Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 882: More dazzling

Chapter 882 is even more dazzling

"Can be OK! I can arrange! No extra is not superfluous!" The director nodded again and again, "There are many costume items! There are!"

Just kidding, Fu Huai'an is the biggest gold master of their crew, and now he is still the savior!

Such a big embarrassment solved the problem of funds in the crew and solved the problem of the substitutes now facing the crew. The rich and the rich are willing to substitute for an unnamed little actor. He is also reluctant to refuse friends. What are the requirements for a guest play? !

岑 murderous eyes look at the director...

Seeing the helpless expression of the smoky face swallowing the flies, Fu Huai'an took care of his suit and lowered his voice. He said: "The heart of the victim...not there!"

岑墨: "..."

The director here fixed Fu Huai'an and immediately informed the makeup artist to prepare...

As soon as they arrived at the temporary locker room, Fu Huaian and Yan Mo were changing their combat uniforms.

The combat uniforms used for shooting are all true, and the brows are very uncomfortable, and then Fu Huai’an has been neatly dressed neatly...

岑墨: "..."

When the soldiers are not the same, he just got a white trousers and has not worn them yet. Everyone has already put on their boots.

Fu Huai'an stood up and looked at the ink and took the lead to go out from the dressing tent...

The director saw Fu Huai'an, who had a combat helmet under his arm, bent over from the tent, coveted and adjusted the gloves. At that moment, there was a feeling of being stunned, as if Fu Huai'an was an experienced veteran, as if he would go to the battlefield in the next moment!

Fu Huai'an in suits and suits is calm and mature, and the city feels deep.

Fu Huai'an, who can wear combat suits, feels that the temperament has become powerful and powerful, as if standing alone is enough to defeat all the enemy soldiers, and the strong and powerful of one body is strong enough to protect them all.

Lin Wen held the group together with Song Wei, and they were waiting at the door with the director. When she saw Fu Huai'an coming out of the dressing tent, Fu Huai'an in her mind once appeared in front of her like a **** to save her.

She clasped her arms in her arms and could only hear the sound of her heart "plopping - plopping -"!

Lin Wen never knew that someone could wear the combat uniforms and boots so handsomely. He looked at the helmet and let Lin Wen think of the day when he first saw it. Fu Huai'an strongly put the helmet on her head, and he was so handsome.

Sitting in a chair and resting, the male starring, seeing Fu Huai'an wearing a combat suit, a face white, hands clasped the armrests of the seat...

"Makeup artist! Makeup artist!" The director took the lead to wake up and shouted at the makeup artist.

The costumer is about to help Fu Huai'an put the weapon on the table into the position where the combat suit should be placed, but Fu Huai'an is quite familiar with the various weapons placed on the table. The costumer just took the pistol and was taken over by Fu Huai'an. The action path smoothly inserted the various weapons into the corresponding position, and asked the director: "How do you do it?!"

The director was busy taking the script and the minute shot to Fu Huai'an. Fu Huai'an roughly took a glance and understood the director's intention, beheading...

This is not a real battlefield, so the team members of the entire team do not need to be so tacit, but it is just a play, Fu Huai'an can handle it.

The makeup artist flew over the cosmetic case, and the ink came out of the temporary locker room.

The feeling of wearing ink suits is different from that of Fu Huai'an. Fu Huai'an is full of strong gas field and deterrence, and he can take a few handsome and handsome feelings.

But it is undeniable that these two people are so handsome that they are even more dazzling than the current popular stars.

Yan Mo also took the helmet out with one hand. Seeing that Fu Huai'an refused the makeup artist's request for makeup, he applied his face to the camouflage, and he did not let the makeup artist touch his face...

The camouflage masked the handsome and mature face, leaving only the masculine facial features, Fu Huai's high-ranking businessman mature and calm as if he was hidden behind the camouflage, leaving only the awkward atmosphere.

Zhai Mo really didn't want to do this. He took the helmet and walked over to the director. He pulled the collar of the battle suit: "I don't have this hobby to accompany you here to play the monkey. You better give me a show... Don't show my lens, understand?!"

The smoky black and dark scorpion stared at the director, making people inexplicably cold.

The director understands that the friends of their crew, Fu Huai'an, want to have fun, but definitely don't want to show their faces on the screen and be seen by friends.

So the director nodded and subconsciously respected the singer: "You can rest assured!"

I got a satisfactory answer, and I went to the battlefield to insert the weapon into the combat uniform with the help of the costumer!

The props used today are all real guys, all hanging on the body, the weight can be imagined.

All the bullets prepared by the crew are empty bombs. The director strives to be perfect. In many places, you can never use the model with real things...

Because the ink does not want to show his face, the director has arranged for the ink to dispose of the second sniper's role. There is no difficulty in the action. It is just a good sniper rifle in a high position. Anyway, I will lose this. The second sniper, as long as it does not affect the original plot, let the ink and ink play a good thing.

Fu Huai'an got the script to listen to the action guide, and the action guide was concise and telling Fu Huai'an where to do what, the male starring couldn't sit still...

Especially when the male starring saw Fu Huai'an wearing combat suits, the sense of crisis that had been replaced hit the heart!

After all, this movie has just started shooting. To replace the shot that he had taken before the re-shooting of the male starring, it is much faster than waiting for his leg to recover... the loss is still small!

But he has more trouble for this movie than anyone else. He has been preparing for eight months! From the time I got the script, I didn't start the selection. I started training for six hours every day. In order to reduce the body fat rate and train the muscles of the military, he tried hard to know only himself! Let him give up now, he is not willing!

"Director!" The male starring bite his teeth and went to the director. His eyes were a little red. He couldn't dare to look in the direction of Fu Huai'an. He only said, "I don't have the seriousness that Dr. Zhou said. I have no problem! I have all the movements. Can come! Will not delay the shooting progress!"

"You are not serious yet?! You need to rest now, don't force it!" The director raised his hand and patted the boy's shoulder.

The one-eighth-seven boys were red-eyed: "Director, I really worked hard to pick up the show. I train for six hours a day and eat the bitterness that others can't eat. I..."

Fu Huai'an, who is listening to the action guide speech, looks up...

Third, is it true that I will see the old Fu re-wearing the combat uniforms! Hahaha... Satisfied! Next, the old Fu's show time! Hahaha... I want to play the list! Baby! Romance contest! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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