Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 809: You can be assured that there is no danger!

Chapter 809, you can rest assured that there is no danger!

If Fu Huai'an really didn't take the risk to save people, why can't he set up an action plan for several groups in China, and have to go to Mexico? !

She wants to call back the phone and ask Xiaolu, but she can press Fu Huai'an's phone number but it has not been dialed out...

Fu Huai'an is going abroad to attend the wedding of the Vice President of the World Bank. The wedding is held in Mexico. It is understandable that Fu Huai'an is going to Mexico!

Lin warmed against the wall behind him and licked his forehead. Maybe... but she cares and thinks more!

I hope that as Xiao Lu said, as long as Fu Huai'an has attended the wedding of the World Bank Vice President, he will be able to come back safely.

"Warm sister!" Mu Taotao just came to find Lin warm, as soon as I stepped up the stairs, I saw Lin warmed against the edge of the wall and bent forward with my hand on the forehead. Mu Taotao was shocked and thought that Lin Wen had something. The place was uncomfortable and ran to the side.

Lin warmed his cell phone in his hand, stood up with his hands behind the wall behind him, licked his dry eyes, smiled at Mu Taotao, and did not want Mu Taotao to worry.

Seeing Lin warm face is not particularly good, she asked: "Warm sister, are you not feeling well?!"

Lin warmed and shook his head: "Is there something Miss in the summer to let you come to me?!"

Mu Taotao shook her head, she took a U disk from her pocket and handed it to Lin Wen: "Warm sister, the person you are looking for, we found it... this person, the information is in the U disk, our people have already confirmed! ”

Lin warmed her heart and she didn't expect it to be so fast!

“So fast?!” Lin Wen was very surprised. The last time Mu Taotao said that because their main job is to protect Lin Wen, it may be a bit slow to check.

Mu Taotao is obviously a bit strange, Lin Wen actually feels fast!

Mu Taotao swallowed back if she had to apologize for the explanation.

This kind of low level can not be low, and if it is Gu Qingcheng or Fu Huai'an, they will be punished if they fail to deliver the result within an hour.

"Thank you!" Lin warmly thank you.

Mu Taotao did not answer the words, raised his hand and touched his nose: "There is nothing else, I will go first. If you want to clean up this person, we will take 40 minutes." ”

"I will look at it first!" Lin warmed and smiled.

Mu Taotao nodded: "The warm sister has nothing to do, I will go first!"

Lin nodded warmly.

Going back to the room, Lin looked warm and slept in the group, and looked down at the U disk in his hand. Hesitated to open the computer and insert the U disk.

Inside are a few videos, a resume form, and a few Weibo IDs, along with the message content of these Weibo IDs or Weibo content...

Lin warmed up the resume and saw Lu Lili's photo, his brows wrinkled.

In the video, Lu Lili met a group in the hospital for medical treatment, and then followed the nurses to take a blood test report, and then hurriedly left!

In another video, Lu Lili went to the Internet cafe with a cap, uploaded the already edited Weibo content in the Internet cafe, and then left...

The remaining videos are videos of Lu’s frequent access to Internet cafes.

Lin Wen looked at the Weibo ID's message and the Weibo sent, and they all wanted to lead to a discussion. The group was not Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an, and the child's biological parents and other parents!

However, it is a pity that the people who eat the melons on the Internet seem to prefer the story of another version. They have been making a fuss about the warmth of the forest and the warm flesh and blood of the body.

Lin warm brows wrinkled, Lu Lili is one of the few people who know the true life of the group.

Lin Wen guessed why Lu Lili wanted to do this...

Is it to add to Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an? !

After knowing that it was Lu Lili, the unhappiness in Lin’s heart gradually decreased, and Lu Lili can do it now... that is, to add Fu Huai’an and Lin Wen to this thing!

Seeing that the group had moved, Lin warmed the computer, unplugged the U disk and put it in his pocket. He walked over to kneel in front of the bed, stroking the small head of the group with one hand, and patted the small buttocks of the group with one hand, see The group once again quieted down and slept, and Lin Wen slowly got up and sat by the bed.

Although Lu Lili can not bring any substantial harm to Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an, Lin Wen will still worry about the group...

After thinking of returning to the kindergarten after the group, the life experience may be taken by people to make irresponsible remarks, and the anger of the group will be plagued by the anger of Zhonglin warm heart.

I don’t have any opinion about arguing for Lin Wen with a bright and light means. Even if Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an are already married, she still has to make a wrist. She can take a child to do the cutting and involve the child into the adult world. The practice is not shameful for Lin.

What's more, how do you say that the group and Lu Lili are considered to be related to each other? How can she bear to make a fuss about the life of the group, and is not afraid of leaving any shadow on the young mind of the group? !

Lin warmed up and down, the phone vibrated, her movements patted the group gently, bowed up and got up and picked up the phone on the table and looked at it... It was Fu Huai'an.


The group hugged Lin’s hand, and looked at Lin Wen’s eyes with his sleepy eyes...

I don't know if it's because of the warmth of sleeping, the little white and tender face is red.

"Dad is on the phone!"

Lin warmed and sat back to the bed, connected to the ear: "Hey..."

The group was lying in bed and looking at the phone with Fu Huai'an, and the red cheeks on the right cheek were pressed by the pillow. The corners of the mouth also vaguely showed traces of saliva.

"Let you worry..." Fu Huai'an's mature and mellow voice was a bit hoarse. "You don't feel any danger! I will go back after the wedding!"

In front of the group, Lin Wen is not good and Fu Huai'an said his doubts in his heart, smiled and said to Fu Huai'an: "The group woke up, you have to say two words with the group?! The group wants you very much... ”

Hearing Lin Wen said, the group climbed out of the quilt and looked up at the furry little head. He looked at the forest and opened the public. He immediately rushed over. He was kneeling beside Lin Wen’s, and his hand was holding Lin Wen. The arm and mouth were put in front of the screen of the mobile phone, and the low voice screamed: "Dad..."

"Dad is not there, has the group heard the words of the mother?!" Fu Huai'an asked on the phone.

The group nodded and looked red.

I didn't have a good phone call with Fu Huai'an. When I called the phone, I couldn't help but especially miss Fu Huai'an.


Fu Huai'an a question word came from the receiver, and the group realized that Fu Huai'an couldn't see his nod. He licked his eyes with a chubby hand, and the eyelashes instantly became wet, with tiny tears.

Second more...

(End of this chapter)

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