Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 844: Such jealousy is unreasonable.

Chapter 844 does not make such jealousy unreasonable.

Therefore, even if the group is just sleepy, we must insist on waiting for Lin Wen! He wants to comfort Lin Wen!

I don’t know how to comfort people, but he knows that when Dad’s friends came to see him in the United States, he would laugh at his small face and laugh, so he couldn’t hold Lin’s hand. Lin warmed down...

He put his little face into the warm palm of Fu Huai'an, and he smashed it with a small, fleshy face.

Lin warm eyes are more wet, she and the group have been so long mother and child, know that the group is comforting her, for a moment, the heart is more sour...

Lin warmed the soft group into his arms, sniffing the faint milk fragrance on his body, and did not control the tears.

I don’t want to hold Lin’s neck, and try to pad my toes, so Lin warms on his chest. The big man is gently holding Lin’s head: “Mom 乖... Mom doesn’t cry!

In peacetime, when Lin warmed and comforted the group, he said that he couldn’t stop the tears in Lin’s warm heart and hold the group tighter.

Liang Shu stood on the side and couldn't help but smiled and raised his hand to wipe away the tears.

Liang Shu bent down and smashed the head of the squad. Before he could say anything, he saw Lin Laotai and Lin Laozi had already walked to the entrance. Liang Shuo straightened up and said hello to Mrs. Lin, the old man Lin: "Mom, dad……"

Lin looked up and saw Lin’s father behind his hands in a white shirt and beige sweater, and Mrs. Lin, wrapped in a light gray shawl.

She just stood up with her group and the group was picked up by Fu Huaian and held in her arms.

"Grandma, Grandpa..."

Mrs. Lin is still in the same way as before, with the short trim of the silver thread and the traces that have not been dyed. The thin outline of the five senses is a bit solemn, the whole person is tall and elegant, and has a full sense of majesty!

Even at this time, the old lady's face is wrinkled, and the three-dimensional facial features of Mrs. Lin can still be seen as young and handsome.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Lin, who has always been serious and serious, walked in front of Lin Wen, gently warming Lin into her arms and caressing her back: "You still have a mother, there is a home!"

When I heard this sentence, Lin Wen’s tears could not hold back and nodded hard.

Lin Wen is taught by Mrs. Lin, and her feelings are not ordinary...

Lin Biao, who had always been compared with Lin Wen’s wife, did not expect Lin Lao’s wife to hug her. This made Lin Biao feel flattered and felt the warmth of Mrs. Lin’s wife for the first time.

The meal was extremely harmonious. Mrs. Lin asked Fu Huai'an some questions. When she saw the meal, Fu Huai'an always inadvertently went to Lin Bing's plate to pick up the dishes and nodded with satisfaction.

The snow is still outside, I heard that Lin Wen will go to Morocco to make a movie next week. Mrs. Lin couldn’t help but ask: "Is it time to save energy?"

Seeing the Spring Festival, others are going back, but Lin Wen will go abroad at this time.

Lin warmed nodded: "I will come back in advance!"

The red lanterns have been hung up in the Lin family yard in advance. Especially in the evening, the lanterns are lit up. The whole yard is full of red dragonfly and full of the taste of the year.

Originally, Ji Yun was no longer there. Mrs. Lin was planning to withdraw the red lanterns. Liang Shuyu hesitated for a long time and discussed with Mrs. Lin, saying that it is too late to be old, it is a sad thing!

But if the family is also cold and clear, Lin Wen and Lin Biao two children look more sad, it is better to dress up the home a little bit more.

Liang Shu knows her two daughters. She knows that Lin Wen and Lin Biao are not the same kind of people as Mrs. Lin. She does not want the two daughters to see such a deserted scene and think of the death of Ji Yun, so I hope that the family It seems that the cleanliness of the two, so that the two children feel better.

Mrs. Lin thought about wanting to follow Liang Shu’s mind.

As Liang Shuming said, Lin Wen and Lin Biao saw the red snow reflected by the red lanterns through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the restaurant. They felt the taste of the year and the mood was better than when they sent the gems to the cemetery. .

When I left, the group had already fallen asleep on Fu Huai'an's shoulder. Lin Laotai was afraid that the child would catch the cold. When she went out, she put her shawl on the group. The eyes were really pity: "Stay at home for one night, your room maid. People have been tidy up! The children are asleep and have toss..."

This is the first time Lin Wen heard that Mrs. Lin said this soft words.

Lin Wen is probably a person who is greedy for this kind of warmth. In Lin Biao’s sincere retention, he decided to stay...

She looked at Fu Huai'an, just a look, Fu Huai'an understood the meaning of Lin Wen, dagger: "Let's stay for one night!"

"Six 婶, give a warm goose room to another goose down quilt!" Liang Shu did not mention more happy, afraid of the quarrels of the group down the voice to command the six.

"Hey!" Liu Yi busy nodded and went to work.

Lin family became busy because Lin Wen decided to stay.

Lin Wen’s room was well preserved, and it’s still like Lin’s departure before, and the furniture hasn’t moved.

Fu Huai'an placed the group on the warm and soft bed of Lin, and straightened up to look at Linfang's "mortuary" before marriage.

There were a lot of books on the bookshelf, and Fu Huai’an saw that the group slept sweetly and lifted his foot to the bookshelf...

On the bookshelf, there are extracurricular tutoring books in the Lin warm high school period, or the famous masterpieces for extended reading, as well as various types of question banks.

A wall-mounted bookcase with two glass doors, a trophy for Lin Wen and a photo at the time of the award. All kinds of honorary certificates are full of floor-standing bookshelves. Good boy.

Fu Huai'an inadvertently swept the photos on the Lin Wen desk. The photo was Lin Wen and Lin Biao and Wen Mo Shen.

At that time, Lin was warm at the age of sixteen or seven, standing between two big boys, smiling, and the five senses were full of youthful vitality like a sun.

Fu Huai'an scorpion was half-smooth, and the photo frame was buckled on the desk, and the drawer of Lin Wen desk was opened.

There are various gadgets collected by Lin Wen when he was a child, and a photo album is pressed underneath.

Fu Huai'an hesitated, I don't know if there will be a picture of Lin Wen and Wen Moshen or Lin Biao in the album.

Although Fu Huai'an is mature, he can be as jealous as normal people. He is afraid of being in the warmth of Lin Lin. There are two men who are uncomfortable with her. She can stand by her brother and big brother.

Such jealousy is unreasonable, and Fu Huai'an himself is clear.

Pulling open the chair, Fu Huai'an legs are sitting on the chair in the warmth of the forest, and the table lamp is opened from the drawer, and the lamp is turned on by the cold light of the table lamp...

Third, add more today... and one more! Seeking a monthly ticket, la la la la! The new month has begun! The babies remember to give thousands of monthly votes!

(End of this chapter)

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