Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 909: Is it for swindling yourself? !

Chapter 909 is to swindle yourself? !

Saihande did not say anything.

When he was surprised, he closed the book and looked at Saihande. He asked seriously: "Is there really a woman?!"

Saihande opened his mouth, his throat moved, and finally covered his lips. Xiaolu said that even if he is the most respected boss, he also needs to keep his privacy. There is no reserved special help.

Saihande decided to remain mysterious. He said two words to Jimo: "Privacy!"

During this time, Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen's family lived here, and Fu Huai's assistant Xiao Lu naturally lived here!

Saihande was particularly popular after seeing Xiaolu. Everyone liked Xiaolu, and according to his observation, Xiaolu was very popular wherever he went. Others’ comments on Xiaolu are that Xiaolu is very Attractive male.

Saihande has always been, whether in a mansion or somewhere else, everyone sees him besides fear or fear!

Ke Saihan did not want others to be afraid of him. He did not deliberately keep it cold. He really wanted to be like other people with Xiao Lu, but he could not do it!

So he went to ask how Xiaolu should become attractive, and misunderstood the meaning of Saihande’s Xiaolu, thinking that Saihande said how to maintain a humiliating temperament in front of the ink, so he said to Saihande, need Have their own privacy, can't tell the boss's resolutely can't tell the boss! Stick to your own position and principles to be more attractive!

Saihande also wants to be as attractive as Xiaolu, so he has to start to have his own privacy.

In fact, Xiao Lu did not tell Saihande that charm and looks are also inseparable.

Xiaolu itself is very handsome. In addition to being with Fu Huai'an, standing alone, the death is not inferior to any star now. It is a gentleman and a courtesy. How can a gentleman look like no charm!

And Saihande, tall and strong, the five senses do not look soft at all, the sharp edges and corners are like the axe chiseling and the ruthlessness of the thick mines, the gestures are all murderous, people look at him and want to leave more Far better!

After all... Saihande even smiles make people look less friendly, and who would be willing to approach? !

Only the ink does not disregard Sai Khand’s smile.

Yan ink raised his eyebrows and looked at Sai Hande deeply: "Don't think that a woman is beautiful, she will listen carefully, be careful by a woman, get along and be careful! Also... don't be too rigid, remember to bring a bunch when you meet others. Flowers, women like it!"

Saihande wanted to explain to Zhai Mo, and if he thought of Xiao Lu, he would hold back. He nodded.

"Oh, absolutely there is a woman..." 岑墨 shakes his head and looks back at his own book to continue watching.

Saihande: "..."

So what have you said just to swindle yourself? ! Do you want to be so naive? !

"Go!" Yan Mo said to Saihande. "You don't have to hurry back tonight..."

"Good sir!" Saihande got permission from the ink, and quit from the sun room on the roof.

Today, I don’t have to spend the day with my ink. Saihande doesn’t know what to do. He took out his mobile phone and dialed Xiaolu’s phone...

"Small land, I asked Mr. to the husband for a few hours off today. The gentleman said that I will not come back tonight. You said that I am doing something to improve my charm?!" Saihande asked.

Xiaolu at the other end of the phone grabbed the hair and said: "You can... get together with your friends!"

"Then we get together, where are you going to find you!" Saihande was very happy.

"I am at the studio of the boss."

"Okay, I will come right now!"

Hanging up the phone, Xiaolu has some circles...

He asked Saihande to go to a friend to get together. What did he come to find himself? !

"What's wrong?!" Fu Huai'an looked back at Xiaolu, who was frowning.

"Mr. Saihande, who is next to Mr. Qi, said that he had asked Mr. Qi to take a vacation. He didn't know what to do. He said come over to me..." Xiao Lu said to Fu Huai'an.

Fu Huai'an beheaded: "That day you also take a day off, take a rest and rest!"

Xiao Lu smiled and nodded: "Good sir!"

However, Xiaolu is still very puzzled, why is Saihande coming to him? ! I always feel strange...


Because Fu Huai'an is currently the biggest investor, there are not many Lin Wen plays. Xiao Lu and Yang Rui confessed that Mr. Fu hopes that all the scenes of Lin Wen can be finished before the New Year.

Tomorrow, Lin Wen needs to go back to Haicheng to record the two programs "Warm Words" and "After Heroes". Miss Summer has already gone back to prepare, so Lin Lin and Fu Huai'an will return home this evening.

It can be said that the day will be the most tiring day for Lin Wen, dragging his tired body back to Haicheng, recording the two programs without stopping, and then flying to Morocco to complete all of her shots.

Yan Mo originally thought that Lin Wen came and went to rush to let the group stay in Morocco, but the group was not willing to separate from the father and mother. I knew that Lin Wen would return to the country tonight, and he ran back to the room and was very busy to pack his small suitcase. .

Yanmo stood at the door of the room and looked at the little ones and ran around to carry a few sets of one-piece pajamas in his arms and stuffed them into the suitcase.

"What do you do with that?!"

The group that was licking the small buttocks and stuffing the clothes in the suitcase looked up and looked at the ink standing in the doorway of the bedroom. The **** eyes were stunned: "Pajamas!"

"Yes, I know that is pajamas, I mean... What do you do with so many pajamas?!" Yan Mo smiled and walked toward the group, crouching across the group, very patiently asked.

The group looked at it with a serious look and answered: "Wear!"

岑 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被!

I thought of him when he was a child...

Perhaps, if he had been a parent in the childhood, he was not lost, he might be as stupid as a group when he was a child.

"You and your mom and dad returned to China for two days. They went to the country this evening and night. They only slept one night. The next day, your mother finished shooting and will come back at night, so it is enough to bring two sets of pajamas!" The 岑墨帮团 took out the excess pajamas and then discussed with the group. “Group... Do you want to stay and stay with your aunt and mom for two days, wait for Mom and Dad to come back?!”

The group shook his head very seriously: "Mother!"

The child's sticky mother is probably instinct. When the ink is so big, it will secretly ask himself where his mother is...

The first is more...

(End of this chapter)

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