Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 878: Hey and aunt take you to find a mother!

Chapter 878, Auntie and Aunt take you to find a mother!

At that time, the ink was better than the current group. Probably because the children in the orphanage were not specially cared for.

Looking at the self-reliant and well-behaved group, the ink-throated knot swayed slightly and walked in front of the group. Without a word, the group was holding the waistband and smiled and said: "Hold the shoulders of the donkey, so wear some labor..."

The group’s black eyes and inked eyes were clean and bright, and it was slightly sweetened with a smile...

Or because it is a little familiar with the ink, the group does not reject the ink to help, nodded, the little hand of the meat to help hold the shoulders of the ink, put the chubby feet into the pants, but insisted Let Yan Mo help lift the pants to do it yourself.

Dressed in clothes, I took a group and hugged the group. While walking outside, I said, "What do you want to do today?! Today, I have a whole day to accompany the group. If you want to do something, you can meet the group!" ”

The group seriously thought about it and asked: "Mom?!"

"Your mother wants to work, so he left when you haven't woken up yet." After talking about it, he said, "Your daddy is going to send your mother, and you are not telling you to sneak." !"

When the group heard it, they opened it: " want to find a mother!"

岑墨: "..."

He can't help but want to cultivate feelings with the group today. If you bring a group to find Lin Wen, Fu Huai'an is there... What else is he doing? !

Looking at the ink, the lips are not talking, the small meat hands holding the neck of the ink: "Hey, think mom..."


The group called him awkward, and the child’s wish could not be satisfied.

In addition, Song Wei has not gone out for a long time. He told him last night that he wanted to go out and walk away. He was rejected by her innocence after she had been pregnant for three months.

So the ink nodded: "Well, after a while, breakfast, my aunt and aunt took you to find a mother!"

The group nodded, and the milk voice answered: "Good!"

At the dining table, Song Hao heard that for a while, he wanted to take her and the group to go to the shooting scene of Lin Wen to go to the scene, don't mention how happy!

"Then I let the kitchen prepare snacks, and coffee! Since it is a warm and warm class, we must help the warm and the crew of the crew to have a good relationship!" Song Yu said, turning to the servant, letting go to prepare snacks and coffee.

I don't know how many people in Lin Wen's drama group, Song Song is ready to call and ask Lin to warm up and feel that he should give Lin Wen a surprise. He has to endure it and let the kitchen prepare more and prepare.

That morning, almost all the servants in the family were sent to the kitchen to grind coffee beans to prepare snacks...

The study of the life of the ink, the coffee must be cooked and cooked, and the ink is to start after breakfast, coffee and snacks are urgent, fortunately, the domestic servants are enough, otherwise they are really not ready to come out. More snacks and coffee.

Before the departure, Zhai Mo was afraid that the group would only wear a sweater to keep warm enough. On the floor, he took a jacket he bought for the group.

Song Wei stood at the door of the door, wearing this sweater coat, squatting down and talking about these things, the group was a little embarrassed and blushing.

The sun's rays almost penetrated the skin of the group, and even the fluff on his little face was clear. The ink jacket was holding the little coat jacket of the racer in his hand. He smiled and walked over to kneel and squat. Small jacket: "Come on..."

The group was very cooperative and extended their hands. After putting on two sleeves, the little ones stood there and leaned over the neck to let him buckle.

"Okay! Our group is really handsome!" Song Hao could not help but praise.

"Let's go!" 岑 抱 抱 抱 抱 抱 抱 抱 抱 抱 抱 抱 抱 抱 抱 抱 抱 抱 抱 抱 抱 抱 抱 抱 抱 抱 抱 抱

Saihande opened the door for Momo, and he couldn’t help but look at it more...

This is the most real time that Saihande has seen the smile of ink and ink since he followed the ink.

From knowing Miss Song, to the small group that is now called the group, I also lived. The smile of the ink is more than one day. It is the smile from the heart, and Saihande can feel it.

"Mr. early! Miss Song early!" After Sai Hande and Yan Mo Song Song greeted each other, they looked at the group and used the Mandarin and the group to say hello. "Little Master is early!"

The group heard Saihand’s serious and lame Mandarin and answered very seriously: “Hello!”


shooting scene.

Uninai gave Lin Lin an umbrella to cover the sun, Lin Wen is playing against the actors of the same crew...

The next scene was the rescue of the special forces elite team. Because the evidence was trapped in the warmth of the terrorist leader, Lin Wen’s plays were not many, mainly the difficult shots of this group of special forces.

The most difficult thing for Lin Wen was that after being rescued, he followed the special forces team to retreat in the rain of bullets.

Lin Wen, who has already made a good makeup, walked over the lines and the camera, looked at the building in front of him, and unconsciously remembered the scene of the first encounter with Fu Huai'an...

Lin warmed and took the time to Fu Huai'an, who was sitting next to the director. The man seemed to be born like a luminous body, just sitting there and the powerful gas field was enough to shock the audience, making people both fearful and could not help but want to face him. Look at the direction.

For the scene of Lin Wen’s warmth, all the actors with the lens had to walk again, and Lin warmed back to the field and walked toward Fu Huai’an.

The director has prepared a lot for this movie, and several male stars are also!

Before shooting this film, several male stars have gone to the army for a while. All the actions in this scene have been trained numerous times before starting to shoot, and strive to achieve professional level in every movement.

"Let's go through it last time, and finally go through it! Finally, go through it! The actors pay attention to it!" The deputy director stood at the height and raised his horn and shouted.

Lin warm wrapped his coat and looked back. When he looked back, he saw that Fu Huai'an had looked at her in the direction of her eyes. Her lips smiled and unconsciously accelerated her footsteps.


When someone heard her call, Lin warmed back and saw Song Hao coming down from the car. The door didn't have time to close and waved to her...

Song Yu’s voice is not small, except for Lin Wen... Other people who heard it also looked in the direction of Song Yu. Seeing that Song Yu came to the class to whisper.

Before, Song Song’s affairs made a big noise, which made Song Hao’s popularity increase a lot.

Later, Song Yu announced that he had to rest for a while, and many people speculated that it was a bit chilling to the entertainment circle!

The media has been without Song Wei’s news for a long time. I didn’t expect Song Hao to come to their crew today.

"Isn't that Song Song?!"

"Yes! Didn't Song Yi disappear?!"

Second more! There is one more, if you are too sleepy, go to sleep first, and get up tomorrow morning! So baby don't wait... go to sleep first! Look up in the morning! Love you guys! ! ! You will like the next chapter, so thousands want to write hahaha!

(End of this chapter)

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