Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 862: Do you dare to recognize it? !

Chapter 862 dare not dare to recognize? !

Song Yi, who got what he wanted, was in a good mood all day, and even couldn’t help but call Lin Wen’s news...

Lin Wen, who has already been with Fu Huai'an and the group to reach a new house, is in a good mood. It is not the time for Song Zhen to come.

The group intends to buy a few small toys to dress up his bedroom. Xiao Lu volunteered to accompany the group to go out together. There are two people in the family, Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen. Can Fu Huai'an still be patient? !

As soon as the group went out, Fu Huai'an put Lin Bing into the room and closed the bedroom door with his feet.

Anti-locking the door, and squatting down the warm coat of Lin, the two were kissing hard, and the mobile phone in Lin’s warm trouser pockets vibrated happily.

Lin Wen is afraid that there is something in the crew, it is hard to push Fu Huai'an, take a phone call and look at the eyes...

Seeing Song Wei, Fu Huai'an hoarse voice: "Give her back!"

"In case... what's the important thing!"

Lin warmed deeply and breathed twice and switched on.

Fu Huai'an inevitably felt that he was broken and interested, and he bowed his head and sighed softly.


Lin warms and hurts, and the little hands are not idle, holding Fu Huai's firm waist and demonstrating.

"Warm, I am going to learn French. I think this is a good prenatal education..." Song Yuwo was on the sofa, and looked very good at the study materials that Saihande had sent himself.

"Well! Is there anything else?!" Lin Wen asked. "I am a little bit at this point, I will call you later..."

Lin Wen single hand has been unable to control Fu Huai'an big hand in her clothes, only feel that the fire is burning, there is no way to call Song Song.

"Good! You are busy!" Song Zhen did not suspect him. "When you are free, call me back..."

"it is good……"

Lin warms up, the finger just crossed the phone to hang up the phone, Fu Huai'an has pulled Lin's small face, the phone slammed.

Let Lin Wen not suppress the soft and soft voice.

Song Yan, who hadn’t had time to hang up the phone, had a blush and a thorough blush. He hurriedly pressed the hang up button, and the phone didn’t get steady on the floor. Song squatted and picked up the phone and pressed it tightly. On the chest, the speed of the heartbeat is almost equal to one hundred and eight.

Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an are not... What about that? !

Yeah, if so, this call is not the time!

Song Yu’s whole person instantly became red, like a cooked sweet shrimp.

The frightened Song Song caressed his stomach: "Baby 乖乖... You haven’t heard anything! Nothing has been heard!"

Song Yu’s words, I don’t know if I’m talking to myself, or to the baby in my stomach.

After a long time, Song Yujing came down to see the French study materials sent by Saihande and opened a general review.

Just turned over and read two pages, Song Hao heard the noisy voice coming downstairs.

Because Song Yu is at the balcony of the house, and Song Yu likes to be quiet, he has already told the top and bottom that the chicken and the dog are not allowed to jump. What Song Song thinks is something, just put on the shoes and prepare On the floor, the door to the room was opened, and the piercing woman became louder and louder.

The servant closed the door and said with an ugly expression: "Mrs....that, my husband’s foster mother came, and I’m going to meet Mr. in the downstairs. I’ve already called Mr. Mr., let me come over to accompany you. Let you feel at ease, he will be back soon!"

Song Yiyi heard that the mother-in-law of Zhai Mo had thought about it and sat down. He reopened the book and read the book, but the arguments for the downstairs were getting louder and louder.

"I know that the small goods are upstairs! You give me away! Let go!"

I heard that this is the voice of the little girl in the family. Song Yu and the book are re-wearing the shoes and going to the glass room on the top of the building to read the book. It is quiet.

Just put on the shoes and Song Wei mobile phone vibration, she bent over and picked up her eyes, it is ink.

Turned on, the magnetic voice of the ink came from the phone: "You stay in the room, don't go out, I will be home soon!"

"The second floor is too noisy, I am going to go to the top of the building to read the book." Song Yu voice is soft.

I heard that Song Song’s image was not affected. I sneaked my heart down and even softened the sound line: “Well, as long as it doesn’t affect your mood, let people stay with you, and stay away from you...”

"I know you can rest assured!" Song Yan's lips smirked. "So many people at home, can you let me do something?!"

"I still have five minutes to get home!"

"Good!" Song bowed, "I am waiting for you in the upper house."

Hanging up the phone, Song Haogang took a coat from the cloakroom and the door of the bedroom was suddenly pushed open.

"You can't go in the second lady!"

"Second Miss!"

The servant did not stop the sister-in-law who was in the house, and looked at the door of the bedroom. The maid looked pitifully in the direction of Song Wei: "Mrs...."

"Mrs.?!" If you sneer, "Which is the wife of her, she has a fox face, and I don’t know how to smack my brother! If it is not because of you! My nephew will not break my marriage with my brother. We will not end up with this family! You are a shameless person who dares to lean on my brother! See if I don't kill you!"

How can a servant in a house make a real encounter with Song Wei? Song Wei is now a pregnant person, and Jin Gui is very good.

"Song Song! You are a curse! Fox!"

In the snoring of the screaming, Song Yu’s expression looked indifferent, and slowly put on his coat, his fingers crossed the sleeves with a very stiff texture, and made a slight sound...

Song Wei put the mobile phone into his pocket, raised his hand and pulled out the long hair that was caught in the clothes, and walked toward the coffee table.

If you see Song Yi, I don’t care, even taking her as the air, the more gas, the dance, the more and more excessive: "Your mother is forced to die by Xiaosan! If your mother knows that you are also someone else's Xiaosan, I am afraid that you have to be smashed by your coffin cover?! How dumb?! Dare to dare to recognize?!"

Song Wei picked up the book and turned his head and smiled and looked at it: "I didn't dare to recognize it?! I recognized... How can you take me?!"

"You!" If you didn't expect Song Hao to recognize it so simply, "Don't face!"

"Yes... I am shameless! Where are you going?! At least... I am not married to a married woman! But what about you?! Minor likes his teacher, knows that the teacher has a family. In the case, I was also entangled with the teacher Fan, threatening Fan’s divorce with the four-year-old son of the kidnapper Fan..."

Today is thousands of updates! The first is more... hahaha, daily asking for a monthly ticket! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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