Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 879: Should Xiaolu be so rushing? !

Chapter 879, does Xiaolu want to be so mad? !

"What disappeared, I heard that it was married to the giants?" But it was just announced!"

"Is the director invited to the guest?! Didn't hear it!"


"I heard that the relationship between Song Yu and Lin Wen was particularly good, and the reporter who is now particularly hot in the United States, called...called... what is white?!"

"White Xiaonian!"

"Yes! Call Bai Xiaonian! I heard that they were three of them, and the actress Cai Jingyao who was my wonderful name before was a roommate!"

"Oh, really good people are with good people! A dormitory, three people are so famous!"

"That... Song Wei is coming to the forest to warm the class?!"

Several people lowered their voices and whispered, and they saw Song Song’s direction toward Lin Wen’s warmth. After Song Song’s body, he held a group with one hand...

When I saw Lin Wen, I was struggling to get out of the arms of Yan Mo and quickly ran towards the direction of Lin Wen: "Mom!"

I know that Lin Wen has a child, but few people have seen Lin warm children.

The little mother did not pay attention to this kind of mother. I saw that the little wind was running like a small wind while I was running away from the forest and opened my hands to hug.

Lin Wen had some accidents, and Yan Mo and Song Yu actually took the group to film the film...

At this moment, Lin was wearing a costume when shooting, all of which were dirty, and hesitant to be afraid of soiling the clothes on the small group. The children had quickly arrived in front of Lin Wen, and a pair of black scorpions looked forward to Lin Wen. Let Lin Wen not have too much time to think, and the subconscious bends down and stretches his hand to hold the little one in his arms.

Fu Huai'an, who was sitting in a simple chair, saw a group of people, and put down the script that he had taken over from the director and got up and walked in the direction of Lin Wen.


Seeing Fu Huai'an, the little ones are straight and the little backs are full of excitement, but also a little bit proud.

Although Dad did not bring him to the mother in the morning, he still came...

Fu Huai'an reached out and flicked a little on the brain of the group. Seeing the group screaming at the head and laughing, Fu Huai'an had a smile on his lips.

Xiao Lu was behind Fu Huai'an and couldn't help but smile.

Not far from the hand holding Song Song’s hand, I saw a little regret about this picture. Today, Fu Huai’an and Lin Wen are not the best time to cultivate his feelings and friendship. What is he for? The group came to the studio!

This child really saw Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an, and this one is useless!

The picture of the family of three standing together is really good, even if Lin warms because of makeup and clothes and face are dirty at this time, but the look of the child is still shining.

I didn’t want to abandon my mother at all. After being dazzled by my dad, I gently hugged Lin’s neck with my hands and put my little face on Lin’s warm shoulders. With his own legs, a group of people was sprouted.

Lin Wen looked at his dirty hands and dirty clothes, and then watched the group wearing a brand new: "Mom is dirty... let my father hold it well?!"

Waiting for the group to answer, Song Hao has come over, she pinched Lin Wen’s hand: “Take the coffee and snacks for the crew!”

Lin Wen knows that this is Song Hao's relationship with the people who help Lin Wen and the crew.

Speaking to the deputy director, Xiao Lu and Saihande took the initiative to help the crew to distribute coffee, and the actors and staff at the side yelled and said thank you Lin Wen.

When Fu Huai'an came this morning, the whole crew asked the breakfast, and this time it was a coffee snack. Plus, because of the relationship between Lin and Wen, the female staff in the crew can rest in advance. Who doesn't think this? Is the crew good? !

Everyone did not thank Lin Wen, and the staff who got the coffee raised their glasses in the direction of Lin Wen to express their gratitude...

Song Wei originally wanted to help send a snack, but Lin Wen took a seat on the chair and said: "You don't run in the pregnancy, the road is not smooth, the pits are so bad!"

Lin Lin’s voice just fell, and he heard that the shooting location in the distance suddenly became chaotic.

Fu Huai'an, who was sitting next to the coffee, also noticed the small commotion in the distance, frowning and putting down the coffee paper cup in his hand.

Xiaolu, who distributed the coffee snack, noticed that the situation and Saihande said, went to the side and asked about the situation of the staff who were talking with the intercom.

"What's the matter?!" Song Yi often took a look at the scene and knew that the situation was wrong. It should have been an accident.

"I used to look..."

Younai has not had time to step on the leg, just see the crew package to ask Mu Taotao to run in this direction: "warm sister..."

Mu Taotao breathlessly came over and didn't speak. He saw Xiaolu had already walked behind Fu Huai'an and bent over to Fu Huai'an. "Mr., the male starring accidentally fell from the second floor and stumbled."

Mu Taotao: "..."

She flew over to say that this is a good thing, should Xiaolu be so rushing? !

He noticed the eyes of Mu Taotao, and Xiao Lu straightened up and smiled at Mu Taotao.

Mu Taotao: "..."

Ok, look at the handsome part of Xiao Lu Chang, she chose to forgive.

Mu Taotao said to Lin Wen: "All their actions were learned in the army before, and they have been practicing for a long time. Because the director asked the actors to personally, the crew did not have a suitable substitute to complete the next series of actions for him. ”

At this moment, the director was mad at the place, and the sweaty actor saw the director anxiously saying, "You don't worry, I will rest for a few minutes!"

The male starring is a new actor. There is no fame. This time the director will use him. He cherishes this opportunity in his heart!

Looking at the ankle that is still hurting, the male starring biting his teeth and holding the arm of the chair wants to stand up.

The doctor who followed the crew pressed the person back: "This way you can't continue shooting, at least one week off!"

One week? !

The director habitually subconsciously bites his nails. This is the director's habit of biting his nails when he encounters any problems.

If you delay a week, then what progress will have to fall...

After the doctor sprayed the medicine on the ankle of the male protagonist, he stood up and wiped his hand with a wet towel: "I said that this situation is still good. I can walk normally for a week, but those actions must not be done!"

The role of the leading actor is different from that of Lin Wen. Although Lin Wen is the heroine, the slight change of the play has little effect on the whole movie.

Can be different from the male lead, the main theme of this movie is the special forces, its own setting is the kind of **** movie that burns to the explosion, there is no action lens of the male lead, but also a ghost!

Damn! Didn't write what you want to see! The next chapter in the next chapter... Hahaha, thousands are always calculating mistakes! The babies are today countdown to the two days of the romance contest. I hope that the babies will help the thousands of hits! What are you babies! Monthly tickets, subscriptions are also the way to hit the list! In addition, I would like to thank Tang Duo Duo for sending over 40 big diamonds! muah……

(End of this chapter)

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