinched a piece of hawthorn cake to the doll’s mouth: “Hey!”

Repeat it again! November benefits have already come out! After the baby has voted for the monthly ticket, they can find the owner administrator to exchange the benefits! Group number: 818324296, find snow and snow exchange!

(End of this chapter)

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