Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 881: How good is your husband and wife? !

Chapter 881 How good is your husband and wife? !

Song Wei said that listening to Lin Wen said that the main characters of this film are almost all in addition to the female role of Lin Wen!

The director got off the bus and hesitated between the eyebrows, but he was still in the direction of Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen in the swing.

The lips of the ink smacked, and the bottom of the eye was filled with smiles.

Some of Saihande can't understand the smile of ink, but I feel that there are more and more people in the air! Saihande also raised his lips and looked at the smiles more and more every day. No one was more happy to play Hande.

The director looked at Fu Huai'an's direction, and his heart was very powerful.

He licked his own clothes and braved the courage to walk towards Fu Huai'an, who was rubbing his lips.

"Mr. Fu..." The director called a sentence.

Seeing Fu Huai'an looking up, the director's throat swayed.

He said: "I heard that you used to be a leader in the special forces. This time, our male starring injury, I have some difficult moves, there is no way to do it myself, you are professional, so I think..."

In the latter case, the director is somewhat uncomfortable. In front of him, Mr. Fu is the biggest **** of wealth of their crew. He came over and said to the **** of wealth, let the **** of wealth be a substitute for an unnamed little actor. This is not funny. What is it? !

The director himself couldn’t say a bit, and after he had a hard time swallowing his mouth, he wanted to open his mouth and didn’t know what to say.

Even if he came to invite others to be the leading actor, maybe people are not willing, let alone substitutes...

When the ink came to see the director, he planned to help. I didn’t expect to see the director’s gesture of saying that he wanted to talk. The ink was first opened: “It’s hard to be... Do you want Mr. Fu to play the leading role?!”

岑墨 finished watching Fu Huai'an: "I can see this can be, the heroine is Lin Wen, the actor is you... How good is your husband and wife?! I just browsed the script, and there is a heroine grateful at the end. The protagonist saves the life... kisses the actor's play, if I consider you to be the actor! Think about letting Lin warmly kiss others, can you bear it?!"

I have my own small abacus in my heart. If Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen are both tied to this crew, then he and the group will not get more time together!

He is giving the director a message, but the director can listen to this, sinking his heart and bowing his head and saying: "Mr. Fu, all of our stars, except for Miss Lin Wenlin who does not need physical strength. Others started training seven months in advance, practicing nearly four hours a day, from military posture to tactical position, to guns, and weight-bearing to participate in various military physical abilities. Although these actors have no fame, they are taking this movie. It’s really not easy today, I didn’t intend to change them. I’m covering my face now, I hope you can trouble you hard and help me complete the toughest actions of the actor. I know this is not suitable, but I am very Sorry, I really..."

Speaking of the director here looked up at Fu Huai'an, looking sincere.

On the sturdy and deep-rooted Huanren of Fu Huai'an, the director did not avoid his eyes but pleaded: "Please, please!"

Lin Wen, who was chatting with Song Wei, also heard the director’s request and looked to Fu Huai’an...

It seems to be the impression of Lin Wen warm, Fu Huai'an eyes turned to Lin Wen.

Four eyes are opposite, Lin warm eyes are asking, there are still some expectations.

Since Lin Wen knew that Fu Huai'an was the liberation army who had rescued her from the terrorist den, Lin Wen had always wanted to see Fu Huai'an wearing a combat uniform. Lin Wen thought that he would never see it again in his life...

This time I came to Morocco to shoot, such a scene is always inevitable to remind Lin Wen once.

The director said, please Fu Huai'an to help, not to say how Fu Huai'an thought, Lin Wen is a bit of a heart.

Seeing Fu Huai'an is silent, and he is also vocal: "This is a movie that your wife is participating in. You should consider it..."

"Would you like me to help?!" Fu Huai'an asked.

The director nodded again and again, but found that Fu Huai'an's eyes did not look at him. The director looked at Fu Huai'an's gaze. When he saw Fu Huai'an, he asked Lin Wen. The director thought that there was a play and a pleading look at Lin Wen.

Lin Weng nodded his lips and nodded to Fu Huai'an: "I feel that if I miss this time, I will not have the chance to see you wearing a combat suit!"

Fu Huai'an beheaded, and looked at the group in his arms. He reached out and touched the small head of the group: "Do you want to see the group?!"

The director was busy turning his eyes to Xiao Meng, who was in the arms of Fu Huai'an, and his eyes were really pleading.

Little is not a bit of a stunned look at this, this is a young director who is embarrassing to himself, but also for himself, all eyes are curious.

“Would you like to see Dad wearing a combat uniform?! See when Dad once saved you and your mother... What is it like?!”

When he was a little bit, his eyes were bright. He slipped down from Fu Huai’an’s leg and held Fu Huai’s knees with both hands. A serious saying: “Dad, want to see!”

Fu Huaian's big hand pinched the small face of the small group of meat toot, dagger: "Good..."

The director didn't know what to do. He heard Fu Huai'an's "good" word, and suddenly he mentioned the eyes of the blind man, and he didn't look at Fu Huai'an for a moment.

"Is there a suitable dress?!" Fu Huai'an asked the director.

The director nodded again and again: "There are some!"

岑 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇 唇

I have a good mood and my voice is a bit hearty.

"Let the one cooperate with me!" Fu Huai'an pointed his finger at the direction of Yan Mo. "Do you want to see the gang and dad wearing a military uniform?!"

When the small group heard it, the small hand slammed and slammed, looking at the ink, screaming in English: "expect!"

岑墨: "..."

He took Fu Huai'an away, in order to establish feelings with the group baby, he is not to build a relationship with Fu Huai'an, eat more to support him to be a substitute for others!

"I want to see too!" Song Song gave a voice to support the group.

岑墨: "..."

He just wants to quietly cultivate and cultivate his feelings with his nephew. How is it so difficult? ! Even Song Hao is following the chaos!

But my own woman has such a request, and the ink is not unsatisfied, especially when her own woman is still pregnant...

"This is not appropriate! You are a substitute, I am superfluous!"

"Sir, I want to see too!" Saihande also said to Yan Mo.

"What do you add?!" 岑 ink frowned at Saihande.

Syed, who was stunned, smiled and bowed his head, stepping back.

Second more...

(End of this chapter)

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