Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 587: Actually, Fu Huai'an is more important than himself.

Chapter 587 actually sees Fu Huai'an more important than himself.

The sincerity of Xin Xin’s apology was received by Lin Wen.

The operation shut down the microphone, and a pair of embarrassed looks whispered to Lin Wen’s opening: "Before... I am still a fan of your husband! Now I am being circled by your son! Don’t misunderstand, I have no other meaning, that is Simply admire your husband, I know that your husband's type of man, certainly do not like things like pendants, so only ask for empty two to do two, one for you, one for your son!"

Lin warmed nodded: "Thank you!"

The sin is called the empty sergeant, and the two should be very familiar. Otherwise, the emptiness mage can't help the singer to make a pendant.

Played a hundred minutes of programming, recorded more than two hours, probably because of getting along with pleasure, faster than Lin Wen’s imagination.

Going to the background to remove makeup, Lin Wen is already sweating.

During the period, Li Muyang did not appear again, but Lin warmed a sigh of relief.

Previously hosting the show, Lin Wen never thought that recording variety shows was so tiring, especially in the game, it was really testing IQ and physical strength.

Seeing Lin Feng, who was panting when he finished the game, the dialect handed Lin a warm physical training list after Lin Wen entered the dressing room.

Lin Wen sitting in the mouth of the mirror before the water has not swallowed, looked up at the dialect; "physical training?!"

"Yes, your physical strength is too bad!" Bending over the dialect sitting on the mirror, and reaching for Lin warm waist and abdomen touched, "Is this vest line hungry?!"

Lin Wen: "..."

"Shaping strength training plus aerobics, improve your physical strength and body lines, you look too slim, mainly practicing shoulder strength, as long as the shoulders and arms are trained, you will not be particularly thin." The dialect brows and thinks about Lin Wendao. "Your heart and lung endurance needs to be improved."

Lin Wen: "..."

So in the dialect, is this going to change from a broker to a fitness instructor? !

When I heard the knock on the door, Lin warmed his head...

Fu Huai'an pushed the door in. He just leaned on the dial in front of the mirror and held his arms. He put his arm down and straightened up and smiled at Fu Huai'an politely: "Mr. Fu!"

Lin warms sitting in the chair and does not move. Looking back in the direction of the door, see Fu Huai'an warming the lips and squeezing, **** the lid of the glass bottle: "I can go away with my sister."

"I have already said it!" said the dialect. "There is still a live talk show tomorrow. At 7 o'clock in the afternoon, I will pick up Lin."

Dialects in front of Fu Huai'an can be more polite than Lin Wen, and Fu Huai'an itself is extremely powerful. The dialect has some guilty feelings. This man who has been in the mall for many years has been a strong man.

But for Lin Wen, because each other is already familiar with each other, the dialect speaks more casually.

"Let's go, Xiaolu has set the restaurant!" Fu Huai'an spoke and turned his eyes to the dialect. "Miss Fang want to be together?!"

The dialect quickly waved his hand: "No need to use it! You and Lin Wen go! I go home to accompany the child..."

Just kidding, where can the dialect really go to be this light bulb!

Lin Wen heard the dialect called Fu Huai'an "you" in the eyes of a smile, the gas field has always been a tough dialect is actually very afraid of Fu Huai'an look, which makes Lin warm unconsciously think that he just started to contact Fu Huai'an.

At that time, Lin Wen was also afraid of Fu Huai'an.

Fu Huai'an looked at Lin Wen's ears and looked red and watered, and the smile was thicker.

"That... I have to go before anything!" The dialect took his shoulder bag and smiled, and smiled at Fu Huai'an.

Fu Huai'an let the door open, and when the dialect went out, he listened to Lin Weng's smile and said: "If you miss the summer, you don't believe that your sister is afraid of others..."

Fu Huai'an is slow to shut down the door: "The performance of dialects, I don't know how many times better than you at that time, you don't have to take a hundred steps to laugh!"

Lin Wen: "..."

This point, Lin Wen himself is not unaware.

When I think about it, Lin Wen does not know when he started to be afraid of Fu Huai'an.

Perhaps the two feelings are getting deeper and deeper. After love is greater than fear, Lin Wen is not afraid of it without knowing it.

Because she saw ... is mostly Fu Huai'an who is gentle to her, and more is Fu Huai'an who hurts her.

Lin warmed in the heart of the warmth, can not help but get up and trotting in the past to hug Fu Huai's narrow waist, buried his head in the voice of Fu Huai'an chest with a bit of tenderness...

"Well, I was afraid of you before. I am not afraid of you now, but I will worry about you, worry about your safety, worry about your unhappiness, worry that you have something in your heart, don't tell me that you are under pressure, worry that my personality is boring. Worried that you will change your mind, I am worried that when you change your mind, I am deeply trapped in it!"

Lin Wen warmed all the worries, Fu Huai'an was in the front, Fu Huai'an throat sliding up and down, my heart was full of moving.

Fu Huai'an hugged the woman who expressed his confession in his arms: "So say... you worry about my safety and unhappiness, more than worrying about my change?"

Lin warm and boring in Fu Huai'an's arms without snoring, these words came to the mouth and naturally said, if not for Fu Huai'an reminder, Lin Wen himself did not find, she did not know when to actually see Fu Huai'an is more important than himself.

For Fu Huai'an, the love that can get Lin Wen is what he asks.

I got it, Fu Huai'an no longer wants to let go, how can it change? !

Although this life is too long, although the aftermath is unpredictable, he is very clear that Lin Wen is a woman he wants to spend a lifetime together, and he wants to be a pampered woman at the top of his heart...

As long as he is still alive, as long as the heart is still beating, his heart that loves Lin warm will not stop.

Fu Huai'an said that he was holding Lin Lin's thin lips and sticking to Lin Wen's ear bones. His deep and powerful voice and hot air broke into her cochlea: "You don't worry about it..."

The days of thrilling and fearfulness in foreign countries have passed, although I am afraid, but in the domestic forest is still very secure, she nodded and tightened Fu Huai'an.

"It's time to change clothes!" Lin Wen opened his mouth in Fu Huai'an's arms. "I am hungry..."

With that said, Lin's warm and thin arms were tightened hard, and Fu Huai'an was tighter, and there was a little bit of a change of clothes.

"Do you want to... I will change clothes for you?!" Fu Huai'an with a low voice.

"Do you dare to guarantee that changing clothes will not evolve into something else?!" Lin warmed his head and asked his chin to rest on Fu Huai'an chest.

Fu Huai'an smiled and said: "I can't say..."

After changing the clothes, I didn’t come out from the dressing room. The dialect was returned. After knocking on the door, I pushed the dressing room and said to Lin Wen. There were fans waiting for Lin Wen, and there were a lot of people. The program group arranged the preservation. Ask Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an how long it will take.

Seeking a monthly ticket...

(End of this chapter)

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