Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 850: Your wife is assured!

Chapter 850, you are assured!

"Yeah!" Lin warmed up the clear scorpion. "I just arrived, so I want to make a phone call to Huai'an and I forgot the domestic time difference. I am ready to hang up and you will pick it up..."

Lin Wen thinks that he clearly explained his call. He did not respond to Xiaolu’s time. “Nana is my personal assistant and bodyguard. I have been living in the presidential suite with me. How to arrange a room for Nana this time. ?! Is it a waste?!"

The phone on the small land seems to have been stunned for a moment, and quickly apologized: "Sorry, my wife, maybe there are too many things during this time. When the secretary booked the hotel, I made a mistake. I blame me for not explaining clearly..."

Lin Wen long exhaled a breath, saying that no loss is a fake, but she can understand, Fu Huai'an so busy that time to spend the day and play this romantic? !

"It's okay, it's a pity that this room can't be retired. You remember that Huai'an had a rest early, don't be too tired!" Lin warmed.

"Okay, I will take care of my husband, my wife, rest assured!"

Hanging up the phone, Lin warmed to the waiter who was ready to send his luggage to the suite, nodded, the waiter was very happy to go upstairs to send luggage.

To be honest, when people are abroad, Lin Wen is really not at ease. He always feels that foreign countries are in crisis, and there are some more in peace with Younai.

She said to Younai: "The room has been booked more. If you don't want to live in the suite, you can live in the house. If you want to live in the suite, then the room will be empty. If anyone needs it, let us see who will go. live!"

Unaina nodded: "I still have peace of mind with your living room!"

Lin Wen thinks so.

And Younai went to the suite and just prepared to give the waiter a tip. Lin warmed back and saw the **** holding the paper money and handing the tip to the waiter.

Lin Wen was very surprised. He said with a smile: "Your room is not closed..."

Lin Wen: "..."

Looking at the unsuccessful Mo Yanlin asked: "What about Song Wei?!"

Because the relationship between the group and the group is also because of the relationship between Song and Yu, although Lin Wen did not like much about Yan Mo, she was willing to try to be tolerant within the limits.

Tolerance is not acceptable. After all, Lin Wen does not live with him, and he is not a relative and friend, nor is he a relative. He does not accept him.

Yan Mo looked at the expression of the presidential suite's eyebrows and was satisfied. He said: "I am tired at home, I brought you two assistants..."

Yan Mo hit a ring finger, and the foreign women who came in from the door of the two men were taller than the average male. The ones standing on the side of Younai and the two ladies were simply petite. Don't want it.

“In Morocco, whatever you have, you can tell them both, no matter what!”

I don’t want to emphasize anything, Lin Wen will hear the taste...

Before coming, Fu Huai'an said that Morocco is a land of ink.

Lin Hao sent the good intentions, Lin Wen will not accept, she is a person who knows how to be awkward, nodded Lin Wen sincerely thanked the ink: "Thank you!"

"I heard that your team's leading troops have arrived. They are filming venues. The directors should be tossing at the airport of the plane. Since the filming is tomorrow, you should have time this afternoon. Do you have time to go to me for dinner?! Song Hao must be very happy to see you..."

岑墨 mentioned Song 窈, deep and deep eyebrows are countless tenderness.

They are all short-lived, short-handed...

In Morocco, he accepted such a large-scale personal feelings, Lin Wen also had to turn into a surprise for Zhai Mo to prepare for Song Yu. It was agreed that he would start with Jimo and go to the house of Jimo for dinner.

The luggage forest is too late to clean up, but when you go to other people's homes, Lin Wen is not wearing makeup, or you have to wash your face and change clothes.

Time is very wide, and there is no urging in the ink, saying that Lin Wen is waiting in the hotel lobby downstairs.

After washing my face, Lin warmed open a suitcase and held it...

There are group of pajamas, group hats, favorite jackets and sweaters, group small socks and a few cartoon little bags, and even the favorite picture books and toy cars. A few pieces of Fu Huai's home clothes and inner pants, placed in the position, must be a mess.

Lin warm couldn't help but laugh out loud, this is probably the baggage that the group helped her pack!

Younai has already packed up and waited for Lin Weng, and Lin Wen did not delay. He quickly opened another suitcase, which is what Lin Wen said must be brought.

Lin warmed his clothes, took a shoulder bag and a mobile phone out of the bedroom, and went downstairs to sit on the car.

Yan Mo knows the news of Lin Wen’s mother’s death, but he did not tell Song Wei.

On the way, Yan Mo and Lin Wen said this, frowning the cigarette, holding the steering wheel with one hand: "I don't want to sprinkle salt on your wounds, I also lost my mother, know the more this When you are, you should be with your friends. If you don’t mention it, you won’t be hurt!”

Lin Wen noticed that Zhai Mo’s attitude towards her has changed a lot. Although she is still a cold and indifferent tone, she can hear the softness of her words.

Originally, they were two people who looked tired. Lin Wen did not know that the change of her attitude towards her came from Song Wei. If two people lost their mothers.

She thought that... she was a surprise for Song Song.

When passing by the flower shop, Lin Wen saw Song Yu's favorite hyacinth. Lin Wen let the driver stop and got off and bought a bunch of flowers...

Since it is to see Song Yu, Lin Wen always brings something that Song Hao likes.

However, the decision of Zhai Mo was very sudden for Lin Wen. Lin Wen could only buy a bunch of flowers for Song Song on the road. Just like two years ago, he brought a box of chocolates that Song Wei would never eat to satisfy Lin Wen himself. The appetite of the mouth, this is a small tacit understanding between Lin Wen, Song Yu and Bai Xiaonian...

When Lin Wen came out of the flower house with a bouquet of flowers, the Moroccan sky had already sunk and rained, and the pedestrians without umbrellas ran a few steps on the sidewalk.

Unnay just pushed the door of the flowering room with a bell, and saw the stray dog ​​hiding in the rain at the door, scared to run out a few steps in the rain, alert and poorly looking to Uninai and Lin Wen.

The pattering rain drenched the stray dog's almost black hair into a glimpse of the black hair. The wet skin was attached to the skeleton, and the stray dog's eyes were exceptionally dark and bright. This black pearl washed by heavy rain.

Lin Wen suddenly remembered the little white that Lin Biao said to her that night. She thought that Lin Wen said that she had no chance to make up for Ji Yun and Xiao Bai. Her heart was sour...

Today’s first is more... It is said that thousands of people have gone out for a party, and here is the pre-existing monarch who is serving everyone, pre-existing Junshun Road for thousands and old Fu for a monthly vote!

(End of this chapter)

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