Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 810: It is the weakest time!

Chapter 810 is the weakest time!

He whispered close to the phone, and the milk sounded with a nasal sound: "The group is the most embarrassing..."

On the other end of the phone, Fu Huai'an gave a low laugh: "Yes, Dad knows that the group is the most embarrassed! Now that my father is not there, the group should remember that you are a little man, to protect your mother, take care of your mother know?!"

Fu Huai'an clearly said that the child's words, obviously it should be warm, can be matched with his mature and steady voice, how to listen to it is like the superior to give orders to the lower level.

The group nodded again, then whispered to the phone and said: "Know it..."

"The father and mother said a few words, you want to marry, okay?!"

The group looked up and looked at Lin Wen with the pair of wet eyes. Lin warmed off the public release and wrapped it in the quilt. "Mom and Dad said a few words, and then dressed for the group!"

The group nodded.

Lin warm put the phone in his ear and cleared his throat: "Hey..."

"Take care of your own group, there are small glass!" Fu Huai'an is warm.

"Well, I know, you can rest assured..." Lin warmed.

It seems that Xiaolu is not there at the end of the phone. Fu Huai'an speaks more boldly: "I miss you very much..."

Probably because of the group's sake, Lin Wen heard this sentence, subconsciously changed the phone to an ear, so that the phone is farther away from the group.

"Well! I know..." Lin Wen replied, "I and the group also miss you very much!"

Lin Wen looked down to the group, and saw the black and white clear eyes of the group looking at himself, her ears were a bit hot.

"I know that these days I am scared. I will compensate you when I go back. Take a few days off, take you and the group... Go to the place where you want to go and play!" Fu Huai'an voice is very soft.

"Good! I am with the group... We are waiting for you to come back safely!" Lin Wen emphasized the words "Peace."

"Yeah!" Fu Huaian's voice was faintly exhausted.

Knowing that Fu Huai'an had not rested for a long time, Lin Wen couldn't bear to disturb Fu Huai'an's time of rest, and said: "You are going to sleep for a while! I am going to dress up for the group here, I have to prepare for the afternoon interview! I have to go early in the evening. Sleeping, will a few stars come into the show group tomorrow! Tomorrow should be a very tired day! I have a small glass in the army and I am safe. You can rest assured..."

Lin warm tone makes it easy.

"Okay, I know! It’s hard work for you..." The tenderness in Fu Huai'an's words can be felt through the phone Lin Lin.

"Okay! Go for a break!"

Hanging up the phone, Lin warmed back and saw the group was putting a sweater on his small head. The small hand took the sweater down, and the furry head was revealed.

Little and awkward, he put his arm into his sleeve and put on a small sweater and smiled at Lin.

Dad said that he is a little man, so the group does not want to add trouble to Lin Wen, his own things to do, and he also promised Dad to take care of his mother!


After Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen hung up the phone, Xiao Lu just brewed the tea back.

"Sir, tea..."

Putting the phone on the round table, Fu Huai'an handed over the tea handed over by Xiao Lu, and Fu Huai'an took a breath and slowly opened the air: "Xiaolu, you are ready to go back to China!"

Xiao Lu Yiyi: "Mr...."

Xiaolu knows that the hotel will be extremely dangerous here. If he leaves, then Fu Huai'an is left alone.

Fu Huai'an put down the teacup in his hand: "When you go back, look at Xiaowen where there is something to help!"

Xiaolu thought that when Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen called to know about the things on Weibo, they said: "Mr., although the young masters in the country are the sons of Wen Jiada, the Wen Jiada has stood up to clarify. And I also clarified with your Weibo account, the wife and the young master, Miss Xiaoliu are in the army, there is no danger, but you are here..."

"There is a son of Wen Moshen?!" Fu Huai'an brows tightly, picks up the phone that has been put down, and opens Weibo.

Standing on the side and looking at Fu Huai's little Lu Han lived his lips, did he have more words? !

Xiaolu’s brain turned faster, thinking if Fu Huai’an didn’t let him go back and help with it, knowing why, why should he be supported? !

Soon, Xiaolu realized that Fu Huaian was thinking about bringing him back to China because he felt that the next is very dangerous.

"Sir, you think it will be very dangerous here, so I want to return to China?!" Xiaolu could not help but ask.

Fu Huai'an didn't look up and looked at the phone screen: "Since you can think of it, what are you still doing here?!"

"Sir, since the next place is very dangerous, let's go together! Now the wife and the young masters are in the army. The people of Mali Xixiu don't dare to go to the wife for their troubles! We wait until several groups start to work, and God doesn't know. The ghosts leave the hotel so that the people of Malrison can't catch us, isn't it..."

"Small land..." Fu Huai'an said that he interrupted Xiaolu. "I didn't plan to wait for them in the hotel!"

Xiao Lu lived, and he looked at Fu Huai'an, who was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed. His eyes were all puzzled.

Locked the screen of the mobile phone, Fu Huai'an pleated deep face lifted, the calm watery eyes are the depth of Xiao Lu's hair: "I want to completely settle this in Mexico."

Xiao Lu only felt that the scalp was numb.

He understands what Fu Huai’s said is what it means!

I am afraid that Fu Huai'an intends to find Yadi Meimin while the four action groups start to save people in the HMP Bel Marsh prison, and end it all!

However, this time is different from the help of Qin Zhe in Dubai Fu Huai'an!

At that time, Nasser's goal was not Fu Huai'an, and Nasser did not have a great Marley!

Nowadays, they are in the land of Mexico. The goal of Mali is originally Fu Huai'an. There are people on the lower floor of the hotel guarding the surveillance. Fu Huai'an is also a personal one. A person single-handedly went to find Yadi Meimin, the risk factor is too big!

"Sir, even if you want to end, you don't have to worry about it at this time! It's better to wait for the four groups to save people. The four groups are more likely to cooperate with you..."

Fu Huaian shook his head and said, "You still go back..."

Fu Huai'an did not explain with Xiao Lu. Now Yadi Meimin and Mali Xiu think that everything is under their control, and it is the weakest time!

The reason why Fu Huai'an had to pick up the four action groups to save people and Yadi Meimin made a knot, because he was afraid that he would be angry with Yadi, and he would kill his four comrades.

Secondly, after fearing that the four groups rescued people, Yadi Meimin did not have Fu Huai'an's weakness, and it was bound to be prepared for Fu Huai'an.

The third is to ask for a monthly ticket...

(End of this chapter)

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