Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 877: Let me live forever? !

Chapter 877 makes me a lifetime? !

In the imagination of Jimo, Mr. Moral should be an old man...

Therefore, Mr. Moral will not be able to manage after the establishment of an empire, and will be replaced by Gu Qingcheng.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Moral... is actually Fu Huai'an!

Later, I wanted to understand that Fu Huai'an had retired, probably for the sake of the group and Lin Wen, and wanted to retreat from this line.

Not to mention how many people who have seen this line of smuggling in the eyes of the people have witnessed the death of the people.

Before the ink was in power, their family was terrible, and even his two-year-old illegitimate child and mistress, who was placed in Australia, could not escape the slaughter.

This line... unless you do it all the way and do it very well, you can't end it.

I have already had this kind of consciousness since I entered this line, so in order to protect my lover and children, I must take root in this line and do my best in the end!

He felt that Fu Huai'an had handed over such a large organization to Gu Qingcheng, and it was very dangerous after he retired to Gu Qingcheng.

Gu Qingcheng knows his identity. If one day Gu Qingcheng is against the water, killing Fu Huai'an is easy.

You can never do such a thing, power and sharp edge, and you feel that you are still the most reassuring in your own hands.

Fu Huai'an looked at the ink and said for a long time: "Your world is too closed..."

Although Fu Huai'an's world has suffered bitterly, there are Gu Jinnan from Gu Qingcheng from the beginning to the end, as well as Tang Yin and Bai Yuyu!

And ink, this life is lonely, because he has completely closed himself, does not allow any entry!

There is no friend in his world, only one Song...

"Do you mean that I don't have friends?!" The ink seems to have heard a joke. "If one day, your friend Gu Qingcheng uses your sword to polish your life, you will know that the world has never been There are no friends, only interests!"

A person who has not experienced and possessed the feelings, Fu Huai'an even said that no more ink will not understand, Fu Huai'an never do useless work, just laughed and laughed and said nothing, the darkness of the black ink is like the night.


Fu Huai'an slept well last night. The little woman in her arms was a little awake this morning. He said that she would send her to the studio.

Yesterday, Fu Huai'an suddenly appeared in the studio in the afternoon, and then all the female staff members got the benefits. After her female starring, she could get off work at five o'clock every day. Lin Wen felt that she couldn't make it anymore to delay Fu Huai'an's time and let her go to the studio.

Looking back at the group still sleeping, Lin warmed: "I am back at five o'clock, you are busy working!"

"The work has been arranged..." Fu Huai'an hand tightened Lin Wen's thin waist. "With Mrs. Fu, I don't want to waste every minute!"

Lin warmed back and looked at Fu Huai'an, her ears were pink and red. She said in a soft voice: "We still have a lifetime!"

"Life is too short!" Fu Huai'an can not discuss the tone, "get up and wash!"

With the right people, life is too short...

Except for the time of sleep, the time of work, and the time when they did not meet and separate, the time spent by two people is really rare!

Fu Huai'an has already gotten warmer and got up.

Last night, the curtains were not pulled up. The sun was shining in from the window, and the shape of Fu Huai’s tall and strong figure was outlined. Lin warmed his head and sat up, took the loose hair back, and opened the quilt and got out of bed. The mountain slippers ran quickly and hugged Fu Huai'an, who had already caught the door handle of the bathroom door. "I will go to wash..."

She pushed the door open with a small hand, and the petite body smashed down from Fu Huai'an, and first smiled at Fu Huai'an, a first-come, first-served gesture.

Fu Huai'an elbows hold the door frame and look down at the little woman standing in front of her. The look is fascinating and gentle: "Mrs. Fu doesn't know if this suite has two bathrooms?!"

Lin warmed some accidents, this... she really didn't know.

Fu Huai'an bowed, the mellow and **** voice, awakening the cells of the whole body this morning, making people completely wake up...

"Let you!" he said.

"Let me have a lifetime?!" Lin warmed and asked.

Fu Huai'an lips are tilted up, and the lower lip is close to Lin Wen: "The next life will let you!"

The heat and the voice together were rolled into the forest warm cochlea, making her heart soft.

Lin Wen looked at Fu Huai'an straight up, went to another bathroom, bite the lip, and gently covered the bathroom door, both eyes are all spring.

So, the next morning, the group that was still sleeping on the bed with a small buttock was thrown away by Dad again.

When the group woke up, they found that there was no Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen's figure on the big bed. Instead, they were sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper and having breakfast.

The group sat up, with a furry hair, rubbed his eyes, and politely said hello to the ink, and the milk voice opened his mouth: "Oh..."

Yan ink raised his gaze and gave a bright smile to the group. There was a sigh of relief at the bottom of his eyes: "Wake up! Breakfast is ready for you. Today your mom and dad are not there. I have prepared several kinds of juice for you, and I will see you later. Which one do you like to drink?"

When I had dinner last night, Yan Mo had heard that... Fu Huai'an wanted to give the group a weight loss, so the amount of juice given to the children every day was limited. In order to please the group, the ink was smashed by Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an, who wanted to use this. Indulge your child's way and build friendship!

Seeing that the group had not yet woken up, Xiaomo smiled and folded the newspaper and set it aside. He stood up and walked toward the little one. He said, "You can help you wear clothes, your little clothes, your mother gave you up yesterday. Where have you been?! Hey, take it for you!"

The group shook his head and squatted down from the bed with his little buttocks. He ran to his small suitcase, lifted the suitcase out and spread it on the floor, opened it, and pulled out the clothes he should wear today. Holding the pajamas button on the bed, then bowing awkwardly...

Yan Mo stood on the side and looked at the help. After watching the little ones stripping off his upper body, he put a hooded sweater on his head, and put on his small arm to open it and put on the sweater. Then I took off my pajama pants and wanted to wear sweatpants.

I didn’t look at the ink, but I’m awkward, but I’ve been thinking about what I’m doing at a child’s age, and I’m wearing clothes like this...

First, the other two are more... Insurance, see the baby get up tomorrow morning! On the last day of the day, go to relatives to entertain guests! Starting tomorrow, life is finally on the right track! Welfare thousands will start to prepare for Valentine's Day to give the baby a special edition of Valentine's Day! The end of the romance contest countdown two days, the babies continue to rush the duck! There are still two days! ! ! ! ! ! Please be sure to help thousands of hits!

(End of this chapter)

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