Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 586: She is afraid of coming to Taiwan with Li Muyang.

Chapter 586, she is afraid of coming to Taiwan is Li Muyang.

Knocking on the door, Sumanman’s voice was heard through a door panel: “Well, no Lin warm?!”

"Sumanman, don't bother people, the people who come to Taiwan know, let's go!" Song Cheng looked at Sumanman's eavesdropping on the door and couldn't help himself.

Fu Huai'an kissed Lin Wen's hair top: "Go, peace of mind, I will look at you in the studio!"

There is Fu Huai'an saying that Lin warms a lot of peace...


Returning to the stage again, Lin Wen has not seen Li Muyang in the audience.

Almost at a glance, Lin Wen found Fu Huai'an at the hidden corner of the studio door. Her lips twitched and a heart settled down.

The crew and the host were divided into two teams, and Lin Wen was assigned to the team of Sumanman.

Although the whole game Sumanman is protecting Lin Wen, Lin Lin is not a waste of firewood. Every time he wins the audience at the moment when the team scores down and looks at the loss, he wins the audience.

Especially in the fast calculation process, Lin Wen is simply the IQ of the entire team, the speed of calculation is fast and accurate, it is simply staggering.

After several times, Lin Wen’s victory will be seen in the direction of Fu Huai’an. Seeing Fu Huai’an and his proud expression, Lin’s ear is red.

After a variety show, Lin’s impression of leaving the audience has changed from the initial high cold to calm, wise, and intelligent.

Some people even took out the results of the college entrance examination that had been warm, but I did not expect that Lin Wen was actually the top student in the city of Haicheng.

"Then we said before, today's best-performing guest will get the warmest gift in the world. Let's talk to our audience friends. Who is the number 1 of our game today?!"

The host was very active and rushed to the stage to raise the microphone to the audience in the direction of the Lin warm aid.

"Lin warm! Lin warm! Lin warm! Lin warm!"

The audience station issued a sound of shouting Lin Wen’s name.

Lin warms his hand in the microphone, smiles brightly in the direction of the audience 90 degrees: "Thank you! Thank you!"

"Yes, that's right! The king of the game today is our Lin warm!" The host smiled and walked to Lin Wen's side. "That's warm, let's talk about the awards!"

Lin warmed and smiled at the host, while looking at the side and experimenting with the opening: "Thank you... CCTVMTV?!"

There was a burst of laughter under the stage.

Lin Fan’s fans talked about the goddess so cute...

The host couldn’t help but laughed. When he saw the colleague’s gift to Lin Wen, the host took the brocade and handed it to Lin Wen to let Lin warm open it.

Open the box, there are two exquisite pendants lying inside, Lin Wen took out one, the material is silver is not expensive, but the extremely delicate carving process is complex and exquisite, so Lin warm love.

"Warm, you open this pendant and look at it!" The host stood by Lin Wen warmly to Lin Wendao, and he looked like he was very fond of seeing Lin Han’s expression after the pendant.

"What's inside?!" Lin warm suspicion looked at the host, the lips couldn't hold back the smile, open.

Inside the pendant is a portrait of a three-person, Lin Wen, the group and Fu Huai'an, is hand-painted by the computer, a family of three smiles happy and fascinating.

Lin warmed his face and looked up. Looking up at Fu Huai’an’s direction, Fu Huai’an’s eyes crossed Lin’s warmth and looked behind her...

Lin warmed back to Fu Huai'an's line of sight, behind the big screen, the hand-painted family portrait set in the necklace pendant.

The complete family portrait is Lin Weng holding a group. Fu Huai'an is standing behind Lin Wen's arms and surrounded by Lin Wenhe. The painting is very meticulous and very textured. It is obvious that the person who painted this family portrait really used his heart.

"Warm, this is painted by one of your fans. These two pendants are also your fans who have been asking for a long time. The Emperor Konglong promised to engrave two of them. It is said that these complex patterns are carved in the above. Hiding your name, it also has the meaning of blessing peace and health!" The host opened his mouth slowly at Lin Wen. "This fan also came to the scene today, I hope I can see you with your own eyes and get a hug from you! You want to see you. ?!"

The audience under the audience talked a lot! Actually, I can ask for the famous Lang Xuan Master to give Lin Wen a pendant. It seems that this fan is very big!

The Emperor Konglong is the sorghum of the Shaolin Temple, even in the modern fame!

The carving technique of the Master Konglong Master is not as famous as his slogan...

It is said that the objects carved by the Emperor Konglong have the effect of keeping the peace, so there are a lot of manuals to go to the Qiulong Master. Five years ago, the Emperor Konglong had not carved an object after sealing the knife! This directly led to a hundred times the value of the previous works of Kong Long Master!

Unexpectedly, there are still people who can ask for the emptiness of the Master and the gift of the idol.

Lin Lin was shocked to hold the pendant in his hand.

She looked at the exquisite picture on the screen, Lin warmed his head and looked at the host side, a little hesitant, she was afraid of coming to Taiwan is Li Muyang.

Lin warmed his emotions and held the microphone. He asked, "Is it in the audience?!"

"Since warmth is willing to see, then let's let the fans go to the stage themselves?!"

The voice of the host fell, and everyone in the audience looked left and right and turned back to find the one who had superb skills and fans.


The voice of the name of the low and low Lin Lin warmed up, the audience looked at the stage, and looked surprised. Some people also issued a "no" exclamation.

Lin Wen looked at the skill in front of himself, some accidents...

"I am sorry, I attacked you on the Internet under the last impulse, but after watching the trailer, I became your fan! Whether it is yours, or your acting skills!"

Seeing Lin Wen’s opening, the operation is busy: “I know, you will say that you don’t care, but I care! I’m really sorry, I don’t know what way to make up for this time, I’ve hand-painted this painting. I sincerely hope that you can forgive me!"

Lin Wen looked at the surgery, and for a moment he reached out and gave the surgery a hug...

"Thank you, I like this picture very much! The pendant also likes it very much, thank you..." Lin Wen whispered in the ear of the instrument.

The surgery was so red, she was also holding the forest warm, and the applause continued.

The host spoke at the right time: "This is the hug of the "False of the Devil", the innocent life of the phoenix and the author's hug in the real world. Just when the stage program has not yet started, I chatted with the teacher, and the teacher said. ...... After Lin Wen warm, there is no phoenix innocent. Of course, this phoenix said that it is Feng Wu’s past life. It can be seen that the teacher Xin Xin is warm and affirmative!

The audience applauded enthusiastically, and the fans of the original party and Lin Wen, who came to support the "Devil's Biography" crew, were particularly enthusiastic.

(End of this chapter)

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