Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 851: How can Fu Huai'an be so good? !

Chapter 851 How can Fu Huai'an be so good? !

Listening to the sound of rain on the head, I turned around and saw the convenience store next door. I handed the flowers to Younai into the convenience store and sold a bag of ham.

The dog is very spiritual, like knowing that Lin Wen is going to buy it deliciously. He carefully shook his tail and shook his tail, seemingly afraid that he would be wrong.

It wasn't until Lin Wen looked at it and smirked under the roof of the street convenience store, biting the ham and handing it to the stray dog, and the tail of the stray dog ​​became more and more cheerful.

In the rain, the stray dog ​​took a step and walked to the opposite side of the forest warmer. Carefully biting the other side of the sausage and stepping back a few steps. It was like being hungry, and didn't take a half-body in the rain and ate the ham.

Sitting in the driver's seat of the car, letting the ink drop the window and watching Lin Wen and the stray dog...

Girls are full of love, and ink can understand.

He looked at the watch and didn't feel dissatisfied with Lin Wen's time. Anyway, the time was still very early.

Feeding three stray dogs in one breath, Lin warmed and peeled all the rest on the ham sausage packaging tape, and then straightened up...

Unnei walked up to Lin to warm her body and took Lin to warm the car. The stray dog ​​looked back at the forest and warmed up. She immediately picked up half of the ham and kept it, and saw that Lin Wen had already opened. The door, one foot has already stepped in, and the stray dog ​​bites the ham and makes a whimper.

Lin warmed back...

Seeing the stray dog ​​stood in the rain, staring at the ham and looking at her, the eyes were so wet and pitiful, the hand holding the door slightly tightened.

It seems that I’m hesitant to see Lin’s warmth. I’m going to open my mouth: “You don’t even think about it, I’m definitely not going to let a dirty dog ​​get on my car! I won’t let it go to my house!”

Sight sweeping into the pet shop across the street, Lin warmed and bent over to the ink road: "The clean dog should be OK?!"

岑墨: "..."

Seeing the ink sticking a face, a look of bad discussion, Lin warmed back and looked at the stray dog, said: "Song Song likes the dog, do you know?! She said the life she wants most in the future. Is to marry a child and then raise a dog..."

The eyebrows are more and more tight, and the line of sight is seen from the driving window. When I see the dirty dog, I feel bad.

"I will buy her!"

This dog Lin warm did not intend to give Song Wei...

"You don't know Song Song has the habit of feeding stray dogs?! She is because she can't raise a dog because of work... I don't trust the dog to be given to someone else or fostered in a pet shop, so I don't raise it! If you let Song know You are not allowed to bring the dog to the past, Song Yu will definitely be angry with you!" Lin Wen continued to work with Yan Mo, "There is a pet shop opposite! I will let it clean and get on the train, and will not stay with you." At home, I took it away after dinner!"

After the time of not responding to the ink, I closed the door and took the stray dog ​​to the pet shop opposite.

Lin Wen stood at the door of the pet shop, bent over and looked at the gray window of the glass window in the glass window. She remembered the big fat cat in her house and then remembered the group. I know how the group is at home.

In the meantime, Lin Wen seems to see the small, tender, tender face of the group in the glass window. The little face and the small palm are smiling at the glass against her.

Lin warmed his lips and swelled, but he saw her waving to her. Lin warmed back, and after a moment of mistakes, he quickly pushed the door out of the pet store...

"Mom!" When the group came to see Lin Wen warmed up, he immediately ran to the door and opened his arms to hug.

Suddenly seeing the group and Fu Huai'an on the streets of Morocco, Lin Wen was full of doubts in addition to surprises.

Lifting up, Fu Huai'an stood under the black umbrella, with one hand in the pocket, deep-eyed, handsome facial features, facing her laughing, calm and restrained temperament reveals the enchanting gentleness.

Xiaolu stood behind Fu Huai'an with an umbrella and saw Lin Wen's face sullenly smiling. "Sorry, my wife, I didn't mean to lie to you! It is Mr. and the young master who wants to surprise you." I can't bear to destroy, so..."

Xiao Lu said, reaching out and touching his nose!

On the phone just now, Xiao Lu felt that he was pretending to be quite like that.

Bending over the two arms of the group, Lin Wen warmed up the child, and the little one was happy with one hand around Lin Wen’s neck. He straightened his back and looked at Fu Huai’an’s direction. He said: “Dad!”

The sound of the rain hitting the ceiling seemed to knock on Lin’s warm heart, making her feel a warm current that hit the eyelids and heart.

Standing in the pet shop, Younai saw the small group and Fu Huai'an, why did their room be arranged separately instead of warming with Lin, this is not a mistake at all, Fu Huai'an assistant is deliberately doing it!

Unnay's lips can't help but cock, she never thought of the strict instructor Fu, actually there will be such a warm side.

岑 ink sat in the car and snorted softly.

He knew that the group would come over. Fu Huai'an promised that the ink would come over with him for a while, but he didn't expect Fu Huai'an to come over. On the phone, Fu Huai'an said that after Lin Wen warmed up, he would make people Sending the group, Zhai Mo thought that Fu Huai'an would let the assistant send the child over, but he did not expect to come in person.

Originally, the ink was intended to let the group live with him, but Song Zhen advised that the ink should not be anxious. It should be gradual, and the children should be taken over at once, fearing that the children would not be willing. After all, Song Wei is a good friend of Lin Wen. How much warmth does not like to smear ink, so that Lin Wen took a group to live in the 岑墨家, Song Yi feared to grievance Lin Wen.

Therefore, Song Yu asked Zhai Mo to have more contact with the group during this time. When the group was familiar with it, they proposed to take the group to live at home. They steadily and steadily set up their feelings, and the relatives of the group were bloody, and it should not be difficult. .

The most important thing is that Song Yu wants to wait for Lin Wen to also resolve the prejudice against Yan Mo, and can take Lin warm and reunion together, so that the mother is not afraid of being born in the child.

Looking at Fu Huai'an who is close to himself, the voice of Lin Wen's exit is slightly hoarse: "How do you... how come with the group?!"

Fu Huai'an beheaded: "The group wants mom!"

After that, Fu Huai'an bent over and slightly whispered in Lin Wen's ear: "I miss you too!"

Lin Wen was hot when Fu Huai'an was talking. Her wet big eyes stared at Fu Huai'an straight up, looking at his eyebrows and smiling, the nose was sour and there was a feeling of crying. child? !

How can Fu Huai'an be so good? !

It’s so good that Lin Wen does not want to be separated from Fu Huai’an every moment.

Pre-existing Jun's second is also sent! I am grateful that there is no mistake in pre-existing!

(End of this chapter)

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