Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 904: Have never seen anything that is real hell!

Chapter 904 has never seen anything that is real hell!

Although this is an insulting action, Chu can still resist the resistance and resist humiliation.

"How many rules do you know?" The man said that the English is extremely blunt, and the words and sentences seem to have **** suffocation.

Chu Yuren’s trembling is so powerful that his throat is like being held by a big hand, just like death is in front of his eyes.

Chu Yu’s brain reaction was not slow. I immediately learned that the man was hired by a man’s words. Chu Yu seems to have seized a line of vitality. She choked for a moment and held back her sweat on her forehead. The voice was slightly hoarse: How much is the other party giving you, I will give you ten times..."

When he said this, Chu’s tense throat trembled, and the sweat on his neck and collarbone loomed, and his bones were well defined.

The man with a burn on his face looked back and looked at his brothers, chuckling, and everyone else laughed...

Chu Yu looked at the men in the house who seemed to be uncomfortable. They only felt that the scalp was tightening, for fear that something desperate would happen next.

Someone whistled at Chu: "That's not as good as playing with us!"

Surrounded by men, scornful haha, so that Chu Yu unconsciously wrapped his clothes, could not help but chill.

"I can give you a lot of money. What kind of woman do you want?? How about twenty times?! I know the rules of your line... Kill me, you can only get that little commission..." Chu Yu’s eyes swept across everyone in the room. “It may not be enough for a group of people!”

She looked at the burned man again: "But let me go, you have twenty times the money, and you can get the money that the employer gave you. I can no longer appear in this name! It will not cause any trouble for you. !"

Chu Yuqiang pressed his fear and deliberately made a strong gesture.

"I really met a very knowledgeable person!" The man with a burn on his cheek was sitting on the arm of the sofa. "Looks like you used to live the lives of others?!"

Chu Yu stretched a face without snoring...

The scalded man wore his boots on the glass coffee table, and the huge sound shook his body.

"Since you know the rules, you should also know... We will use people's money to save people!"

Chu Yu’s heart has been put down a bit. As long as these people are willing to talk to Chu Yu, then there will be a glimmer of life!

"No matter who the disaster, as long as I don't appear to have disasters for your employer, you can receive 20 times more than the commission, which should be for you. A good deal! I have passports from six countries, which can be disappeared. In order to show my sincerity, you can see them in the suitcase in the closet!"

The man who burned the chewing gum had a look. He looked at his own hand and made a look. His hand went down to the bedroom and quickly found six passports and handed it to the burned man.

Chu Yan clenched his teeth and looked up, and tried to keep calm with the sight of the burned man looking at her.

I saw that the burned man looked at her deeply. After taking the passport and flipping through the six books, he left his passport at the foot of Chu.

Chu Yu was scared and trembling, could not help but his fear closed his eyes.

After a while, the burned man had no other movements. Chu Yu opened his eyes and looked at the burned man. "Give me an account. The money will definitely arrive in 20 minutes! You can rest assured that I will not pay back. I don't know who wants it now. The life, so you can only hide your name and no longer appear to save your life, you will not ask for trouble... It will not bring you trouble!"

The burned male's lips evoked, laughing and using the muzzle to provoke the squat of the Chu...

Chu's nervous hands clasped together, clutching his teeth and looking at the man's eyes.

Just listen to the man: "Transfer! Now..."

Chu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, only the strength of the body seemed to be drained, she did not ask anything, let people help take the computer, open her Swiss account, turn the computer to the burned man: "How much is the other party? I don't ask for money, you fill in the numbers yourself!"

"Miss Chu is not the same, very angry!" The burned man put a string of numbers on the gun and pressed the Enter key.

"At the latest five minutes to arrive!" Chu Yu's voice fell, I saw the burned man's accompanying hand with a single hand to cover the lips of the burned man's ear to say something.

Chu Yu nervously looked at the burned man, only to see him pick up the gun, Chu Yu held his breath...

The burnt man looked at Chu Yu and stood up. He put his pistol into his waist and said: "I hope you won't cause us trouble, otherwise... we can't get the business, we can only kill your family to the employer. Thanks for sin!"

Chu Hao nodded: "You can rest assured! As far as my reputation is, I don't want to be found to be alive!"

After the group of people left, Chu Yu slid down from the sofa and fell to the ground, his legs could not stop shaking, but still strong support to rush to the door to close the door, anti-lock!

The last trace of strength was exhausted, Chu Yu fell behind the door, biting the tears of water like a broken line of beads.

Although the body seems to have exhausted all energy storage, Chu Yu knows she needs to go right away! Leave here now!

Otherwise... in case someone regrets after getting the money, she is really dead.

Now who wants her life, Chu Yu still doesn't know, and she doesn't have the strength to think about it. It is the only thought of Chu Yu.

She stood up with the legs of the soft noodles, and picked up the valuable things and the passports and computers on the ground. Nothing was left!

Going out to the airport, I went to the airport.

The burned man was sitting in the car parked opposite the Chuxi apartment building. He saw Chu Hao taking a taxi and dialing a phone call. The tone was respectful and cautious. He was completely different from the arrogant man just now...

"Sir, I have done it. The money in the account of Chu has been all empty. The Chu people have left the apartment. It is expected to go to the airport. She has six passports. The name of the US passport is Jennifer Stanfield, the passport number..."

The burned man was very fluent and carried out all the information about the six passports of Chu Yu!

Hanging up the phone, the burned man drove first, then the next few cars followed along.

At the end of the phone, Yan Mo put the mobile phone in his pocket. The deep and secluded scorpion looked out the window, and the corners of his lips swelled. The gloomy eyes of the **** were like the gems that had been immersed in the moonlight.

Chu Yu has always been a high-ranking lady. She has never experienced the hardships of the world, nor has she ever seen anything that is real hell!

I want to put Chu, a young lady who has always been high, step by step... dragged into hell!

(End of this chapter)

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