Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 910: Don't let me go? !

Chapter 910 does not let me go? !

However, he never thought about where his father was, let alone what he said.

Frustrated with a slap in the face: "That help you pack things, by the way teach you how to sort out the luggage, let us take things out first?!"

Little nodded, nodded and put all the things out on his bed with his head down and ink.

Yan Mo moved the suitcase to the side of the bed, kneeling down and pointing at the group's pajamas: "You see, you don't have to take so much in your pajamas..."

Little nodded and nodded, very neatly walked to the side of the ink, holding his knees down, watching him put his luggage in the suitcase, a very serious study.

"In fact, you can wear a set of clothes, because when you get home, your family is dressed in clothes. Are you right?!" Yan ink put the sweater and coat on the bed aside.

The group nodded again and thought about looking sideways at the ink: "Pajamas...also!"

Do you have pajamas at home? !

"But, sleep on the plane to wear a group to wear!" Yan ink understands the meaning of the group, to the children.

The group nodded again.

Soon, Zhai Mo packed up the things in the group. The original suitcase thought that the suitcases that were not enough were empty. His things only accounted for a quarter. He looked up at the ink.

"You see, since there are so few things, then... we have enough to change a shoulder bag. Do you say it?"

The little bit of the little bit of the dead with the chicken glutinous rice, ran to get his little backpack.

The small backpack from the group is mini, and it is a bit difficult to put these things.

I thought about it and called back: "Saihand..."

No one responded.

"Saihande..." 岑墨 stood up and frowned and shouted outside the door.

After no one answered, I remembered it, right... Today Saihande took time off.

Looking back, I saw the little black eyes that looked at him and said: "Take you to buy a backpack! Your backpack is too small to fit!"

"Okay!" The group took a small hand.

Zhai Mo asked people who wanted to go to Song Yi. Song Song had already been ruined at home. This time, it was too late to get out of the group.

Song Yi put down the books in his hands, changed his clothes and went to the mall to buy a backpack with a group of ink.

When the children arrived at the complex of the playground and the shopping mall, they couldn’t stop the car. All kinds of running and running, the speed obviously made Song Yu’s pregnant woman unable to catch up.

Yan Mo settled Song Wei in the coffee shop on the second floor, gave her a cup of hot milk to let her rest, and let Song Song think about what to eat, and then bought the backpack with the Song and the group to eat. .

Song Hao nodded, and after the ink was taken away, the line of sight unintentionally turned to the baby shop opposite the coffee shop.

From pregnancy to the present, Song Wei basically did not go out the door, so I have not visited the baby products store. Now I see that the baby products suddenly feel soft and I want to go.

Hot milk Song Yu did not drink, she got up...

"Mrs!" The female bodyguards came forward, and there was a big question to stop Song Hao’s posture. "Was the wife going to the bathroom?!"

"No, I saw a baby shop opposite, I want to see it..." When Song Song said this, the smile had already settled a bit.

"Please wait a moment, let me report it to Mr.!" The female bodyguard said, pressed the headset, and told the person at the head to ask Mr., the wife wanted to go to the opposite baby store to see if it was can.

Song Xiao’s smile on her face was even lighter. She sat down on the coffee table and held the cup of hot milk in her hand. She felt that her hands were soft and soft, but she still had no hands.

The female bodyguard got the answer from the other end of the phone and turned around and said to Song: "Mrs. Mr. said you can go..."

Song Xiao smiled and nodded, but did not move in the same place.

"Mrs.?! Are you going to the baby store?!" The female bodyguard asked indefinitely.

If Song Hao is going to go, she has to send someone to check it out before she can let Song Song pass.

Originally interested in Song Hao, there is no such interest, she sat in the place without a snoring, took a milk cup and took a sip without speaking.

The bodyguard didn't know what Song Wei meant. He tried to press the headset and let the bodyguards who were going to check it back.

Song Hao fingers slammed the table intentionally or unintentionally, drank a few mouthfuls of milk, put down the cup and got up...

"Mrs??" The female bodyguard is still asking.

"How, don't let me go?! Baby shop?!" Song asked.

"Of course!" The female bodyguard knows that Song Wei is deliberately embarrassed and his face is not very good looking.

The female bodyguard immediately arranged for someone to check out the baby store.

On the way to the baby goods store, Song Yi sighed and said to the female bodyguard who was next to him: "Sorry, I don't want to deliberately embarrass you, just don't like this kind of thing you need to get permission from others!" ”

The female bodyguard looked at Song Wei, who had her hands in her pocket, and opened her mouth in disorder: "I am sorry, my duty. If you are unhappy, I am really sorry!"

"Well! I know this is your duty, so I will apologize to you!" Song Yi sighed again, only to feel his own suffering, why the people who face it are low in emotional intelligence, she said, "Next time Let's change the way of communication. If I go there, I will tell you, you can ask Mr., tell me to wait a little, just don't put the words of Mr. ask me first, let me think that he doesn't Allow me to go anywhere, okay?!"

The female bodyguard is puzzled.

"I am his wife, not his prisoner. Although I know that he is nervous because he is pregnant, I don't like this feeling. Can you understand?!" Song Hao's expression is sincere.

The female bodyguard nodded: "Good wife..."

After talking with the female bodyguard, Song Yu entered the maternal and child shop. When she saw those beautiful little shoes and small clothes, she couldn’t move. The shopping guide knew that she should be a famous lady when she saw Song’s dress. I am more sure about the bodyguards, and I rushed to the front: "Hello, what do you need?"

"Sorry, I want to see some things that kids will use after they are born, but I don't know much about them!"

When Song Yu talked about these things, his face had a happy blush. The experienced shopping guide Miss knew that Song Wei was watching for his children. He said, "Congratulations! You are like this... After the birth of the little angel Need more things, take the liberty to ask, have you procured something for the upcoming little angel?!"

The second is more... ask for the monthly ticket! Baby! Seeing the end of the month...

(End of this chapter)

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