Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 928: Why should she vote for spring peach? !

Chapter 928 Why should she vote for spring peach? !

This is the ancient way of life in so many years, so the ancient fame is not only high in the circle, but the wind outside the circle is consistent!

Using the four words of German high and high to describe the ancient, it is simply appropriate!

Lin Wen’s proposition is that others treat her like a frost, why should she vote for spring peach? !

They are quoted in the program as a classic, and they are connected!

A side-by-side quotation, the word bead!

Not so wonderful!

The audience sitting in the audience clearly came to see the show, and the inexplicable heart was hanging in the eyes of the blind man to see a mild but tense debate.

Although the atmosphere was tense, the ancient Qingliu and Lin Wen chatted very well, and the show even invited Lin Wen to have time to sit there!

It is said that he has no wife and no son in this life and is not good at making friends. The only friend who can chat with him is the early Han Dynasty! In the future, he hopes that Lin Lin can warm this little friend!

After all... Lin Wen is indeed rare and wise, and the old man is not afraid to praise Lin Wen in front of the camera. At the beginning of the cold, Lin has always said that Lin Wen is very talented and different. Today he will come to Linhui for a while. I know that the knowledge in Lin’s warm belly is far more profound than that said at the beginning of the cold!

The ancient is almost perfect in the circle, and his words are simply endorsing Lin Wen...

It is said that during the filming of the TV series, he played the pianist and took the piano ten certificate. He was also invited by the famous Russian pianist Vladimir Vorobev to perform on the same stage.

As a neurosurgeon, after reading the thick medical skills and the papers related to neurosurgery in the major magazine media business laws, it became a half doctor.

When he was a painter, he learned oil paintings in ancient times. He also personally consulted the character of the contemporary painting world, Ji Zibai. The painting technique was praised by Ji Zibai and said that he had reached the peak of the peak. Because of his ancient fame and fame, he personally painted it in the TV series. The oil painting was photographed at a price of 30 million!

As an ancient king, the ancients read through the "Historical Records" and the folklore in the background of the filming, and the funny stories. Even during the filming, they pointed out the mistakes in the scripts, as well as some mistakes in the art and clothing style. .

The ancient saying to Lin Wen said that it is not polite to ask Lin to go to sit there. When the show ends, the old and Lin warm handshaking, and the Linlin warm must come again, and even eagerly want to set the date on the spot and Lin.

Lin warmed and smiled: "I will go to visit the ancients with my husband during the Spring Festival!"

Fu Huai'an is still old-fashioned. Although the ancients did not deal with people in the mall, Lin Wen said so, the old is not good to refuse, smile and nod.

In the morning, I recorded "Warm Words" and Lin Wen was still rushing to record "After the Hero"...

The recording of this morning's program was too fast and too energy-intensive. Lin Wenzi's eyes were going to smoke. She drank a few mouthfuls of water and went to the next shooting scene and fell asleep on the nanny car.

"I watched this episode of the ancient show, and there is another label on the warm body!"

Sitting in the forest warm side and looking at the phone mail dialect suddenly said a word.

On the first officer, Younai’s deputy did not matter. Instead, he sat in the last row of Mu Taotao and came back to the front seat. He held the seat back of the dialect: "Because the warm sister and the learned ancient debate, hit Has it become a tie?!"

"If there is nothing in the warm stomach, can you talk about the ancient and the modern with the old?! Can you pick up anything?! You look at the old and warm chat attitude from the beginning of the light, to the last eyes are hot ""

The dialect locks the screen of the mobile phone in the hand and looks out the window: "Who has seen this in the past, but the people who saw it in the old age are now unattainable and the future is limitless!"

"Then we will have a limited future after the warm sister!" Mu Taotao said that when he said this, his eyes were shining.

The dialect's lips evoke, and the eyes are all bright as the spring breeze...

The phone in her hand shook, and she looked down at the strange phone number, and the dialect did not pick up!

She knows that it is her ex-husband!

The ex-husband of this dialect always called to send messages to harass dialects. When the dialect did not answer the phone, he sent a message and blackened his phone number. He changed the phone number...

Sure enough, the dialect received the text message of the ex-husband, and all kinds of complexes were asked. I said shamelessly how the other people’s old feelings are unforgettable, let the dialects look at the children’s part, and don’t let the children have no fathers!

The dialect looked at the incoming information with a cold eye and added the new phone to the blacklist.

The work number phone rings, the dialect adjusts the mindset and connects the phone, which is called from the studio!

After a brief account of the dialect, he said: "After the warmth and the ancient program, there will be someone who makes her speech, you have to prepare early!"

Dialects have always been like this, precautions, never playing with uncertainty, will be ready before the storm.

Lin Wen said that others treat her like a frost, why should she vote for Chuntao's remarks, although it is correct, but some people will hold the forest warm, especially Lin Wen is an ancient and highly respected in the circle. Refuted, the possibility of being attacked is even greater.

But the dialect is not worried at all, because of self-confidence, and because this time, Lin Wen’s people will be more full and full.

How can a person have its own edge and perfection, she wants the media to know that Lin Wen is a person who dares to love and hate and has a clear sense of grievances.

The present society has long since not popularized the Virgin Mary and White Lotus. On the contrary, such an angular girl is more popular...

In other words, this is a reason for social progress people to improve their self-awareness and self-importance!

The dialect has seen too many worlds!

I know that there are many things in this world that complain about grievances, but those who complained with morality have mostly damaged themselves and still can’t find it good!

The reason why the ancients can sit there and say so easily is because his status and identity are there...

And how many people in the world like the status of the old status? ! There are too many ordinary people in this world. They are sometimes well-intentioned and used by those who have bad intentions. On the contrary, good people are pushed into the land of annihilation.

The four words of the human heart are sinister, and the dialect has always been remembered in the heart and never forgotten.

People come to this world for the first time, they are the first time to be a man, they are all life, they are the lifespan of more than one hundred years. Why do you have to go to Germany to show your personality charm!

In the dialect view, the true personality charm is to make your life comfortable and comfortable!

Second, today is the last day of the month! Ask for a monthly ticket! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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