Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 843: Warm them back? !

Chapter 843 is warm, are they back? !

Lin Wen guessed that in addition to cancer, these two things probably made him feel like a cow every day, so he couldn't breathe, so he finally chose to end his life by jumping off the building.

Humanity is not all kind and not evil. Everyone has such two sides.

For example, Lin Wen’s biological father, he is evil... in the eyes of his clients, in Lin Biao’s opinion! Because he violated their interests!

However, Lin Wen’s father is also kind. No matter how hard life is, he never gave up his abnormal wife and endured the pressure from his wife, economically or mentally!

Until he got cancer, he decided to end his life, which brought Ji Yun into the mental hospital.

From the beginning of Ji Yun’s death, Lin Wen’s silence is abnormal...

Fu Huai'an raised his hand and gently warmed Lin into his arms. He whispered: "This is a kind of relief for my mother. Mom has been working very hard."

Lin nodded warmly, she remembered that before Ji Yunlin died, she looked at her liberated eyes, and her mood was slightly calmer.

"I feel that my mother has been reluctant to be awake in my life!" Lin warmed a low voice and wiped his tears with his back. "I had a brother before... I lost it in the United States, after I lost it from my biological brother." Mom is crazy, Mom said... her mental illness is not hereditary!"

For Lin Wen, I have lost a heart in my heart!

These years, all the time, Lin Wen is afraid, afraid that after the morning, he will be as jealous as Ji Yun, forget his loved ones and loved ones, and forget his friends!

The last letter left by Ji Yun before leaving, some of the words... is a great relief for Lin Wen.

"I have always been afraid. I will become a stranger one day, and I am afraid that I will spend the day!"

Fu Huai'an kissed Lin Wen's hair top, and the mellow and low voice rang at her head: "It doesn't matter if it is genetic, you don't remember me... I will try my best to let you know me again, even if I repeat it every day. Repeat every hour, I won't let you really forget me!"

Lin warmed a low smile and closed his sore eyes in Fu Huai'an's arms.

She can have Fu Huai'an, it is the greatest luck in this life!

"You, let me think of a cartoon I saw on the Internet before, my grandmother got Alzheimer's, and forgot the grandfather, the grandfather will repeat the scene when they first meet each day, and change the magic to let the grandmother know him again!" Lin Wen’s voice was dyed with a thick nasal sound.

Fu Huai'an's deep laughter is particularly soothing to the people. He said: "The scene we met for the first time seems to be not very repeatable..."

Lin Wenzhang developed hot eyes and thought that they would meet for the first time. It was in Iraq... She held the pistol and slammed the trigger, but the gun did not ring!

"Well..." Lin warmed his lips and screamed, nodding his approval. "It's not very good!"


The group has been received by Lin Zhai in the first step. Mrs. Lin and Lin Laozi are accompanying the group to play. They can start to think about their mother for a while, and they don’t want to go to the floor-to-ceiling window, the little palm of the meat. With a whole face on the floor-to-ceiling glass that has been polished, I want to see the car carrying Lin Wen hurry!

Lin’s grandfather and grandmother said... Mom and Dad will come soon, and the group feels that this is really a long time!

Seeing the little bit standing in the floor window for a long time, Grandpa Lin took two small benches, one behind the group buttocks, one sitting on his own, he asked: "Is it a bad snack?! Why sit here?!"

I didn’t want to thank you. After sitting down, I shook my head vigorously. The little hand was still on the floor-to-ceiling window, and a white and tender little face was stretched and said: “Wait for mom!”

Grandpa Lin nodded and asked: "Why do you have to wait for your mother here?! You can wait for your mother to eat snacks!"

Little did not think about it, another serious repetition of the three words "waiting for mom" and then put a small face on the glass, trying to look into the distance, hoping to see the shadow of the car.

Grandpa Lin’s family has been sitting there with little children. Looking at the little eyes, they are full of love. When they want to wait for Lin Biao to come back from abroad, they have to urge him to marry and make a cute little like a group. More cute and more people hurt!

Looking at the snow-like snow outside the window, the group carefully counted the snowflakes falling on the steps of the floor-to-ceiling windows in front of them, one, two, three... fifty-two!

The little one felt that he was sleepy. He rubbed his sour eyes with his hands, straightened his little back, and looked away.

"If you are sleepy, sleep for a while, wait for your mother to come back to Grandpa to call you good?!"

I don’t want to shake my head from side to side, trying to keep my eyes wide open: “Not sleepy, wait for mom!”

The little child was so sleepy that he couldn’t help it. When he was little, he didn’t have a little head, and he nodded like a chicken and glutinous rice. The little head slammed into the floor-to-ceiling window.

The group used a chubby hand to cover his head and made a painful expression. The next time he saw several cars parked on the first floor, he stood up immediately!

As soon as I saw Lin Wen get off the bus, I wouldn’t go out from behind the sofa, and I would run downstairs!

"The group is slowly falling down carefully!" Grandpa Lin shouted behind his back.

Lin grandma, who was leaning on the sofa and reading glasses with reading glasses, was awakened by the voice of Grandpa Lin. The book slipped from the legs with the action of Lin’s grandmother’s straight back. The old man’s sleepy eyes looked around and cleared. Scorpion, took off the reading glasses and rubbed his eyebrows and asked: "Will they come back?!"

Lin’s father stood up on his knees and struggled to stand up: “Just come back!”

Lin grandma opened the blanket covered in her leg and got up and gathered her shawl: "I went to see the sweet **** soup that was drunk in the kitchen for a few children!"

Lin Wengang walked into the door, and the group was not able to fly from the stairs. He hugged Lin’s legs and looked up at the red-hot Lin warm. Little worried.

In these two days, Lin Wen’s eyes have always been red, and the little ones are sensitive to the fact that Lin Wen’s mood is not right. The small heart is also worried...

Today, I came to the Lin family. The grandmother of Lin’s family said to the group that because her mother’s mother went far away, her mother would never see her mother again, so the mother of the group would be sad, but the group’s heart is the mother’s heart. Bao, as long as the group comforts Lin Wen, Lin Wen will be better!

Second more...

(End of this chapter)

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