Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 919: You are happy to accompany me.

Chapter 919, you are happy to accompany me.

"Song Song!" Yan Mo interrupted Song Yu’s words. The two scorpions were like black storm clouds that condensed before the hurricane of the sea. "Can Su Shi go back to see his father's last side, it is Su Shi's business, it has nothing to do with you." ......"

Song Hao tightly licked the sleeves of the ink, and her throat swallowed. She stared at the red ink with her red eyes: "You knew that I was with Su Shi! What are you minding now?! From you After forcing me to leave Su Shi, I have nothing to do with him! Why are you holding Su Shi now?!"

"Yes... we met today! But what do we say is worthy of you so angry?! Whether it is a watch or a wallet, it is a thing that happened in the past, before I met you! I can't kill it. My past! What do you want me to do to let go?!" Song Yi asked.

"Let's let go..."

"Your distrust of me is a problem between us. It is my fault! What does this have to do with Su Shi?! Su Shi’s biggest mistake in this life... nothing more than met me and I have one. Don't be sin! You can't deprive Su Shi of the right to go back to see his father's last side!"

Song Hao raised his hand and rubbed the tears on his cheeks with his hands, that is, he did not let go of the ink...

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"Because I am still a conscience person! I am not a beast! Not a pet! Not a machine!" Song Hao has been unable to control his tears, his voice with a heavy crying. "You know that betrayal of Su Shi with you, How did I come over these days?! I feel that this kind of person is not worthy of happiness at all. After hurting such a good man, you can still get fame and fortune! Get a man who loves me so much! I should be such a person. It’s horrible!”

"You are with me after breaking up with Su Shi!"

"But this is no different for me!" Song Yi hysterically shouted, she painfully loosened the sleeves of the ink, unable to kneel down and hug her knees like a child, "and Su Shi Separate my life because you are smooth sailing, but all the misfortunes of Sujia and Su Shi... I brought it! I sometimes hate you very much! I hate you and forced me to become a wolf-hearted woman. I hate you for making me the most annoying thing!"

"So... because of Su Shi, do you still hate me?!" Yan Mo squinted at the girl who was crying sadly on the floor, and the cold voice seemed to fall into the ice cave for a moment.

"Yes! Hate you! But hate me more! Hate me to choose Su Shi for fame and fortune, hate me, I will fall in love with you like this!" Song Yu said, looking up, "I have seen Zhong Ja Li, I know Your past, you said that I was a good time during this time..."

"Is it sympathy to me?!" 岑墨 grabs the first song and opens his eyebrows.

Zhong Jaoli saw Song Song’s things, and Jimo knew...

When Song Song was hospitalized, he stayed up all night and stayed for a long time. When he couldn’t help but rest, he arranged for the three-story and three-story people to guard Song Song. At that time, in addition to Song Hao’s better friends, strangers. It is not close to Song Wei!

When Zhong Jaoli went to see Song Song, she kept the safety of Song Song... Before Zhong Jaoli entered the inpatient building of the hospital, she called the phone to Saihande. Saihande knew that Zhong Ja Li was not a bad person, and also knew that Zhong Ja Li and If you don't move, you can hide it in the dark and protect Song Song. Don't expose it because of the conflict with Zhong Jaoli.

"Not sympathy, it is distressed! I called your psychiatrist. I thought that I and our children are the most special existence in your life. We can heal you! But no matter how I fight Do your best... You don't believe that I love you, oh ink... I will be tired, I will be tired! Love you... Love is really tired!"

The chill of the ink-stained eyes was loose. He leaned over and lifted Song Song from the ground. The two men looked at each other.

Yanmo deeply stared at Song Yu’s tearful scorpion, and wiped the tears on Song’s face with his fingers. The wind and light cloud lightly opened: “I said that the woman’s heart is under the sea. I used to think that I could see you, but you still laughed at night. Discuss with me what to eat tomorrow morning, but the next day I dragged my suitcase and disappeared without a trace. I don’t want to hide from me!"

Song Hao bites his lip...

"You said that I love you in the morning and I never want to be separated from me, but I will withdraw the person who looks at you, and I will not be able to find you again in the afternoon!" She loosened the lip that had been bitten by her own, the thumb stroking on her lips, the gentle and tender gesture, the color was cool and thin, "Your words... a few minutes of fake, I don't know!"

Zhai Mo has given Song Yu’s trust and given Song Yu many opportunities, but every time he chooses to believe in Song Yu, the result will make Zhai Mo very disappointed...

Therefore, as far as the ink is concerned, it is good to leave Song Yu around. He does not care about the means and methods, and he is not afraid that Song Hao will hate him for blaming him!

He was only afraid that Song Hao would suddenly disappear silently one day. From then on, he could no longer hear the news of Song Yu, or heard something that made him desperate to get out of control!

"Then how do we get along?!" Song slammed his big hand on his lower abdomen. "Let our children see what their parents are doing?! If you really don't worry about me... later you Where can I go where I can go?!"

I only look at Song Yu, not snoring.

"Or don't you have a bedroom door?! Stay here waiting for you to come back! You are happy to accompany me, not happy to lock me up!"

"Song, don't talk nonsense!"

Song Hao shook her head, she smiled, her tears continued to pull out from the corner of her eyes, she said: "I am not talking about it! Because I am already real... I don't know what method to use to make you feel that I will never Leaving you, are you happy to show it to you?! Hmm?!"

Her nose was slightly agitated and she had a questioning word that she was so distressed that she wanted to take it out of her body.

She is close to Jimmy Ming, but it is like the farthest distance in the world...

Clearly love, but he does not believe, nothing is more sad than this!

Song Yi’s life is probably sad!

Yes, when I was separated from Su Shi, I chose to be with the ink, and after falling in love with the ink, but I could not take my own heart, I always felt that her happiness is unfair to Su Shi!

The second is more birds! Ask for a monthly ticket, baby! This month is relatively short... Be careful to leave the monthly ticket expired!

(End of this chapter)

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