Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 866: Because Fu Huai'an was once the love of Lu Xiangsi!

Chapter 866 because Fu Huai'an was once the love of Lu Xiangsi!

Anyone who hears this will outline a giant door-to-door drama between the giants and the brothers in order to rob the family. Song Wei is no exception. She was just a cruel means of swearing.

"How can this story be like a good story of a boy who has gone for a good fortune? You might think that you are a lucky boy, and then you finally get out of the bitter sea. From then on, you lived the life of the young master. Inheriting the family is smooth, but because you fell in love with you and forced me to dissolve the marriage, the family was destroyed by our family..."

If Zhong Ja Li said the latter paragraph, Song Zhen would really think so...

When Zhong Jaoli saw the expression of Song Yu, she knew what Song Zhen thought. She shook her head and said: "Yu Mo has left the black market, but it seems to have entered another magic cave. The adopted ink has a new identity, but The days passed were not even as good as dogs. He was kept as a pet next to the woman, locked in a black house that was not seen in the sky, guarded, with a collar around his neck, and kept in a cage with a dog called Lucky. I have to climb on the ground to learn to bark and have food to be abdomen! She is hungry for a few days, and her ink is hard and unwilling... She will force her to smoke a poisonous product! Use poison to force the ink to come to the van... ..."

After hearing this, Song Yu did not have the energy to distinguish between true and false, and a heart was like a smashed piece that had been handcuffed.

Song Hao never knew that 岑 ink dyed poisonous addiction...

She remembers faintly listening to 岑墨, and was addicted to what was not good for health. I used all the way to quit!

Is it... poison addiction? !

Song Yu’s heart thumped.

When Zhong Ja Li spoke, her eyes were as calm as water, as if she was talking about a common thing, a clean and round voice.

"She used the ink as a tool for fun. When she was unhappy, she used the whip to draw the smudges of blood and blood! Even... In order to trample the self-esteem of the ink into the most humble dust, he photographed his addiction. The poor appearance of wagging the tail and pleading for poison is to look at the ink when you are awake!"

Song Hao clung to the sheets under the bed, and the hand with the needle was forced to return to the line.

"That is the lucky dog ​​that has been accompanying the ink during that time. The dog is spiritual. It sees that the ink is injured and will replace the ink wound. It will help the ink in the cold winter! You It may seem incredible, but at that time... 岑墨 is the last warmth in the world!"


Song Yu heard these two words more than once when he talked about his dreams, but Song Wei couldn’t think of it. Lucky is a dog!

"The woman knows that ink and luck have a feeling, and ordered the ink to kill the lucky ones. Otherwise, they will not give a smear of ink. If you have a poison, you will endure it. I can resist the second time, the woman feels the willpower of smear... It’s not impossible to quit smoking in this way, and I will find a way to use luck to destroy the will of the ink..."

Song Yu’s heartbeat is getting faster and faster, she never knows that there are such wicked people in the world!

Seeing the smashing of the neck and neck of Song Song, Zhong Moli had a smile on her eyes...

At least she saw that Song Song was interested in ink, otherwise... she would only show the expression of shock and sympathy, not so angry!

Zhong Jasmine is still calmly narrating: "The woman is a psychiatrist, and she knows how to destroy a person's spirit. She gives luck to better treatment, so that luck can go into the dark basement without any problems. After being beaten, and then lucky, I came back less and less, and then I never came back..."

Song Yiren trembled, guessing if... Lucky was killed.

"Until the ink was hungry for two days as usual, the servant sent a bowl of meat to the ink to let him eat. After the meal, the mother of the ink ink gave the ink to see how lucky it is. In the face of the ink mother, I prayed for a more delicious food, and how was it smashed by the chef in the panic... I made the pot of meat that I ate!

Ren Song’s guess, I can’t guess it’s the end...

How can a person's heart be so bad? !

What kind of hatred does the ink and the so-called foster mother have in the end, so that the mother of the ink can make such a horrible thing to the ink!

Each of these things is challenging Song Yu’s cognition, refreshing her understanding of the evil of human nature, and challenging Song Yu’s mental capacity!

These things are just heard, Song Hao has to bear it, then the real experience? !

Song Yi thought, if it is myself... probably she is already crazy! Or commit suicide!

What is the support for the ink has been alive? !

Song Yu thought of Lu Mo's younger sister, Lu Xiangsi, who once said that this way he went from abroad to returning to China, supporting him to insist on his life and death. He is the faith of returning to his country to meet his sister Lu Xiangsi. But who knows that after returning to China, I know that my sister has died in Iraq because of Jiang Ming’s mother!

So the first thing to smear ink is to ruin the entire Jiang family to avenge their sister!

If later, not Fu Huai'an pulled Jiang Chengyuan, Yan Mo will definitely see Jiang Chengyuan and the couple join hands to jump from the top of Jiang's house!

The reason why Zhai Mo did not kill in the end was because he had mourned the fact that Jiang Chengyuan had taken Lu Xiang’s defeat after the Lu family’s defeat. He gave her proper care and did not treat her as a dog. It was also because Fu Huai’an used to be a land. Acacia's lover!

Love is love, hatred is enmity, seeing Jiang Ming's mother is almost in a state of madness, and then think of her also lost her son, 岑墨 will not hold back!

"After one day, the innocent father of Jimo asked me and my uncle to go to the house to be a guest, and the ink was taken out of the basement..."

Zhong Ja Li’s voice made Song Song return to God. She looked at Zhong Zuli with her eyes and listened to her...

"Zhen Mo was replaced by clean and tidy clothes, sitting with his other brothers on the long table and eating with us. He thought that seeing his adoptive father would be free, but he could go to the table to know the person. Adopting a father is like a little boy... Do you know what it means?!"

Song Yu’s face became pale.

Song Yu’s entry into the circle is not a day or two. The high-ranking things in the upper class will always be heard by Song Yu...

In this world, there are not a few abnormal old men who like boys!

Zhong Jasmine licked her mouth and said: "Yes, it is the kind of imagination you imagined! 岑墨养父 all the adopted children...except for 岑墨, I have not been able to escape that fate!"

Pre-existing Jun: Pre-existing Jun Meng's to send the second fairy to the little fairies, have the little fairies helped thousands of monthly votes? ! Daily help for thousands of monthly tickets, seeking to play the list!

(End of this chapter)

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