Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 816: Slim arm wrapped around Fu Huai'an waist

Chapter 816 Slim arm wrapped around Fu Huai'an waist

Fu Huai'an dagger left his backpack behind the car: "Go!"

Fu Huai'an was also wearing air-conditioned repair clothes. Under the small jacket, he was also a waiter's overalls. Two people returned to the hotel together and went in from the kitchen.

Xiao Lu and Fu Huai'an said that the air conditioner suddenly did not work, and entered the hotel under the eyes of Marisius.

Fu Huai'an believes that Marisho is now busy with Yadi's eyebrows. There is no energy and effort to manage the London prison, so Fu Huai'an is not in a hurry.

According to the plan made by Fu Huai'an, there is no accident, from the start to the end of thirty minutes to thirty-five minutes.

Sure enough, as soon as I arrived at the hotel, Fu Huai'an received the news and all four people were rescued!

Fu Huai'an four comrades have different degrees of injuries, which were caused by people in prison.

After receiving the call, Fu Huai'an did not have many surprises or accidents. He just told him to send the person back to China safely. Besides, he said nothing more.

In the follow-up, Xiaolu still has a lot of things to deal with, such as dealing with the Alisha, for example, to deal with the waiter.


Lin Wen is going to Jinjiang TV station today to record "Warm Words", and the army sent four people to protect Lin Wen. Lin Wen knows that this is for her safety, so there is no objection.

Afraid of any problems on the road, Lin Wen left the group and Yun Liuli in the army, and went to Jinjiang TV station together with Mu Taotao, Miss Xia and dialect.

It’s just that Lin Wen and Mu Taotao, dialects, and Miss Xia’s people walked into Jinjiang TV under the protection of four officers. It is indeed too eye-catching.

After recording the program, Lin Wen sat in the chair in the dressing room, with his eyes closed and tired.

Mu Taotao took the makeup remover cotton and looked at Lin Wen...

When I saw Lin Lin’s program, I stood in the light and looked at it. From the spotlight, Lin Wen seemed to have been drained.

"Warm sister, that Lu Yili about you, for a while... Are you really going to see?!" Mu Taotao said, bending over and gently covering the cotton pad with makeup remover on Lin warm eyes. Press and prepare to unload false eyelashes first.

Did not hear Lin warm's answer, Mu Taotao's line of sight fell on Lin warm's face, watching Lin warm's reaction secretly guessing Lin warm promised to see Lu Lili's purpose.

I didn’t see Lin Wen’s reaction. Mu Taotao secretly pondered Lin’s warm thoughts and said: “In fact, why should you go to see her with a warm sister? If you want to be a person, you have more ways! Why bother to make a tongue-to-mouth battle with others? This kind of person... It’s good to have a meal, not a meal... then two meals, it hurts her, she is afraid, even disabled! I promise that she will not dare to take the lead in the future, Anan’s points !"

Lin Wen still did not say anything, she raised her hand and pressed Mu Taotao to remove the makeup cotton on her own eyes, adjust the sitting position and open her eyes, the false eyelashes have been stained on the cotton pad.

After unloading makeup, Lin warmed his eyes with eye wash and covered the lid of the eye wash. He said: "Who said that I am going to see her?!"

Mu Taotao listened to Lin Wen’s saying that he was busy giving Lin a warm idea: “That warm sister, I will send you back to the army for a while, I will go for a trip for you, and I will not dare to make any moths after I have taught her!”

Lin Wen looked at Mu Mutao, who was eager to try through the makeup mirror. She was not a fool. The head of Mu Taotao was placed here, and it was transferred from Gu Qingcheng. Human life!

In Mu Taotao, their lives are probably the least valuable. They have no psychological pressure to deal with them. Mu Taotao has such a good skill. If he starts to move his hands, he accidentally wants Lu Lili’s life? !

"You are still with me!"

After Lin Wen finished, close his eyes and bury his face in the water...

The door of the dressing room was gently opened, and Mu Taotao saw Fu Huai'an coming out of the door with a chill of Haicheng. She just wanted to open her mouth, but she was stopped by Fu Huai'an.

Fu Huai'an wore a black coat jacket with a dark blue turtleneck sweater and a slim suit, which made Fu Huai'an facial features more and more mature.

His trousers are pretty, the big hand of the door is holding a scarf, and the other hand is holding a bouquet of flowers.

Xiao Lu, standing at the door, waved at Mu Taotao and signaled Mu Taotao to come out.

Mu Taotao nodded. After Fu Huai'an came in, he left the dressing room with great eyes and left it to Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen.

Lin warmed his face from the washbasin and closed his eyes to touch the cotton towel. Fu Huai'an saw the scarf in his hand and took two cotton wipes to Lin Lin.

Lin Wen touched two cotton wipes, and the brows were slightly tight: "Which can be used so much, it is too wasteful!"

Fu Huai'an stood behind Lin and warmed up. He listened to Lin Wen's words and smiled. The eyebrows were thick and soft.

Wiping his face, Lin warmed his eyes, went to the mirror, just picked up the spray and did not sit down, I saw Fu Huai's bright shoes under the trousers from the mirror.

Lin Wen suddenly turned around, Fu Huai'an stood in Lin and warmed up and smiled at her.

During this time, Lin Wen did not rest well. The whole person was a lot thinner. The old clothes on his body were more spacious than before. The thicker facial contours became clearer, and the interlocking bones became more and more deep.

Lin warmed slightly, she did not receive a message. Fu Huai'an came back today. If she remembers correctly, today is the wedding of the vice president of the World Bank!

"Two cotton wipes feel wasteful, it will live!" Fu Huai'an mellow voice with a few smiles, nice people are heart-wrenching.

When the eye circles were red, Lin was warm and difficult to cover up. Looking up and down Fu Huai'an, I wanted to find out if Fu Huai'an was hurting back like the last time.

Before I asked Lin Wen’s opening, Fu Huai’an put the flowers on Lin’s chair and reached for a man into his arms.

I smashed into Fu Huai'an's arms, and the palm of my hand, the sergeant Fu Huai'an's strong chest, all of the breath was Fu Huai'an's mature and clear air. Lin warmed his eyes more red, and his throat seemed to be blocked.

She bit her lower lip, her slender arm wrapped around Fu Huai'an's waist, only to listen to Fu Huai'an in her ear and lowered her voice: "Mrs. Fu, I brought your Mr. Fu... brought back in good condition! Is there any reward? !Ok?!"

Lin Wenk refrained from his own emotions, and did not let his tears fall. His face was attached to Fu Huai'an's chest. The hands of Fu Huai'an's narrow waist moved around Fu Huai'an's broad shoulders. Lin warmed his head and his throat was sore. There was a sound, and there was a slight blockage in the breath.

The familiar person, the familiar embrace and the familiar atmosphere finally let the heart that Lin Wen has been hanging down.

She looked up and tried to keep herself from tears. She smelled the aftershave.

I want to come... Before Fu Huai'an came to see her, she should have just shaved her beard.

Third, the old Fu is back! Sweet continues...

(End of this chapter)

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