Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 867: What are you drawing? !

What is your picture in Chapter 867? !

"The mother of the ink and the adoptive father of the ink have an agreement. These adoptive sons... the adoptive father of the ink can touch, but they must pass the consent of the mother of the ink. The appearance of the ink, you saw, the time at the table. Seen by his adoptive father, the adoptive father moved his mind..."

Song Yu held his breath... even afraid to hear about it later!

She is afraid that things are as bad as she thought!

"The day when the ink was taken to the table, the adoptive father of the ink knew that the mother of the ink had already agreed. Looking at the eyes of the ink, I don’t know how to cover up the faces of the two guests, my uncle!"

At that moment, Song Yu pained until the whole body of blood stagnated, condensed into ice **** to drench her blood.

"I saw the eyes of the ink-raising father looking at the ink on the table, so I named him to accompany me to the bathroom, on the road... I said with you that I wanted to reach an agreement with him, and I killed me for me. Uncle, I have a way to save him from this fire pit!"

"Zhu Mo has just started to have some heartbeat, but he didn't agree with it until he was cleaned and put it in the cold. He was sent to the bedroom of Yan Mo's father. He knew what was going on, and he was holding his father into the bedroom. I climbed over the balcony and found me, and agreed to my request! So that night... I said that I was obsessed with the ink on the first sight of the ink, can you imagine the expression of the father and the foster mother?!"

Chung Jasmine is like a little girl who has a mischievous jealousy. She hides her lips and smiles.

Song Yu’s high-hanging heart slowly let go, she asked: “But you... why do you want to help you kill your uncle?!”

Zhong Mo Li’s twilight sinks slightly, and there is sadness and hate in the bottom of my eyes: “My uncle and Zhai Mo’s adoptive father have the same hobbies. I like boys for many years. When I came to my house for the first time, I died. My little uncle's bed... You said why should I let him die?!"

The little uncle of Zhong Ja Li has a family shelter. A boy from a civilian family died in the big house of Zhong Mo Li's family. Even without the family of Zhong Ja Li, there is something behind the little uncle's cooking.

The world is so big that there is no trace to make a disappearance. There are many things that can't be found for hundreds of years.

So, the boy that Jasmine likes from this time has become a missing person. So far his family has not been able to find it, he can’t see anyone, and he can’t die.

Song Yu’s throat swayed, and the voice was hoarse and ugly: “But I don’t understand, the mother of 岑墨... and what kind of hatred of 岑墨, why do you want to treat 岑墨?! Just because of psychopathy?! Are the other foster brothers treated like this?! Why don’t they fight back?!”

"The brothers who have been smothered... probably have been tamed, and the family is big and big, the money is moving, who wants to get it?! They are afraid to be eager to sing in front of 岑墨养父, trying to become the successor of the family. The candidate!" Zhong Mo Li’s lips sneered a little sneer. "After all... those few people are not swearing!"

"As for the foster mother of Jimo, I checked..." Zhong Mo Li opened her mobile phone and opened a photo and handed it to Song Wei. "She is a college student of Mr. Lu’s biological father, Mr. Lu. I heard that it was the most Mr. Lu. The loyal follower, but later Mr. Lu married the daughter of Liang Jia, which is the birth mother of Yan Mo! As far as I know... When the mother of the ink was adopted, he knew the true identity of the ink! ”

Real identity... Lu Wenxuan? !

Seeing the photo, the graduation photo of Zhai Mo's biological father, Song Yu is awe-inspiring, Zhong Jai Li's slender and beautiful fingers pointed out Song Yu's biological father, and the mother of the ink.

Just because you can't ask for old love, so do you use the tricks of the old loved ones? !

Song Yu opened his mouth and finally couldn’t make any sound.

"I used to talk to the psychologist of Zimo, and his psychiatrist told me... Because of the lucky things, the subconscious mind does not allow people who care about themselves to go beyond the scope that they can control, except for controlling the desire to do it. What's more, he is afraid that lucky things will repeat itself in the people he cares about! In fact, he is a very lonely and lonely person..."

Zhong Jaoli took out a business card from the bag and placed it on the white quilt of Song Song: "This is a psychiatrist and a friend of mine. I called him and you can call him and ask. In the case of ink, if you can... I hope that you can cooperate with him to treat sputum, after all... you are the most concerned person in this world!"

Song Wei looked at the business card and swollen his throat. "Can you... tell me so much, just want me to cooperate with the psychiatrist to treat the ink?! What do you mean?! Do you love ink?!"

Zhong Mo Li shook her head: "I am the only friend I can trust in this world, but it is not a lover! I don't want you to say... I don't have more than four connections with Yan Mo in one year! I play the persistent love. I’m a fiancee’s fiancée, because I’m showing how persistent I am to love my innocence... Those who want to touch the ink will have more jealousy on my father’s strength, not on the ink!”

Zhong Jasmine is the only daughter of his father, the real jewel of the palm, can be said to be better than the public.

After Jasmine lost her favorite boy in this life, she saw the filth and discomfort of the world and lost confidence in the world.

But when Zhong Jaoli knew that Yan Mo really fell in love with the girl named Song Wei, she also saw a glimmer of hope in the world, hoping to see the beautiful ending of Song Yu and Yan Mo, let her really see There are still beautiful and precious things in this world!

"In my life, I probably can't meet my love again, so I hope to smack it, hope that you can love me for happiness! I am willing to use my best ability to hold my friends for his happiness." This is the reason I am coming to you today...and telling you so much!"

"Sorry, I don't know if I don't know enough about ink, can I know about ink, will he tell you about his experience like this?!" Song Wei still has a skeptical attitude.

It’s not Song Yu’s excessive vigilance, just... For a person who has never seen or never understood, Song Wei can’t believe it.

Even before, Song Yi’s long-time roommate Cai Jingyao deceived Song Hao and betrayed Song Yu!

Suddenly, a woman said that she was a fiancee's fiancee. She said that she had a lot of sorrows and that she didn't know the truth. She was not so smart. After she was so easily convinced, there was a big pit waiting for her.

Pre-existing Jun: The third is sent to you, and your brother is so pitiful and distressed! Thanks to thousands of gifts from Little Fairy! Thank you, the little fairies are working hard to help the thousands!

(End of this chapter)

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