Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 841: How should Lin Biao be peaceful in this life? !

Chapter 841 How should Lin Biao be peaceful in this life? !

When I heard that Ji Yun might soon leave this world, Lin Wen couldn't help but couldn't help but tears.

Liang Shuo held Lin in his arms and patted the back of Lin Wen’s back. He whispered like a child’s warmth in the forest: “There are people who have such a day, just the difference between early arrival and late arrival. It’s not a good thing that your mother’s embarrassment has been picked up by your father in the past few years!”

Lin Wen nodded on Liang Shu’s shoulder, no snoring.

Liang Shuo knows too much about her daughter. The more Lin Wen is not snoring, the more sad she is...

She took Lin's little hand and sat down on the sofa: "Your mother has been sick for years. Your father has not left your mother. It is obvious that your father loves your mother very deeply. Your mother should also miss your father. Do you understand what I mean?!"

Lin Wen still did not say anything, nodded.

The pain of this kind of loved one is not something that others can persuade, and Liang Shu has also experienced it. How can he not know? !

It’s just that Lin is warm and painful, probably Lin Biao will be more painful than Lin Wen...

In addition to having a family relationship with Ji Yun, Lin Biao also has awkwardness!

She hasn't had time to make up for Ji Yun. If Ji Yun is gone, how should Lin Biao be peaceful? !

On that day, Lin Wen did not go to the program. Quietly and Liang Shuo sat in front of the fireplace. I wanted to wait for Ji Yun to wake up and have a meal together. I would like to talk to Ji Yun and see what Ji Yun had.

Liang Shu has already thought about it. If Ji Yun’s wish is to watch Lin Biao’s marriage, then she will take care of her face and go to the family to set the marriage of the two children!

Now, in terms of the feelings of the two children, Liang Shu can see that there is no big problem. The problem lies with Gu Shaoting’s mother. She has never been able to grow up. Lin Biao grew up in the alley of the alley and felt that Lin Biao did not. The law became the sage of Gu Shaoting.

This incident, Gu Shaoting’s mother has been very concealed and Liang Shu said that Liang Shu was also happy at the time, and told Gu Shaoting’s mother concealedly. Now Gu Shaoting is chasing their daughter’s daughter. Willing to let go, let Gu Shaoting's mother manage his son!

Both of them are wise people. The smiles on the plains are all ridiculous. They all have the meaning, and there is nothing on the surface, but the meeting can be called unhappy.

Not long after, the snow fell on the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the white thundered the scenery, occupying the scenery outside the window, smashing...

The sky gradually darkened, and the snow on the branches and fence walls was blown away by the cold wind, but it was covered again. Lin warm stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and was somewhat distracted.

When I received a phone call from a dialect, I said that the date of the program was pushed to the day after tomorrow, so that Lin warmly handled the matter at home without worry.

Hanging up the phone, I saw Lin Biao coming downstairs. She stood in the middle of the stairs, and she was not willing to move down.

Liang Shu first noticed Lin Biao, put down his hands and stood up, and he had a hunch in his heart.

Seeing that everyone is facing her direction, Lin Biao held the stair handrail with one hand, and refused to let himself cry, but the tears fell down.

Until Lin Wen turned his head and Lin Biao collided, Lin Biao whimpered his mouth: "Go..."

There are only two words.

Lin warmed hard to open his eyes, not letting the tears fall down, or control no tears, she bowed her head and hands to the tears and nodded.

Expected things.

Ji Yun walked very peacefully. She was personally sent to the building by Lin Wen and placed on the bed. She was accompanied by Lin Biao, so she fell asleep and never woke up.

When did you go, Lin Biao didn't know!

She just watched it in the afternoon, let Ji Yun eat something, whispered a few sounds in Ji Yun's ear, only to notice that something was wrong, and when he reached out to test the rhythm of Ji Yun, there was no breath.

Ji Yun was awake, but he had already left without saying a word with Lin Biao.

Lin Biao’s mind is all she has been facing Ji Yun, shouting at Ji Yun, and even shoving the picture of Ji Yun, repenting and biting her arm in the room did not dare to cry.

Lin Biao’s arm was bitten by his own blood, and it’s probably this feeling of regretting to die!

She thinks that Ji Yun must hate her, otherwise why she would not say anything to her when she was awake!

Liang Shu’s eye pointed at the red mark on the back of Lin’s trembling hand. He hurriedly ran to the stairs and walked upstairs: “Small! What is this?!”

Being held in his arms by Liang Shu, a string in Lin Biao’s mind collapsed. She held a beam and burst into tears: “I haven’t apologized yet! I haven’t compensated her yet! What should I do mom! Mom is dead... my mother is dead..."

Lin Wen couldn't hear Lin Biao's crying, turned and looked at the window and clasped his arms tightly. The nails almost had to penetrate the sweater and get stuck in the tender meat.

She was immersed in a warm and solid embrace, and she almost collapsed emotionally! But Lin Biao has collapsed, she has to stabilize!

There is no relatives and friends around Ji Yun, as if he came all alone, and after a lifetime of life, he walked away...

Both care workers are more experienced, and Liang Shuo is watching at the side. Fu Huai'an, who has arranged for the shroud arrangement, has arranged for Xiaolu to do it.

In the early morning, the people in the funeral parlour came to take Ji Yun away. Lin Biao wiped the hands and feet of Ji Yun with tears and tears.

The tree wants to be quiet and the wind is not enough. The child wants to raise and does not wait. At this moment, no one is more thorough than Lin Biao’s understanding of this sentence.

She is sorry for Ji Yun, and she is still unclear in this life!

The staff of the funeral parlour was used to this situation, and stood patiently waiting for a little waiting.

The funeral of Ji Yun is very simple. It is not that they are not willing to give Ji Yun a big job, but where the friends and family members of Ji Yun lived, not to mention Lin Wen, even Lin Biao did not know.

On the day of Ji Yun’s burial, the sky was under the same heavy snow as when she died.

Lin Wen held the urn of Ji Yun in his hand. Lin Biao held a photo of Ji Yun in his arms. In the company of Lin family, he buried the biological father of Ji Yun and Lin Wen.

Under the black umbrella, Lin Wen and Lin Biao stand side by side...

The tombstone is engraved with the daughter: Lu Wen, Lu Yan.

Lin Wen’s account has been in Lin’s family, and his name has not changed. After Lin Biao returned to Lin’s family, he was called Lin Biao.

But this time, two people on the tombstone were engraved with the surname, indicating that they were the daughters of the couple who were buried here.

Lin Biao didn't come because he hadn't raised it yet. Lin Wen and Lin Biao worried that Lin Biao would appear in front of Liang Shu and Lin Jing before they would scare them. He did not inform Lin Biao.

Liang Shu and Lin Jingquan originally wanted to call Lin Biao back, Lin Biao stopped...

Third, after watching the babies, remember to help thousands of hits! Love you guys……

(End of this chapter)

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