Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 817: Normal routine cannot be used

Chapter 817 Normal routines cannot be used

Fu Huai'an helped Lin Wen, holding Lin Xiao's delicate face, his thumb was on her lips, and she lowered her head...

Knowing Fu Huai'an's intentions, Lin Wen did not dodge, she picked up her toes and climbed the small hand of Fu Huai'an's shoulder to tighten, with Fu Huai'an's movement.

I feel very long... I haven’t had such close contact with Fu Huai'an for a long time!

I don’t see it every other day, it’s probably the feeling...

Lin Wen has been breathing and can't wait!

His dark-skinned scorpion squinted at the warm and beautiful facial features of Lin, and looked at her reaction. The twilight became softer under the warm light.

After a taste of it, Fu Huai'an didn't want to be out of control here...

His heavy breathing was in the ear to let Lin warm red face, only to listen to Fu Huai'an: "I have already sent people to the troops to take the group and the cloud to return to Fu House, today I will accompany you..."

Hearing that Fu Huai'an did not intend to return to Fu Zhai and the group cloud glazed to meet, Lin warmed his head and looked at his mature and handsome tough five-faced question: "Where?"

"Dating..." Fu Huai'an voice smirked, holding Lin Wen's thin waist and reaching for the flowers that had just been resting on the chair.

Let Lin Wen worry about it for so long, Fu Huai'an on the way back always thinking about how to compensate Lin Wen!

Since they got married, Fu Huai'an has been busy, and has not given Lin Han a good date, so on the way back, Fu Huai'an wants to compensate for Lin Wen, a two-person date, Lin Wen should like it.

Lin Wen felt like a girl, could not help but red ears, she hugged the flowers in her arms, looked down and sniffed, the smell of flowers and fragrances in the breath, Lin warmed up and restrained the shyness of my heart: "Go Genting Apartment?!"

Fu Huai'an grasped Lin's warm waist and tightened his hands. The deep eyes had a smile: "Is it strange that I have given you before, and I feel like dating me?! Hmm?!"

Lin Wen: "..."

Lin warmed up a blushing neck, and it was not hers...

Did not continue to look at the explanation of the problem, Lin warmed to face the red ear and asked: "Where are you going?!"

"First go to see Lu Lili, then take you to a date! Normal date..." Fu Huai'an reached out and took Lin's down jacket to her, deliberately emphasizing the normal two words.

Lin Wenger's roots became hotter, biting his lower lip, reaching out with Fu Huai'an wearing a jacket sleeve, and couldn't help but say Fu Huai'an: "The date you used to take me is not a normal date?!"

"Well, I was anxious to tie you to the side, and the normal routine can't be used..." Fu Huai'an admits that he is calm, he licked the little hand of Lin Lin warm, and waited for Lin Wen to respond, he took the person out, "go." Let's go!"

"Wait, the package!" Lin warmed with flowers in one hand, and Fu Huai'an took one hand and took the bag.

Fu Huai'an opened the door, and Xiaolu said, Xiaolu dagger, busy taking Lin Wen's shoulder bag trotting to the elevator to chase Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen.

After chasing the elevator, Fu Huai'an took the road of Lin Wen from Xiao Lu: "You first call back to the company..."

It means that Fu Huai'an wants to drive by himself. Xiaolu is sure. He handed the car key to Fu Huai'an and smiled and nodded: "Good sir!"

Xiao Lu knows how much Fu Huai'an misses Lin Wen, otherwise he will not be so anxious to meet the World Bank Vice President alone to send a wedding gift, and rush back!

After all, although Mexico looks dangerous now, it is still safe...

Maltese on the other side of Mexico is already overwhelmed, except for the glare of Yadi's eyebrows and the big explosion of London's HMP Belmash prison... Marisiu is also investigating whether Fu Huai's four comrades are also dead!

According to the truth, Yadi Meimin shot a headshot, it should not be alive, can be sent to the hospital after Yadi Meimin actually miraculously survived, but can wake up but it is unknown.

Because of Yadi's eyebrows, Marley's whole person was like crazy and Debikerud, and it was said that if Derby Krude could not find the murderer who shot at Yadi, he would take this piece. The matter counts on Derby Kroude’s head, and he wants to reward the head of Derby Krude.

As a **** market, Derby Kroude is not vegetarian. The more Debikrud wants to behave in the drama, he thinks that Yadi Meimin has something to do in his land, let him go to the police, but he When the tone of Marley's tone is on fire, it is a direct reward for the head of Marisius. The bounty is soaring, but no one dares to pick it up.

At first, Mali Xiu was also suspicious of Fu Huai'an, but they were almost completely surrounded by Surveillance Fu Huai'an. That night, Fu Huai'an did not leave the hotel, and no one could monitor or marry any flaws.

According to the truth, Marisho should kill Fu Huai'an directly in Mexico to complete the wish of Yadi Meimin to avenge his brother!

Marley did not do this. He knew how much Yadi Meimin wanted to see Fu Huai’s remorse in front of her brother’s tombstone, and then personally hand-painted her brother’s tombstone with Fu Huai’an blood!

Therefore, Ma Lixi, who was in front of Yadi’s eyebrows, kept telling Yadi’s eyebrows and letting Yadi’s eyebrows wake up... otherwise he would not help Yadi’s eyebrows to kill Fu Huai’an. He hopes to use this. Ways to wake up Yadi Meimin.

Gu Qingcheng does not intend to leave the dangerous fire in this world. He has always disliked passive defense and beating. He assembled three groups to prepare a thorough understanding of Marisiu and the Yadi Meimin who did not know if he could wake up. .

Marley is currently under the pressure of Derby Krude, and then under the pressure of Gu Qingcheng, Xiao Lu used his toes to know that Mali did not have time to find Fu Huai'an trouble.

After all, he and Fu Huai'an, apart from an Yadi Meimin, really have nothing to blame for the relationship.

Xiaolu stood downstairs in Jinjiang TV station and watched Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen's car go far away. The mess in his head was like a half-baked, until he was gently patted by Mu Taotao and returned to God.

"Hmm?!" Xiao Lu frowned and looked back. At first sight, Mu Taotao smiled. "Hello..."

"Do you know that your own scarf is forgotten upstairs, especially here waiting for me to send you?!" Mu Taotao smiled and his eyes bent like a big heartless child, and his feelings were clear. A bit innocent and pure.

Xiaolu looked down on some embarrassed eyes. Sure enough, he didn’t see a scarf on his neck. He was busy reaching out and thanked Mu Taotao: "Sorry, trouble you! Thank you!"

First, ask for a monthly ticket...

(End of this chapter)

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