Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 917: I know

Chapter 917 I know

Song Yu guessed the idea of ​​a little bit of a little bit, and asked the little ones: "Is it necessary to pack my mother back, and I am afraid of being daddy?"

The wet eyes of the group looked at Song Song and nodded.

"Then you pack it back, we don't tell Mom and Dad that you are packing, just say..." Song Wei looked at the ink, "We sprinkle a good little lie to Mom and Dad, and say you buy it back to you, but you Know that Dad is letting you lose weight, so you didn't eat it for your mother?!"

But Mom said that lying is not a good boy...

The group struggled inside.

"I don't want to say that a good little lies tells that the group is a child, it doesn't matter..." Song Yi reached out and licked the hairy hair of the group. "If you can tell the truth, you can push the wrong one to you. Let you eat it! Or the aunt is not going to eat it! It’s not the group’s own coming... We are not lying!”

岑墨: "..."

"That... said the group, only ... eat a piece!" The group seriously raised a chubby finger, compared to a one-one gesture.

Song Xiao smiled and extended his little finger: "Well, the group only ate a small piece! Let's pull the hook. This is a small secret between the aunt, the aunt and the group. We don't say anyone!"

The group thought for a moment, and solemnly extended his own chubby hand and raised his little thumb and Song.

"Looking on the hook, not allowed to change in a hundred years!" Song Yu said the slogan agreed between the children when he was a child.

The group turned around and looked at the ink, and also curled up with his little finger and so on.

岑墨: "..."

This naive thing...

Song Yu is eyeing Zhai Mo, do you want to close the relationship with the group? !

岑 sighed, sighed out his little finger and stretched his face with a serious face: "Tag on the hook, not allowed to change for a hundred years!"

If you don’t speak a little, it’s not good to talk.

Yanmo smiled and reached for the little head, letting Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an pack the pizza and go home with the group.

Saihande, who was inexplicably called back, was waiting at home early, not knowing what had happened and was confused.

When asked about the domestic servants, the servants did not know what to do. They only said that Yan Mo and Song Yu took the group to go to the mall to buy school bags.

Just now the Saihande people have already arrived at the studio. Xiao Lu said that Mr. Fu also gave him a vacation. Saihande is very happy to ask the landlord to invite Xiaolu to eat. The two are still on the way to the restaurant, Saihande The phone was called back again, and I was too embarrassed to leave Xiaolu on the side of the road.

Until Saihande received a call from his men, saying that he would not let Su Shi return to the country, he suspected that he was urgently recruited and probably related to Song Yu.

In the past, Saihande helped Zhai Mo to deal with Su Shi’s affairs, specifically the matter of Su’s family...

At that time, Zhai Mo looked at Song Yu, and forced Song to submit to the show. In addition to working on the Song and Song Dynasties and his hands, he also made a move to the Su family!

Saihande, who has been waiting for his ink at home, saw Yan Mo and Song Yu with a group to enter the door, and hurriedly greeted him: "Mr....What arrangement do you have for me to come back?!"

"Say to say..." 岑墨 handed the packaged pizza back to the servant and turned to look at Song Wei. "You help the group put the things in the suitcase into the bag!"

Song Wei nodded: "Good..."

"Let's go small!" Song Yu reached out to the group.

Xiaoxiao did not hold Song’s index finger and happily followed up with Song Wei.

I watched the figure of Song Yu and the group, and the twilight was far away...

It was not until the Song and the group’s figure disappeared on the stairs that Saihande lowered his voice and asked: “Mr.?!”

岑Inked his hands and walked in the direction of the doorway, and Saihande followed.

"That is called Su Shi, to check the reason for his urgent return to China, within two hours!" The ink station is not salty at the door.

Saihande beheaded: "Good sir!"

"In addition..." 岑 侧 侧 在 在 赛 赛 赛 赛 赛 赛 赛 赛 赛 赛 赛 赛

Saihande was slightly surprised, and then nodded: "I know Mr.!"

After Saihande left, Yan Mo took out the cigarette box from his pocket and shook it out to ignite at the corner of his lips. He kept the movement of one-handed pocket and took a deep breath. He bit the cigarette and took it from his pocket. The wallet opened, and through the smoke he stared at the photo of Su Shi and Song Wei in the wallet, and it was a cool color.

Song Wei is a clever girl who knows all the time!

Although he was teased by Song Yu’s "seeing the color", he still feels that Song Song did not say anything about this wallet...

I also mind that now... that Su Shi’s dare to think about Song Yu’s heart!

Since this is called Su Shi’s search for death, then Yan Mo does not mind sending him on the road.

He took a group photo of Song Wei and Su Shi from the wallet, and pulled the waist away from the middle of the photo, leaving only the half of Song Wei in his pocket, tearing the photo of Su Shi into pieces and throwing it with the wallet. In the trash can of the entrance hall entrance, the look was indifferent and went to the bathroom to wash his hands.

Song Yizheng and the group together squatted in front of the suitcases of the group, listened to the group to introduce her clothes, and heard the sound of opening the door...

When Song Hao arrived at the nap time, he let Song Song go to nap first, and he accompanied the group!

From the time of pregnancy, Zhai Mo made a good rest time for Song Yu. In addition to sudden incidents or family visits to the guests, Song Wei also cooperated with Jimo to arrange the rest time.

Song Yu came out of the room and closed the door, and saw a female bodyguard standing on the stairway.

Seeing Song Yu came out, the female bodyguard took two steps in the direction of Song Yu, a pair of words to say and to say and stop...

Song Yan brows tightly, remembering the wallet she gave her female bodyguard to help her lose, and walked in the direction of the female bodyguard: "What's the matter?!"

"Mrs., you handed me the wallet that I lost, and the gentleman knows... Mr. took it!" The female bodyguard was upset and apologized to Song Wei. "I am sorry, my wife, I have not had time to throw it away, but I don't have to say anything extra, you and The gentleman’s conversation, my husband and I said that I didn’t hear...”

Song Xin snorted, remembering the photo, my heart was very upset.

She and Su Shi’s words, there really is nothing that can’t be told by Zhai Mo, if the female bodyguard said it was okay, did not say... the worst!

"I know, it doesn't matter... you should go to rest first!" Song Yi said absently.

The female bodyguard saw Song Song’s look is wrong, and some did not hesitate to go downstairs...

"Wait!" Song Hao suddenly called the female bodyguard.

"What is the wife's command?!" asked the female bodyguard.

Third, ask for a monthly ticket... ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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