Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 903: How much you want!

Chapter 903, how much you want!

"Even if I am really wrong, I can't be afraid to be a man!"

The fists on the side of Chu’s side were tightly tied together, and even the voice trembled with the whisper: “The situation at the time was not on the scene... I didn’t see someone shooting in front of you, I didn’t see those people’s brains splashing. The picture of your face! Of course, it will be easy to think that I should be strong and hard to support, not to look at Lu Xiangsi is right!"

"But who have thought about fear of death is a human instinct?! I did not think about pointing out who is Lu Xiangsi can escape a life, I just subconsciously feared to dominate the Acacia and looked at it, nothing more! This change! Who is afraid of this will also have such a move, and even change a person may have long been arrogant to identify Lu Xiangsi and the child! But I did not! Why do you hold me a little bit wrong?! Things did not happen On you! Who have experienced my feelings at the time?! Why do you call me a curse?! Why should I push me to death?!"

On the phone, Bai Xiaonian opened the public release, Lu Jinnan heard the words of Chu Yu clearly.

Lu Jinnan really didn't want to talk to Chu Yu, but couldn't help but get angry and took the phone from Bai Xiaonian's hand. The microphone was close to the lips, and Lu Jinnan's low-pitched voice sounded...

"Say you are a monk is already lifting you! No one will spoil you because you are afraid of death and look at Lu Xiangsi. You still don't understand where you really look down! You really make people Sorry, after the Lu Xiangsi couple saved you to take care of you, you completely forgot their care for you in Iraq, even to get an honor that does not belong to you, completely kill them in your past, as if they have never Never appeared in your life track..."

"It is actually the old Fu who saved Lu Xiangsi and Jiang Ming'an, and it became an indispensable role in the script after your success! Why?! It's very simple...because you like Lao Fu! Want to get the old Fu! And already dead Lu Xiangsi and Jiang Ming'an are already irrelevant to you. If it is not because the mother of the group is Lu Xiangsi, if it is not because the old Fu became the father of the group, I think... you will not see the group. !"

Lu Jinnan saw Chu Hao very well...

Yes, if it is not on the helicopter, Chu Yu is attracted by Fu Huai'an, who is full of masculine taste. She even forgets the existence of the group.

When she boarded the helicopter and saw Fu Huai'an sitting next to her, when she saw the child in Fu Huai'an's arms, she remembered Lu Xiangsi because of a sentence: "Is this a child of Acacia?!"

Chu Yu and Fu Huai'an catch up...

Therefore, Chu Yu will be so concerned about the group!

"You said that fear of death is instinct, then Lin Lin?! Like you, I have been taken care of by Lu Xiangsi, and Lu Xiangsi just got along for a few days, just like you, seeing someone fall in front of her and see Some people have brains splashing, you have all experienced the same! But... she can read Lu Xiangsi to take care of her kindness and protect her life from Lu Xiangsi’s children! In the end, it is because you are a selfish person. People, you and Lin Wen are two types of people. This is why Lao Fu loves Lin Wen but dismisses you!"

Chu Yu red eyes, half a hand can not say a word...

"If you have nothing to say, then I will hang up and stop calling me later!"

Chu Yu opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn’t say a word. She always said good deeds, but at this time she could not find any reason to excuse herself.

Because the mind that she has been unwilling to admit has been suddenly poked by Lu Jinnan, she is more afraid and panic than the embarrassment.

The blood of Chu’s cheeks faded, the wolf hangs on the phone, and the heart keeps sinking. I only feel that there is no hope...

Even though she was just listening to the content of the video, now Lu Jinnan is not willing to pick up her phone, she knows that the content of the video is very unfavorable to her.

Even Lu Jinnan has this attitude towards her, let alone Fu Huai'an who used to be Lu Xiangsi's lover.

Chu Yu lost his soul and sat down on the sofa. Before he heard the sound of someone coming to the door of the apartment, Chu Yan stood up and looked at the door. His brain was still in the stunned part.

Chu Yu is living alone here, no one has told, how can anyone open her door? !

Burglary? !

The reaction came to Chu Hao immediately ran to the bedroom with his mobile phone, locked the door, took the gun from the bedside table, shook and held the pistol in his hand, ran into the bathroom, carefully locked the door and hid in the bath, dialed the alarm call!

Although she has a gun in her hand, she has never used it, and she is nervous and half dead...

When the phone was connected, Chu Yu whispered and said, "Hello, I need help. I am here at 14th apartment, No. 100, East 53rd Street, Manhattan. I...had suffered a burglary, I am in the bathroom now. Very scared! Need your help!"

"People are in the bathroom!"

When I heard the sound, I felt that my hair was stunned, and the hair of the whole body was erected. The squeaking of the cochlea made the brain blank.

The alarm call is open, why is the person at the end reacting like this? !

An unpredictable hunch rose from the bottom of my heart, and Chu heard that the bedroom door seemed to have been opened...

At the moment when the bathroom door was knocked open, Chu was like hearing the voice of death. She didn’t even have the courage to shoot. It seemed to return to Iraq that morning. The terrorists took her neckline and used a hot muzzle. Against her forehead.

The gun in his hand was taken away, and Chu’s voice that he asked for mercy could not be heard!

She looked at the people holding the guns and rushing into the bathroom with desperate eyes. I didn't know what to do if I lost my mind...

At this time, Chu Yu’s face was fearful and numb, until she was dragged out of the bathroom, and she reacted: “Who are you?!”

Chu Yu’s voice is full of fear...

"What are you doing?! Robbery into the room?!"

No one answered Chu, she saw that the man with a burn scar on his face was cheating on chewing gum and seemed calm and indifferent.

"You are the boss?! What do you want?! I am Miss Chu of Chu, our company is very big... How much you want! I know the rules will not call the police, you take the money to leave... How much! Open a price!"

Chu Yu’s legs have become soft noodles, but they still insist on making a look that is not afraid and come to discuss.

The man with a burn on his face chewed the chewing gum and walked to the front of Chu. He looked impatient. He held the squat of the hand with his gloved hand. He looked at the scorpion like a piece of cargo. ...

The first is more...

(End of this chapter)

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