Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 811: Now is not the time when you are loyal

Chapter 811 is not the time when you are loyal

In addition, Fu Huai'an rescued the four groups at the same time, but also in order not to give Yadi Meimin and Marisiu the reaction time, so that they can not take care of the HMP Belmash prison, so that the four groups of operations more smoothly some.

"Sir! If you don't go! I won't go!" Xiao Lu is determined.

Under the light, Fu Huai'an eyebrows reveals majesty and deepness: "Now is not the time when you are loyal..."

"Mr. I am serious! Although I can't help a lot, I can still help with it! You can't help me when I return to China. I don't feel relieved when I see it! You might as well leave me. it's here!"

"Airplane at 9 o'clock in the morning tomorrow, pack your luggage!"

Fu Huai'an's tone is not to be denied.


Xiao Luguang followed Fu Huai'an until Fu Huai'an entered the suite bedroom, and Xiao Lu's eyebrows wrinkled.

Subsequently, Xiaolu did not go back and pack his bags as Fu Huai’an said. He made up his mind to stay, even if Fu Huai'an wants to fire him, he insists!

After a short break, Fu Huaian took a shower and took out the architectural structure of the Malisui residence from the suitcase compartment and came out of the bedroom in a bathrobe.

When he was just out, he saw Xiao Luzheng taking the plate from the dining car and placing it on the dining table.

Hearing the opening of the bedroom, Xiao Lu turned his head: "Mr. You woke up..."

Xiao Lu You laugh put the napkin on the table and stood on the side to open the chair for Fu Huai'an.

"Don't pack your bags?!" Fu Huai'an asked.

"I didn't plan to go, sir!" Xiao Lu is full of determination. "Even if you fire me, I won't leave here!"

Fu Huai'an's black scorpion looked at Xiaolu, and slowly walked to the table, picking up the black coffee that Xiaolu was grinding, and sniffing under the nose.

"Sir, I know that you are used to being alone, but if I can at least help you with some intelligence gathering, get the admission ticket!" Xiao Lu took an invitation from his suit pocket, hands Respectfully to Fu Huai'an.

Xiao Lu has been with Fu Huai'an for many years. He knows Fu Huai'an's habit of doing things. He will have at least two preparations for whatever he does!

A few days ago, Xiao Lu found that tomorrow, Yadi Meimin and Matthews are going to participate in the dance held by the black market Dabie Cruz.

So since Fu Huai'an is not going to sit still and take the initiative to attack, then Fu Huai'an has three choices, one is to prepare for the inner house in the fortress like Mali, and the other is to start at the dance when Matthews and Yadi Meimin attend the dance. Preparation...

Therefore, Xiao Lu gave Fu Huai'an an invitation to the ball.

Of course, there is a third possibility, which is to start with Yadi Meimin and Matthews on the way to the ball.

These three may depend on where the two teams of Yadi Meimin and Matthews are when their action team rescues people in prison at 8:30 tomorrow night.

Fu Huai'an looked at the invitation and said: "You are the only son of the family, there is no need to take risks for this little thing..."

Upon hearing this, Xiaolu’s body was slightly stiff.

Fu Huai'an walked to the desk of the work and unfolded the structure of the house of Mali's home, and set the coffee aside.

On the residential structure map, Fu Huai'an has clearly marked the shift time of the guards, the number of guards, and the heavy weapons are placed in those places.

Fu Huai'an turned and put all the papers that had been pasted on the wall about the action plan one by one, and the movements were not too slow.

Xiao Lu’s heart struggled for only a moment, and then he lifted his foot and walked toward Fu Huai’an’s side. He silently helped Fu Huai’an to fill the wall of paper and newspaper paper.

It was not until the paper on the wall was about to finish the small land. It was faintly open: "If I didn't have a gentleman at the age of twelve, I was already dead. From that time on, I have been looking forward to growing up. I hope that one day I can stand in the gentleman's. What are you doing for Mr...."

There is no trace of calm in the voice of Xiao Lu. These things have been hidden in the bottom of my heart for many years, and it is effortless to say to Fu Huai'an.

"As long as it is Mr., even if you are seen as insignificant, even if it is because of this insignificant death, I have no regrets."

Xiao Lu reached out and took the information from Fu Huai'an's hand, screaming and screaming, looking firmly at Fu Huai'an.

Fu Huai’an saw Xiaolu’s eyes screaming, shaking a cigarette from the mouth of the cigarette box and biting it in the corner of his mouth. When he reached for the match, Xiaolu had already pressed the lighter one step at a time and sent it to Fu Huai’an.

The swaying flames will confuse Fu Huai'an's well-defined Wuguan Ying, and the two black-skinned scorpions can't tell the secluded.

He sent the cigarette to the corner of his lips, and he ignited the flame with one hand, and across the blue mist, his **** squat line was resolute and chilly.

When I ordered the cigarette, Fu Huai'an raised her eyelids and stared at Xiaolu's eyes. She took a bit of soot from the ashtray and called out the mist: "With you..."

Xiao Lu heard Fu Huai'an loosen his mouth, his heart lowered a little, nodded, holding the information that had just been taken from the wall and was useless to burn.

Fu Huaian took a cigarette from the hand of the cigarette and took a bite. He bit the cigarette in the corner of his lips and picked up the pencil to draw on the drawing.

Xiaolu has done his duty to print out the building structure of the dance party that night, and sent it to Fu Huai'an, and placed the FFID building's various angles in front of Fu Huai'an...

"Mr.... This is the place where the Derby Krude holds the ball. On the top floor of the FFID building near Chapultepec Park, the FFID building is the private property of Derby Krude. The building is entirely glass-walled..."

Xiaolu said in great detail and Fu Huai'an said the structure of the building, the floor and other data, detailed to the building's ventilation system and pipeline, as well as the sewer structure...

"But about the top floor of the building where Derby Krude lives, because the security system and the security system are too strict, I can't find out why! This information is about to get in after it can get it." Xiao Lu licked his lips, first The next big courage and Fu Huai'an talked about their plans. "Sir, I have a plan, it may not be very mature. Do you want to listen?!"

Fu Huai'an heard the words of Xiao Lu and looked at Xiaolu...

Xiaolu seems to be nervous. The hand holding the photo of the FFID building does not consciously tighten and pinch the edge of the photo.

Fu Huai'an took back his gaze and smoothed the structure of the FFID building with a large hand holding a pencil: "What plan!"

"I think, because tomorrow is also the time for our team to save people, but we are not sure when Yadi Meimin and Matthews will go out, and we must save the time and the time to work with Matthews and Yadi. ......"

The first is more...

(End of this chapter)

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