Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 918: Monitored my phone? !

Did you listen to my phone in Chapter 918? !

Song Yu looked at the female bodyguard: "If the next time Mr. or Saihande asks you again, what you say when you hear it, it doesn't matter, nothing can't let others know!"

The female bodyguard glanced and nodded: "Know my wife!"

Back to the room, Song Yu heart inexplicably panic.

She couldn't help but take out her mobile phone and asked Su Shi's situation. But she was afraid that she would have a phone call. If she knew it, it would make him feel uncomfortable and scream at Su Shi...

For a long time, Song Yi remembered that WeChat had not been deleted. She hesitated for a long time and finally sent a WeChat to Su Shi...

[Have you encountered anything? ! 】

After the WeChat was sent, Song Wei deleted the WeChat interface message.

Soon Song Yu received a reply from Su Shi...

[Little things, rest assured! 】

When receiving a letter from Song Wei, Su Shizheng was unable to return to the country’s head.

Originally there were no direct flights in China and Morocco. It took a lot of time to get a special plane. Now it’s ok... I can’t even buy a ticket that flies inside!

He asked the assistant to buy a country that can fly directly to the country, and then the plane, but was detained by the Moroccan police, saying that it was suspected of fraud!

At this time, Su Shi would not be detained, but could not leave the country.

Song Wei saw the little things two words and knew something went wrong!

Taking advantage of the mobile phone, Song Hao quickly responded to the message...

[What is convenient to say? ! 】

The message did not reply, Song Song was very flustered. She walked back and forth in the bedroom. She couldn’t see Su Shi’s reply for half an hour. She couldn’t help but call the phone.

Susie’s assistant answered the phone. He said that Su Shi was asked to assist in the investigation. Su Shi’s assistant and Song Wei said that Su Shi’s father was seriously ill, and that Su Shi was detained in Morocco and is currently unable to return to China. He is even afraid. Su Shi will not go back to see his father's last side.

"Is Susie's father very serious?!" asked Song.

"Yes, I didn't dare to talk to General Su, but the doctor said that it is estimated that it will not last long!"

Song Yu was silent for a long time on the phone's assistant to Su Shi: "I know, I will help find a way, you don't worry Su Shi."

Hanging up the phone, Song slammed the phone and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with one hand. He was thinking about how to talk to him and the bedroom door was opened...

Song Yu turned his head and saw Yan Mo's hand unbuttoning the shirt button. He closed the bedroom door with one hand and the heartbeat speed was slightly faster. She went to the bedside table and put the phone on the bed and asked, "How come you come back?! ?!"

"The group has already slept..." Yan Mo did not look at Song Wei. He took the home clothes and stood at the end of the bed without taking off his shirt and put on a long-sleeved V-neck T-shirt with a blue linen texture.

Song licked his lips and walked to the side of the ink to pick up the shirt he had left on the bed and hugged in his arms and looked at the ink. He didn't know how to open it.

"How do you want to find a way for Su Shi?!" Yan ink looked at Song Hao sideways and pulled back his shirt from her arm.

Song Wei’s lips were slightly surprised and unexpected. Seeing ink and ink sitting on the bed bench casually, the ink color looked deep into her...

"You... is listening to my mobile phone?!" Song asked.


Originally, Zhai Mo had such a plan from the beginning of Song Yu’s pregnancy, but since Song Yu had been staying with him, he had never really monitored Song’s cell phone.

Yan Mo will never allow Song Hao to carry his child, but also want to escape, or ... knock out this child!

Until this time, in the mall, Song Yu and Su Shi accidentally met, actually still avoiding what the bodyguards talked about, this is the reason that led to the decision to monitor Song Hao mobile phone.

Song Yu tightened his hand and restrained his own mood, and asked him: "What do you listen to..."

With annoyed words just beginning to emerge, Song Yusheng swallowed his words back.

She couldn't think of her as a normal person. She thought of her previous experience. Song Song exhaled a breath and calmed herself down. She walked to the front of the ink, and both hands held his knees down and looked up. Ink: "Since you listened to my phone, you should also know that this is the first time I have contacted Su Shi for so long! I encountered it at noon today... because you have too much possession of me, I am worried that you will What Su Shi made, has been uneasy!"

"Are you afraid of what I am doing to Su Shi?!" 岑 似 似 似 似 似 似 似 似 似 似 似 似 似 似 似

Song Wei shook his head: "I am apologetic. I thought I was very clear about what you said at the restaurant today! I am full of apologies to Su Shi, although I can't use it to compensate him now, I hope that I will not give it for my sake. What trouble does Su Shi bring!"

岑 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞

"You still don't believe me?!" Song Wei looked at the ink with wet red eyes.

On the bedside table, Song Hao’s cell phone rang, and Song Yu looked at the line and wanted to get up and take the cell phone, but he was smashed by the elbow.

Song Yu looked at the ink...

"You don't bother with Su Shi's things. Peace of mind is the most important thing for you now! I believe in you!" 岑 ink licks Song's elbow and lifts her up from her face." I also hope that you can do what I believe in!"

The phone on the bedside is still vibrating, Song Song frowns and looks at the ink on the bed bench, and walks in the direction of the bed...

He bent over and picked up her phone and saw the number sneer and shut down.

Song Yu’s heart grievances and the anger that has been suppressed all the time can’t be controlled: “Hey, what do you treat me?! Personal freedom should be limited! Work and rest should be arranged according to your arrangement! What you eat is also your decision! Go! I am the whole person who must be under your control, you are satisfied! Are you still a person? I don't have my friend to contact?! Or... Do you think I am your pet?!"

Sui Mo looked at Song Wei, who was grievanced by anger, and his expression became more calm: "I will give you a new mobile phone, who your friend wants to contact... Who will contact me without intervening, but there can be no Su Shi... ”

Yan Mo put the already-closed mobile phone in his pocket and put his hand in his pocket. He stared at Song Song. "I am doing what I can for you. If you think I treat you as a pet, then what do you think!"

Song Yan saw 岑 岑 阴 阴 一张 一张 一张 一张 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 岑 岑Contact Su Shi, I have never contacted. This is the first time. This time... Su Shi’s father was hospitalized. If Su Shi can’t go back, he might not catch up with his father...”

The first is more...

(End of this chapter)

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