Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 842: I will give you all the compensation for my mother!

Chapter 842 I will give you all the compensation for my mother!

Lin Biao said that his big brother would not know Ji Yun, and he would not have to let his brother come back from abroad.

In addition, the time for the big brother to come back to bury is over! It’s not always time to wait for Big Brother to delay the time of the burial.

Both Lin Biao and Lin Wen said that they would not be called Lin Biao, and Liang Shu and Lin Jingquan were not reluctant.

Before the tombstone, Lin Biao hesitated for a long time, and finally he still choked and opened his mouth to Lin...

"This is a letter left by Mom..." Lin Biao said, taking a letter from his coat pocket and handing it to Lin Wen. "On the day when Mom was not there, you called me to come over. When I entered the mother room, I saw it on the table, originally... I want to take it for myself!"

Lin Wen was a little surprised, and he looked at Lin Biao.

"But I think there are some things that should be important to you! If you don't mind... read the letter to me?! Please..."

There is no shortage of pleading in Lin Biao’s tone.

Lin Biao, this person rarely shows weakness in front of others, especially if he is unwilling to show weakness in front of Lin Wen. She even helps Lin Wen, and she has to put a careless attitude, not a warm attitude.

If it is not really wanting to the extreme, Lin Biao will not open this mouth to Lin.

Lin Wen has hesitated.

Under the umbrella, Lin warmed and untied the neat paper. When he didn’t have time to see it, he heard Liang’s voice shouting...

Lin warmed down the mind and tightened the letter in his hand, this is the last thing that Ji Yun left behind!

Lin Biao can even see Lin Wen holding the letter of the letter, forced to almost penetrate the letter paper, she can feel the extreme struggle of Lin Wenxin.

"I have too many apologies for my mother. I am too sorry. I went from birth to my mother. I have never seen a mother sober. This letter is evidence that my mother has been awake, so... can you give me? ?!I beg you……"

The voice urged by Liang Shuming came again. Lin Wen seemed to make up his mind and quickly handed it to Lin Biao after taking it with his mobile phone.

Lin Biao was very surprised. She thought that Lin Wen would compete with herself and see the more red eyes of Lin Wen, Lin Biao full of gratitude!

For a long time, she also took the red paper and solemnly took the letter paper and thanked Lin Wendao: "Thank you!"

Putting the letter paper into the pocket of his black coat, Lin Biao’s hand did not move there for a long time. She said, “Lin Wen... I will be your sister in the future!”

Lin Wen didn't say anything, only looking at the tombstone that didn't even have photos.

"From today, I will take care of you, I owe my mother... Mom owes you! I will give you all the compensation for my mother!" Lin Biao said that he couldn't control the tears. Hey, he slammed down.

Lin warmed the handle of the umbrella and slammed it with one hand. One hand quietly held Lin Biao’s hand and said nothing.

And Lin Biao placed two cars at the entrance of the cemetery. Liang Shuo told Fu Huai'an to drive the car to the Lin family. At this time, the family together, Lin Wen and Lin Biao could still be better.

Fu Huai'an beheaded to let Liang Shuo rest assured.

Lin warmed up the car before opening the phone, magnifying the letter left by Ji Yun to read word by word.

The letter of Ji Yun was on the day of his death. Lin warmed her upstairs to rest. She warmed up and went out to write from the bed.

Ji Yun said her experience in the letter and said that her mental illness is not hereditary.

She said that her memory is already vague, but remember that when she was seventeen years old, she and her father went to the hospital to have their younger brother's mother discharged from the hospital. They were in a car accident on the road and the car turned over from the bridge. When she entered the river, she was rescued by Lin Wen’s biological father when she woke up.

She was injured in her head at the time, but she was impressed by the past, but it was ambiguous, like a layer of yarn. The memory was nothing after the gauze. I only remembered that I was Ji Yun and I had a younger brother. Because there was a problem with the intermittent spirit, it was even more vague about the previous things.

Lin Wen’s biological father did not dismiss the spirit of Ji Yun’s spirit and had intermittent problems, and resolutely defamed Ji Yun.

Later, Lin Wen’s father went to the United States with Ji Yun and became a financial analyst. He did very well. Later, they had their first child. They were a boy named Lu Baiwei. They bought a house in the richest area of ​​the United States. Warm father goes to work, Ji Yun takes care of the children at home, and life is very happy!

When Lu Bozhen was two years old, he was obsessed with the news of the detective agency that Ji Yun, who was looking for his family, said that he was suspected of finding the family of Ji Yun. Ji Yun gave a phone call to Lin Wen’s biological father and hurried back to China. Lu Bozhen handed over to the babysitter for care!

As a result, the family that Ji Yun returned to Haicheng to see was not her family. Ji Yun, who was full of loss and prepared to return to the United States, had not received a call from the nanny before arriving at the airport. She said that she would go to the park with Lu Bozhen as usual, and then turned around. When I took Lu Bo’s kettle in the stroller, Lu Bozhen disappeared! How can she find it!

Ji Yun panicked and quickly returned to the United States, the police could not find any clues, Lin Wen’s biological father and Ji Yun used their deposits to investigate.

I spent a lot of money and sold a house car. The news of Lu Bozhen was like a sea of ​​stones. The mental state of Ji Yun also collapsed and often became ill.

Lin Wen’s biological father used the money of the client to check the whereabouts of his son and was found to be expelled.

At that time, they got the green card of the United States in one step, and eventually they were sent back to the country. On the day of being sent back to the country, Ji Yun’s madness has not been completely better, and people have not been awake.

Later, after the hustle and bustle of the day, Ji Yun was awake and could not remember clearly. She only remembered Lin Biao, and later Lin Wen.

She said that she is Ai Linyi and Lin Wen, but her mental state really can't be a good mother! I hope Lin Biao and Lin Wen don't hate her!

Especially Lin Biao, she is really sorry, disturbing the happy life that Lin Biao should have, let her follow them to live that hard life!

After reading the whole letter, Lin Wen can imagine that a financial analyst left black information on the file. Which company did not dare to use him, so he could only rely on his own physical strength to support his mentally problematic. Wife, and his children!

Lin Wen thought, his biological father also wants to find the lost brother!

But his economic situation is only enough for the strength day, where is the money to find his own children in the United States? !

He should also be desperate!

As for why he finally changed her and Lin Biao, probably... out of selfishness, I don’t want to let my own daughter suffer!

From the misappropriation of client funds to the final exchange of other people's daughters, these two things should be pressed against his heart like two mountains!

The first one... It’s a little late today, thousands of people are coming back late today... sorry sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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