Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 915: Mr. is back!

Mr. 915 is back!

These years, Su Shi is keeping this? !

Song squatted on the wallet and sat down on the seat next to the trash can, unable to calm his mood.

Although the female bodyguard is not sure what Song Song is sitting here, what is going on, but I have just heard the dialogue between Song Yu and Su Shi, and I can probably guess the relationship between Su Shi and Song Yu.

The old man saw that the ink came back from the group, and the female bodyguard was busy saying: "Mr....Mr. is back!"

Song Wei side head, see 岑墨 one hand holding a big bag, holding a group in one hand, small does not hold a big Barbie doll in his arms, but he is better and more cute than Barbie.

Yan Mo’s line of sight looked at Song Yu. She tightened her wallet. At this time, it was too obvious to throw it into the trash can. She handed the wallet to the female bodyguard and whispered: “Tear me!”

The female bodyguard nodded and let Song Song rest assured.

Song Yu adjusted his emotions and smiled and got up. He wrapped his coat and put his long hair behind his ear. He looked at the ink and smiled.

Little did not hold the doll and smashed ink to go to the front of Song Hao, happy to raise the doll in the hand to the Song Hao, the milk voice said: "Send a sister!"

Song Yu bent over and covered his hand on the lower abdomen. He took the small head of the group and took the doll: "Okay, that aunt thank you for your sister!"

The group nodded.

"Is it bought with the group?!" Song Song straight up and asked for ink.

I don't know if it is because of my own guilty conscience. Song Yu looked at the expression of smoky ink. He felt that he was smiling and smiling, and his eyebrows were hurting.

"Buy well, wait for a while upstairs... until you meet your friends, we will go downstairs!" The ink of the ink said that the wind was light and dark, but Song Hao felt creepy, and she hugged her arms. The doll, the fingertips are next to the clothes of the doll.

"See a friend... happy?!"

Song Yu lived in his lips and didn't talk, his heart was terrified, not for himself... but for Su Shi!

I have a mental illness, and it is like a madman...

I have never been able to hold on to Song Song, but there are ways to use the people who Song Yi cares to force Song Yu!

Just like, at first, Song Hao had to send himself to his bed!

So, just now, I saw myself and Su Shi? !

I don’t know what happened. The group’s line of sight moved back and forth between the ink and the Song Dynasty. Although it was laughing, the group could be sensitive to the atmosphere.

The group’s small hand smashed the big hand of 拽岑墨: “舅舅?!”

"Would you like to eat anything?!" 岑 Ink like no matter what happened, ask Song Song.

The more so calm the ink, the more scary Song Yi feels...

"Ink...not as good as we go home to eat?!" Song Yi coveted and asked the group, "Well?!"


"How can it be..." Yan ink bends and hugs the group. "Since I promised that the group should eat outside, naturally I want to eat it outside, so that you want to eat what you want?? Just look at the old?!"

"岑墨......" Song Yan brows a tight, do not like to smudge this kind of light and light tone.

In the face of the group, Song Yu is not good to say anything, can only wait to go home and separate the door of the room and then talk about it.

"What do you want to eat?!"

The group shook his head and looked at Song Yu.

Song Yu’s heart was awkward and he smiled and said to the group: “I heard your mother say, your father wants you to lose weight, then...we are not taking my father today, go to eat pizza?! Just on the first floor... ..."

Little did not hear the pizza happy nodded, patted the little hand.

"岑墨..." Song Yu looked at the ink again.

"If there is anything to go back and say!" 岑墨 finished holding the group and took the elevator down the stairs.

Song Yu bites his teeth and keeps up.

When catching up, Song Yu listened to the ink and asked the people around him: "Where is Saihande?!"

"I will call Mr. Saihande..."

"Let him come back! Immediately! I will see him when I get home!"

Song Xin’s heart continued to sink, and the ink was called Sai Hande, but he was afraid of Su Shi...

The ink shop and the Song dynasty have been cleaned up before entering the restaurant. In addition to the clerk in the pizza shop, and the bodyguards brought by the 岑墨宋窈, only three of them!

After washing his hand back with a group, Song Hao heard the ink on the phone in the seat of the card. "Anxious to return to China?! Then let him not return to the country..."

Hanging up the phone, Yan Mo saw Song Hao holding a group back to sit on the deck, he quietly put the phone aside, watching Song Xiao smile.

Only the guests of this table, the pizza is very fast, but in front of Song Wei is the bird's nest porridge and a few dishes of small dish that people bought from outside. It is the type of refreshing that Song Song especially likes after pregnancy, and the shrimp dumplings. .

"I and Su Shi were accidentally encountered. I went to buy supplies for our baby. I just met Su Shi to accompany his cousin to the maternal and child shop..." Song Zhen really couldn’t stand the ink, if there was such a smile, Explain the opening.

I don’t know what to say to Song.

In the heavy atmosphere, only the group is eager to eat with a head down...

Until the welcoming wind chime at the door of the pizza shop sizzled, the bodyguard of the ink came in from the door, walked to the side of the ink, bent down and respected the watch in the hand and handed it to the ink: "Mr...."

Song Wei looked at the watch in the hands of the bodyguard, took a breath, tightened the hand with the porridge spoon, and the blue veins of the back of the hand fainted.

That is the electronic watch that Song Hao threw into the trash can...

岑 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如This took up the watch and looked at it casually: "What special is this watch?!"


Song Hao clung to his lips and snorted. He continued: "Isn't that what you sent?!"

Song Yan's back sweats are all erected, and this ink is not smiling, she is familiar, but the overwhelming fear will sweep the entire Song Song almost in an instant.

It’s not wise to lie...

Her brain responded quickly, nodding her head and admitting: "Yes... so Su Shi gave it back to me, and said that he and I have met strangers since then, saying that it is... meaning that there is no relationship with the school! Good self!"

Song Yu can't blatantly protect Su Shi, the more she protects Su Shi, the more angry she is.

"Toilet..." The group spoke in this tense atmosphere.

The bodyguards nodded very glancedly, and volunteered to accompany the group to leave the space to Yan Mo and Song Yu.

As soon as the group left, the atmosphere became more depressed and low. Only the TVs hanging from the ceiling played the fast-food new advertisements of celebrity endorsements.

The first bird is coming, ask for a monthly ticket! ! ! Ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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