Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 863: The pain is broken!

Chapter 863 has a painful heart!

"You..." If the eyes are as big as the bronze bells, if this thing is very secretive, how does Song Song know? !

Song Yu sneered: "Mr. Fan does not promise that you almost let people kill their sons in the water, but also plausible words you can regenerate one for Fan!"

If you look in the eyes, all are panic: "You are nonsense!"

"Mr. Fan is afraid that you will immigrate to your home, just to hide from you, but you still don't want to let Fan teacher. You sent the photos and videos of you and Fan to bed to Mr. Fan's wife. The excited Fan teacher wife gave it at night. The family’s food was poisoned, and only one child from a family of three was saved, but the child has since become an orphan!”

"If you do this, what are the qualifications for others to swear?! Compared with you... I am really self-satisfied! I am willing to go down!"

If Ruo was said by the face of Song Yu, there was a burst of white, a slap in the face: "That is my business! What is your relationship with you! You are a curse! Your family is a curse!"

Song Hao is not in a hurry and does not bother: "Then my affairs have nothing to do with you. It is not possible for you to point to my nose here! Your family is a monk. I can’t afford it, or compare it with your family. Suitable!"

"It’s not my daughter’s turn, I won’t get me in the round?!” A low female voice came in from the door.

Song Yan raised his eyes and saw that the jeweled lady stood outside the door and looked at Song Hao’s eyes, as if she could not shred Song Song.

Seeing that Song Song did not say anything, the lady reached out and pushed the servant who was blocking the door to lift the foot. It would be like walking inside the house: "Is it because you ruined our house for you?"

Song Yu slightly lifted his squat and stared at the lady with red bloodshot eyes, not revealing, with a bit of disgust and sneer at the bottom.

"Mr. ordered that you can't get close to your wife..." The servant gave birth to the mother of the ink.

Zhai Wenjuan, the foster mother of Yan Mo, looked at the maid in the sight, and the servant who slapped the slap was almost untenable.

"There is a day!" Yan Wenjuan was high for many years, and there was a sense of power in his words. "I am the mother of 岑墨, who dares to stop me?!"

The servant, you see me, I see you, and listening to Yan Wenjuan’s words is really not too good, and Yan Wenjuan pushes the maid gently.

Yan Wenjuan went to the front of Song Yu, and reached out to hold down Song Yu’s squat. Looking back and forth, Song Yu’s face was like looking at a commodity. The nails painted with red nail polish have been trapped in the tender meat of Song. .

"How much does this face cost?! Is the nose pad?! Is the lip hitting hyaluronic acid, which one of the double eyelids is made?! Don't take a good face, just climb the man's bed and exchange the money with the flesh. This face! Hey... my son’s vision is also a problem, good big family lady don’t want it, but you want this kind of junk!”

Song Yu suffered, and he shot the hand of Yan Wenjuan. The color was cold and cold: "I respect you as an elder, but if you are not arrogant, don't blame me for not leaving you a face!"

"I really want to see, why don't you leave me a face..."

Yan Wenjuan smiled and sat down on the sofa.

Song Hao itself is not a buns personality, she smiled and looked at Xiao Wenjuan sitting on the sofa, adjusting a comfortable posture: "In the beginning of adoption, you should already know who is the ink, the love of the parents. I shouldn’t have been involved with juniors, but you... because of the revenge against my father, I deliberately adopted the ink, and in front of your husband’s face, it’s very good, but in the back, it’s treated like a dog. The method of torture and smuggling forced him to be engaged with the gangsters to protect himself."

Yan Wenjuan looked gloomy.

"That's it... How do you mean that you are your son?!" Song Yu said with a sudden smile. "No, I shouldn't ask you how you are. I don't want to be embarrassed by the thickness of your skin." !"

Looking at the appearance of Song Yuxiao Yan Ruhua, Yan Wenjuan can no longer laugh.

She probably did not think that Yan Mo will tell Song Wei about such things...

"Yu Mo is my son, I want to treat him all! If I didn't adopt him... I gave him a bite when he was about to die. He either died on the black market, or he has an identity now. No, I don’t know where to do the flesh business, it’s better to die! His life is mine, what do I want to do!” Yan Wenjuan calmly opened his face.

"Even if you are a mother of 岑墨... I am afraid that I will not say that the life of 岑墨 is her! You dare to speak..." Song Yu’s lips swelled shallowly, and the scorpion was cold.

Those who used to experience the ink, after the pain of the ink is numb, but after Song Yi heard that it is painful to break!

I have seen shameless people, I have never seen such a shameless person like Yan Wenjuan!

Song opened the sleeves and looked at the watch on the slender wrist. "I just said that he still has five minutes to come back. It has been three minutes... I advise you, or leave before he leaves, otherwise hey." Ink is not as good as my temper!"

"My mom and I came to wait for my brother! You are now yelling at me and my mom! I will let my brother drive you out of this monk!" If you point to Song Yu, then To Yan Wenjuan, "Mom, let's go downstairs! Don't bother with this monk, let my brother come back to deal with it! Anyway, I won't be under the same roof with this monk, I don't believe my brother will do this for this. The monks drove us both out!"

If you have a bright eye, you don’t want to wait for the ink to come back and make things big.

"Right... Deaf people naturally want to go out!"

The arrogant and incomprehensible voice came from outside the door, Song Song looked up and saw the ink in his hands and stood in the doorway.

Song Hao’s face changed slightly, she didn’t know how much she heard her words...

A man who is so proud of the ink will certainly not see the old ones to see Song Song. The reason why Song Yu knows these things is all from his fiancee.

Zeng Mo’s former fiancee gave Song Song a thousand miles, so that she should not mention these things in front of the ink. She said that it was because of the experience before, so it was a man who was proud to some metamorphosis, and his self-respect was strong enough to imagine Not! These once unbearable side... If you say that the world can only choose one person who will never know, he will definitely choose his favorite woman Song Wei.

So since I made up my mind and smothered together, Song Hao has ruined these things in my stomach and never mentioned it in front of the ink...

The second is more... When I was a child, I was very miserable. It was really a last resort to go to Acacia!

(End of this chapter)

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