Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 885: Let Mr. Fu accompany you!

Chapter 885 can let Mr. Fu accompany you!

Lin Wen played a very tough and courageous journalist with great hope, one by one!

In the clean room corridor, Mu Taotao gave Lin warm makeup, and the director was also telling Fu Huai'an about the lens for a while...

Lin warm couldn't help but look at Fu Huai'an's direction, and happened to meet Fu Huai'an's line of sight towards her.

She couldn't help but lick her lips. It was wonderful to film with Fu Huai'an for the first time.

In particular, the lines in it, if it is for others, Lin Wen may not have much feeling, but if it is replaced by Fu Huai'an...

When you are ready, Lin warms back to the clean room, waiting for Fu Huai'an to come after playing the board!

In the lens, Fu Huai'an appeared in the face of Lin Wen, who was hiding in the shelf and writing a suicide note on the toilet paper. The line... As the former Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen said, he said, "I will pick you up..."

Lin Wen didn't know how to describe the feeling. The content of the script was like what happened in the sheep circle in Iraq in 2014. The man who came down like a **** came off the bulletproof vest and helmet and gave Lin Wen.

However, this time Lin Wen, not as before, looked at Fu Huai'an with black eyes and told him... he needs more than her!

Today's shooting progress is beyond the director's expectations.

Originally, the director thought that it was very difficult to shoot the set of difficult movements today. I didn’t expect the latter shots to be so smooth, and let the director feel like dreaming...

Before the director came, I thought that it would take at least a week or two for these shots!

Even when shooting close to the ladder and flying high, Lin Wen was doing very well because of Fu Huai's side.

The helicopter flew away, the building explosion was a real explosion, but not when Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an were still on the helicopter, the effect would have to be synthesized later. At that time, Lin Wen went to the studio to make up the close-up shot of the explosion on the ladder.

At this point they are flying to the landing site.

Lin Weng tightly embraced Fu Huai'an's waist. The wind continued to blow her hair from the ear. Lin warmed like a piece of wood. He closed his eyes and couldn't look down. He was afraid that his legs would be soft. Soft and can't catch the ladder...

"Don't be afraid!" Fu Huai'an tightened Lin Wen's thin waist and opened her mouth. "Don't look at the following, look at the distance, the sunset is especially beautiful..."

It’s already the setting sun, the clouds in the sky are dyed red, the warm orange sunset, the forest warms up and looks at the man’s slanted squat, the huge propeller sound in the ear shocks the heart. Quivering, but she felt that the warmth of the sunset was inexplicable.

The original pale white warm, bloodless cheeks seem to have been dyed by this warm orange color.

She hugged Fu Huai'an, her head resting in front of Fu Huai'an's chest, listening to Fu Huai'an's solid and powerful heartbeat, and even the body gradually softened.

The plane slowly descended. Fu Huai'an was holding Lin Wen from the ladder. Lin Wen's legs were already soft and noodles. If Fu Huai'an was holding her, she was afraid that she could not stand.

Fu Huai’an discovered that Lin’s hands were all sweaty. She took the position of Fu Huai’s T-shirt and was wet with her sweat.

The staff members applauded for Lin Weng, and even the group broke free of ink. They squeezed out from the unclear legs and ran to Lin Wen’s face, slamming the little hand: “Mama stick! Mom is the best!”

Song Yu and Yan Mo did not rest assured that the group had chased them. When they saw Lin Wen Song, they said to Lin Wen: "You can do it, and I am afraid that I am still personally!"

Song Wei is really admired by Lin Wen, it is really a husband who dares to do anything!

Lin Wen was so embarrassed to say that so many people in the crew were embarrassed to say that she just didn't want the substitute and Fu Huai'an to get in touch on the ladder together, so she said: "Everyone is in person, I am not good at how special!"

In this case, the small group looked at Lin Wen’s eyes more and more worship, and the little ones sincerely praised Lin Wen: “Mom is super!”

Lin Wen was praised by the group for some guilty conscience, and smiled...

"The hardest part I didn't expect to finish today, I am going to work ahead of time! I treat you! Let's go out for dinner!" The director excitedly picked up the horn around him and shouted.

The whole crew cheered up and shouted the director's long lived, the atmosphere was unprecedented.

The director put down the speaker in his hand and went to Fu Huai'an in front of him. Sincerely invited: "Mr. Fu, this time thanks to your shooting, it is so smooth. Please enjoy the dinner of this evening! Give us the opportunity of the whole crew!"

Until Lin’s warm legs were still weak, Fu Huai’an rumor rejected the director’s invitation: “I have a meeting at seven o'clock in the evening, you are happy! I will go back with Xiaowen!”

Although the director really wanted to invite Fu Huai'an, but did not dare to stop, nodded, and after repeated thanks, he personally sent Fu Huai'an to the locker room door, which said that do not bother Fu Huai'an to change clothes.

Mu Taotao gave Lin warm makeup remover and saw Lin warm sitting in the chair and his legs still unconsciously shaking. He smiled lowly: "Warm sister, I used to see your information and said that you are slightly afraid of height, how to shake your legs." It’s so amazing?!”

The dialect who was looking down at the tablet endured the smile and looked up and said, "No joke, you warm sister!"

Lin Wen: "..."

She really can't control her legs, even if she is not afraid at this moment, but she is still uncontrollable in a slight jitter.

Lin warmed and held his legs, his brows wrinkled.

"I don't think you are afraid of flying." The dialect put down the tablet in his hand and walked over to the mirror to look at Lin Wen. "And before you filmed "The Legend of the Devil", you also hang Wia and stand on the cliff. side……"

"I am slightly afraid of heights. Every time I fly, I imagine sitting on a bus..." Lin warmed, "The height of the pressure is not high, and the cliff is just a curtain!"

"Warm sister..." Mu Taotao wiped the scar on Lin warm face with a cotton pad full of make-up remover. "If you want to be afraid of height, you can try to walk a little higher, from transparent. The plank road starts all the way up, and finally you can try the bungee!"

Lin Wenguang heard the heart pounding.

"Everyone has something that they are afraid of. If you don't want these to be your weakness, you must overcome it and conquer it!"

Mu Taotao said, looking at the line and Lin Wen, looking firm and serious.

Mu Taotao, they are so trained, the more they are afraid, the more they want to go to customer service...

Knowing the identity of Mu Taotao, Lin looked at Mu Taotao and wondered if Mu Taotao had been trained like this.

"Yeah!" Lin warmed, "I will try!"

Mu Taotao’s lips twitched and laughed: “You can let Mr. Fu accompany you!”

Third, there is a more fruity sugar added! ! ! Thousands will be updated as soon as possible! Update at noon before noon!

(End of this chapter)

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