Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 914: The whole person becomes very radical

Chapter 914 The whole person becomes very radical

"Although this is very cruel... If you don't do this, you can't start a new life with your heart!" Song Yu bit his teeth and spoke to Su Shi, "Su Shi, give me the watch... and the wallet!"

It’s hard to tell, but it’s far less difficult than Song’s imagination.

Su Shi gave a slight glimpse, and the fingers of the coffee cup moved slightly.

"I beg you!"

Su Shi did not like to listen to Song Yu’s pleading for this word. In his heart, what he did for Song Song was sweet.

Su Shi, who has been silent for a while, finally said: "You broke up with me. I never thought that you had lost me, or you paid for it! I am sorry and apologetic. I can't give you what I want. I am sorry that I am not strong enough. Protecting you... Don’t let you be bullied in the crew! It’s my fault!”

Song Yu shook his head and shook his head. He couldn’t look up and look at Su Shi.

"I didn't want to start a new life. I kept these things because I hope that one day I am strong enough, you can return to me! No matter what identity and look you were at that time, I accept Su Shi hangs down the scorpion, raises his hand to untie the watch, puts it on the coffee table, and pushes his finger to the front of Song Yu. "But if you say, you have met the man who loves you, as long as you are happy." I am willing to let the past... just go!"

The black electronic watch came into view, and Song Yu’s tears fell on her legs. She frowned and didn’t look up.

The wallet Su Shi also took it out of the pocket, although it was still a smiling gesture, but the action of the finger Mosuo had already sold out his disappointment.

It’s not a valuable wallet. Su Shi has been using it for several years, and the corners are worn...

He took his ID card and bank card from his wallet, staring at the wallet, the two people who were put in Song Song, and they were still young, all young and unassuming!

In the end, Su Shi closed the wallet and did not take the photo out!

Together with the photo and the wallet, he returned it to Song Wei. It seems that he also wants to return the feelings together. As if nothing happened between them, for Song Yu!

Song Yu sucked his nose and smiled at Su Shi: "If you get married, you must send me a wedding invitation. My husband and I will go and give you a big red envelope!"

"If one day I get married, you still don't want to come!" Su Shi smiled and smiled, and there was a tear in the eyes. "If you get married, you have already forgotten it, don't... remind me of it. you."

Song Hao nodded: "Good!"

"I won't charge you if you transfer money. The little things of those children are not worth the money, just give me gifts for your children!"

Without courage and face with Su Shi, Song Yu reached out and picked up the watch and wallet on the table. He said to Su Shi: "That... I will go first!"

Su Shi didn't say anything, just looking at Song Hao, saying that she had to forget, but at this time she wanted to engrave her in her heart.

He is afraid that as Song Song said, they will never see each other again!

"Song Song!"

At the moment when Song Song turned and left, Su Shi couldn't help but call Song Song.

She tightened her wallet and watch in her hand and looked back at Su Shi.

Su Shi stretched his fists on his knees and stretched his eyes. He also smiled. He said, "I hope you will be happy forever!"

Song Hao nodded: "I will! You too!"

The farewell of the two men was calm, and Su Shi sat in the coffee card seat and watched Song Song leave, and the heart followed a large piece.

His fingers stroking the wall and telling himself... always learn to let go!

I already know that Song Song is very happy now. What else is he unwilling? !

Su Shi mobile phone vibrates, he turns on...

"Su, the chairman is hospitalized..." The voice on the other end of the phone was low. "The situation is very bad. Come back soon!"

Su Shiyi, got up and went outside, forced himself to calm down, he asked: "What time?! What did the doctor say?! My mom?!"

"The chairman said that angina has been going on for some time. Last night, accompanied by the Secretary of the Provincial Department, after drinking a little drink, the road back was not right! The doctor said that the situation is not very good, my wife... The wife heard the news dizzy. past!"

"I will return home soon!"

Su Shi’s heartbeat is amazing.

After being separated from Song Yu, Su Shi became very radical.

He can't wait to be successful. After fatigue and excessive shock hospitalization, Su Shi is already on the verge of retiring his father. He is so distressed that he can only help himself. Hey!

If you want to succeed, and you want to succeed in the case of several large domestic companies, it is not easy...

Su Shi did not meet a good time!

Even though he has this brain, he has the idea to take such a big and problematic enterprise forward, and there are too many drawbacks!

Institutional problems, the old management method is outdated!

There are also problems with internal staff!

The difficulty of solving it is bigger than imagined, plus the indispensable movements in the province and the expansion of the overseas market. Su Shi’s lack of skills...

The overseas market belongs to the land reclamation. Su’s father wants Su Shi to concentrate on doing this, so the things that the Su’s father has taken are more and more!

Su's father was not very good in his body. He was too old, and he couldn't keep up with his physical strength and all aspects. He should have been retired and he could only go into battle!

Su Shi’s father... there are countless embarrassments!

Hanging up the phone, Su Shi called the assistant to get back to China as soon as possible.

Entering the parking lot, Susie got on the car and consciously picked up the shirt cuffs to see the time, but only saw his empty wrist, which only left the skin color imprint of wearing the watch for a long time.

Su Shi lost a moment, and it was difficult to hide her eyes and drive away.


Song Wei stood by the trash can in the mall, holding the watch with the surface that had been polished, and the worn wallet. It was not a taste in my heart.

These are things that Su Shi thinks as a treasure, she knows she can't stay.

Finally, I looked deeply at Song Yu and threw the watch into the trash. It was hard to control.

The wallet she opened... the cash inside has not been taken away! And... they took a group photo at school.

Su Shi smiled with his hands on his shoulders and raised his scissors. Song, a smile, gentle and tender, a arrogant, a girl who was over-loved.

It was Bai Xiaonian who just bought a camera and took photos at school. Song Wei made a bad standing on the flower bed, made a gesture to Bai Xiaonian, and then jumped on his back with Su Shi without any precautions, squatting to let Bai Xiaonian Hurry up, when their laughter was purely cheerful...

Song Yu closed the wallet and wiped the tears with his back.

The third is coming late. I just sent a child to the child, and I am sorry to have a child. Ask for a monthly ticket, baby! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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