Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 884: What is she afraid of when Fu Huai'an is around? !

What is she afraid of in the 884th chapter of Fu Huai'an? !

Lin Wen can only hear his heart beating, and the sound of blood rushing...

At that moment, there was only one man in her eyes who was tall and strong!


The group in Lin Wen’s arms patted the little hand and broke free from Lin’s arms. He ran quickly toward Fu Huai’an.

"Groups..." After Lin Wen ran for two steps, the steps gradually slowed down, and he followed the group, watching the group rushing over and holding Fu Huai'an's leg.

Little Do not look up at the face and look at Fu Huai'an: "Dad!"

Fu Huai'an bent over and smashed the small head of the group. When he didn't look back, he looked back at the slow-looking forest, and he quickly ran to Lin Wen's side, licking Lin's index finger and bending the forest. Down, trotting and walking with him in the direction of Fu Huai'an.

Lin warm heartbeat is very fast, just like a girl’s first spring, going to see her sweetheart.

Nowadays, Fu Huai'an, who is full of camouflage colors, wears such clothes and stands tall and straight. Lin Wen saw the Fu Huai'an who saved the Iraqi people and saw Fu Huai'an who was a special soldier!

After seeing Fu Huai'an mature and stable city, I remembered Fu Huai'an who is so arrogant and has such a strong blood field!

Such Fu Huai'an once again let Lin warm heartbeat!

Sitting on the side and watching Fu Huai'an's male starring, the throat is swaying. He has been in the army for so long. These movements have also been studied for nearly half a year...

He has never seen anyone who can make a high-altitude drop so beautiful, this kind of landing is a battlefield state, he has never seen it!

If this is not what he saw with his own eyes, he will not believe it. He will definitely think that this is the result of the movie in order to increase the point of view!

Such a person to be his own substitute, he is very upset.

Lin Wen was smashed in front of Fu Huai'an, and his lips twitched and smiled at Lin, so Lin warmed his ears.

She gathered the hair that had just been picked up by the helicopter and smashed her hair behind her ear, and said to Fu Huai'an: "Next, you pay attention to safety!"

Fu Huai'an beheaded: "Reassured!"

The next action content is nothing to Fu Huai'an!

Fu Huai'an's separate lens was quickly finished. In addition to the mistakes of other people who accompanied him, Fu Huai'an had to cooperate. Fu Huai'an himself had one...

Its beautiful and smooth movements made people laugh and couldn't help but admire, especially the director sitting behind the monitor, his throat swayed, his heart slightly shaken, and he gave birth to a little bit of the idea of ​​changing the male lead.

This series of actions is finished at three o'clock in the afternoon!

The time is still early. Next, the director plans to shoot Fu Huai'an to rescue Lin Wen's lens.

The director let Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen come first, then the male lead single shot...

Because there is a plot in which the male lead carries Lin Lin to avoid the rain of bullets, and the male lead climbs the helicopter ladder with Lin Wen, and is taken away in the air, the situation of the male lead is afraid that it can’t be done. Safety is also a problem, so let Lin Wenhe Fu Huai'an come.

The director was very pleased to call Fu Huai'an today. All the shots were so smooth. He was so excited that he wanted Fu Huai'an to perform all the difficult shots for the male star.

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When Lin warmed off his coat and dressed in costumes to shoot the venue, Song lived in Lin Wen: "You don't see Fu Huai'an playing for a while, imagine that you first saw Fu Huai'an and kept the mood!"

Lin Wen is not a professional actor, so Song Yu will inevitably be warm, and it is too laborious for the weak women like Lin Wen and Song Wei to shoot such a lens. If it comes to the second time, it will definitely not support it.

What Song Song doesn't know is that Lin Wen has been training in physical fitness since these days, and even the pistol has been used very slippery...

Lin Wen was not the only girl who had just rushed to Iraq to train people, who relied on a single courage and perseverance.

Lin warmed nodded: "Thank you for your support after Song Ying..."

"Go and go!" Song Yubai took a look at Lin Wen, watching Lin Wen sit on a mountain bike, and went to the high-rise building that stood in the blue curtain in the open space not far away.

There is a second shooting venue.

The building used for the filming was built temporarily before coming...

Because the final ending of the most building was destroyed by the actor with Lin Wen on the helicopter ladder and being carried in the air for ten seconds!

The director refused to use special effects, chose to destroy the real thing in order to maintain authenticity, and chose to build the building in an open position for post-production with streetscapes and houses.

Like the plot in the script, Lin Wen hides in a small clean room in a building that has been controlled by terrorists. The nerves are extremely tight, and only a mobile phone that is almost out of power can make people determine her position.

This is also the most difficult part of Lin Wen’s performance in the whole movie. After all, it’s not a professional actor, and he has important information in his hand. One person waits for someone else to rescue the emotion in the dark lacquered clean room. Lin Wen, even for professional actors is difficult to play.

The reason why the director used Lin Wen, is because Lin Wen is the host and reporter. The image established in the country is very positive. I dare to expose the inside story of drugs like Abido Wei, because Lin Wen has done a file. The program after "Heroes" mainly focuses on the special forces program!

Second, because Lin Wen once had the energy of war in Iraq, she was also held hostage by terrorists, and she also waited for her husband to go to her!

Therefore, on the way to the building by car, the director told Lin Wen that when Lin warmed, he recalled the experience he had experienced in Iraq before, and the emotions brought him into believe that Lin Wen would be able to perform well.

Lin nodded warmly. As the road became more and more bumpy, I thought that I would have to fly on the helicopter ladder at a high altitude. I was a little nervous. She was somewhat fearful...

The previous dialect and director proposed this lens to be used as a substitute, and the director also prepared a substitute...

But now Fu Huai'an is doing these difficult moves for the male protagonist. Lin warmly does not want to let the beautiful substitute and Fu Huai'an have too close contact, so I just volunteered with the director to say that I am on my own!

Fu Huai'an, sitting beside Fu Huai'an, quietly stunned Lin Wen's little hand...

Lin warmed to hold Fu Huai'an's big hand, and then slowly settled down. What is she afraid of with Fu Huai'an? !

Perhaps because Lin Wen was waiting for Fu Huai'an in the black lacquer clean room, the shooting was exceptionally smooth that day!

The second is more... there are two more!

(End of this chapter)

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