Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 883: Loved him for many years

Chapter 883 has loved him for many years.

He looked at the young man with his hands on his side and saw the unwilling and stubborn look of the actor. He quietly opened his mouth to the male starring: "No one wants to change you, if you think of this scene, you Yes, you have no opinion when I come..."

The deputy director pulled the sleeves of the male starring, fearing that the male starring did not know what was going on, and said: "This is the biggest investor in our crew..."

When I heard this, the male starring face became more and more ugly.

If it is an investor, then if he asks the director for no hope, he will definitely be replaced!

The male lead squats tightly, and when he is close to the dream, he is pushed down from the cloud, making people feel better and worse!

"So big people give you a substitute, you don't force it! Hurry and rest quickly!" The deputy director lowered his voice.

The male starring did not react for a while and the expression was more than the group: "What... avatar?!"

Song Yi knows the horror of the actor and smiles and says: "Lin Wen’s husband used to be a soldier. These movements are familiar. They don’t mean to steal your actor! Just do these actions that you can’t do now. Will not delay the progress of the crew, nor will it delay the time of Lin Wen! Besides... Lin Hu’s husband has no time to film here, the business of tens of millions of millions of minutes, no time spent here ! understand?!"

The male starring incredulously glanced at Song Yu, who was talking, and looked at Fu Huai'an. The throat shook: "I..."

Fu Huai'an took over the SIG551 rifle handed over by the props group and said to the director: "If you don't affect the story, can you change my CZ805?!"

The director nodded again and again: "Can you! No problem! Prop group..."

Just kidding, Fu Huai'an is a little bit asking them to be unsatisfied? ! Dare not satisfied? !

Lin Wen did not understand why Fu Huai'an wanted CZ805 at the beginning, but when she saw Fu Huai'an, she took CZ805 and held her hand in the direction of Lin. Lin warmed her lips slightly, and the man in combat suit was in front of her. The silhouette that Lin warm saw in the afternoon coincided...

Her eyes are a little hot, but her lips are not consciously hooked up.

So what about CZ805, is it to get the most out of the day they first met? !

Lin warmed and hugged the group in his arms...

Little did not force the small hand, two little fat hands raised their thumbs and gave Fu Huai'an to see: "Great! Dad is great!"

Fu Huai'an, who is tall and tall, stood in front of Lin Wen. His lips were smiling: "Is it like that day?!"

Lin warmed and hugged the group and nodded hard.

Fu Huai'an handcuffed the small head of the group, and looked at Lin warmly, and then he walked toward the shooting site.

Lin Wen’s line of sight has always followed Fu Huai’an, and the heartbeat is extremely fast. She is holding a group. He is armed with a gun. It is as if they have returned to the first encounter in Iraq. Lin Wen’s heart has been so heartily and loved him for many years.

Song Wei looked at Lin Fu's red scorpion and hit his hand with his elbow. He said, "Are you supposed to be crying by your husband?!"

This time Lin was not ashamed, she nodded: "Yes, my husband is crying..."

The group was not looking at Lin Wen warmly, hands clasped Lin Wen’s neck and gently touched Lin’s head: “Mom doesn’t cry!”

Lin Wen was teased with a low laugh and forced to hold the child in his arms...

"Then you have to look at your husband, when your husband came out from the dressing tent, which woman here has no eyes to shine!" Song Xiao smiled and teased, "I am not bad, my husband is not bad, I If you are not sure, you will be attracted by your husband!"

"If you let the ink brush you hear it, you will be miserable!" Lin Wen used his chin to signal Song Yu to look at the ink in the distance.

Song Yu’s lips swayed and waved at the singer’s high spirits, a thumb.

With a smile on the eye, I adjusted the tightness of the helmet and followed the assistant director to the top of the building where the sniper should be.

Fu Huai'an saw the action, there is no difficulty, the helicopter quickly descends, the wall climbs over, the high-rise strop, the close-range gun battle, there is almost no difficulty for Fu Huai'an!

Lin Wen holding the group and Song Wei three people standing behind the director, staring at the monitor on the screen...

Hearing the sound of the helicopter, Lin Wen couldn't help but look up in the direction of the helicopter. The helicopter and the roof were ready for safety. Lin Wen looked at the starring people from the two sides of the helicopter. The heart mentioned the eyes of the blind.

But she never saw Fu Huai'an figure...

She held her breath and looked up at the sky, only to feel the wind and sand of the helicopter!

Finally, Lin Wen saw a very neat and crisp figure, the movements of beautiful and smooth single drop from the sky, the speed is so fast, people are inexplicably bloody!

It is Fu Huai'an!

Lin warmed and subconsciously tightened his clothes, the sun was too glaring, Lin Wen was forced to blink and only saw one, relying on the elbow to hold the CZ805's masculine **** and murderous silhouette, as if landing, you can immediately fight .

Unlike all previous male-speakers, Fu Huai'an is faster and more neat, without excessive movements. This is the attitude that should be played in the battlefield, rather than taking care of the beauty and perfection of the action!

Everyone breathed, because Fu Huai'an's speed was brought into the atmosphere of tension and suffocation!

Fu Huai'an's speed is too fast, getting closer and closer to the ground... getting closer and closer, Lin warms a heart hanging in the eyes of the blind, with Fu Huai's speed, she is afraid that Fu Huai'an is hurt!

At the moment of condensing the gods, Fu Huai'an has been kneeling and rolling over the buffer, keeping his fighting posture on one knee, and the bullets are squatting...


The gunshots rang...


The director shouted and the camera passed perfectly.

The director Gu is not sitting in front of the monitor, letting the camera play back repeatedly, and no clips have been boiled.

Lin Wen warm people at the scene can deeply feel the kind of goose bump that Fu Huai'an brought to them.

Every muscle of Fu Huai'an's body seems to be preparing for the battle. There is no trace of extra movement. Every movement is precisely in place, and the speed is so fast that the heartbeat follows and accelerates.

Needless to say, he has already had a convincing appeal, and he is willing to follow him to the battlefield and die.

This is probably the so-called military soul, even if Fu Huai'an has been retired, but those things that have been engraved in the depths of his soul are bound to his life and cannot be erased.

First, I am trying to write well today. I wrote it in the morning. I came back in the evening and felt that I was dissatisfied with the morning and deleted it again. So I came here slowly. Thanks to the babies for playing the list for thousands of people. Today is Valentine's Day, I wish the baby. Happy Valentine's Day! Love you guys! Today is the last day of the list, the babies are working hard to duck! ! ! ! The last day!

Thousands of people have seen the gifts that the babies have sent for thousands of hits. It is really very touching and memorable! thanksgiving! ! ! ! ! ! Today's update is a little late, the baby will get up tomorrow morning! muah!

(End of this chapter)

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