Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 929: Fu Huai'an has already taken him one step at a time.

Chapter 929 Fu Huai'an has already taken him one step at a time.

A person who can't be broken will be trapped in the shackles of "others will say" for a lifetime!

The mother of the dialect is like this...

They all say that the mother is filial piety, but the mother of the dialect can be said to be obedient because of the four words of the human words, and the grandmother who confuses the roots of the tongue all day long!

The dialect grandmother was hospitalized. The dialect mother had no choice but to stay in the hospital all day and night. Even the old lady in the clinic thought that the mother tongue was a relative of the dialect grandmother. She sighed that the old lady had a good niece, the old lady. This is embarrassing to say that it is a daughter-in-law!

However, the aunt and aunt of the dialect have been hiding far from the beginning of the hospitalization of the grandmother, and they can't even see the face. When the old lady is about to leave the hospital, she will be taken out of the hospital to pick up the old lady.

In this way, when the dialect returned to his mother’s house to see his child yesterday, he just happened to meet the newly moved neighbor’s aunt in his pajamas and went out to throw garbage. The aunt caught the dialect and told her that the grandmother of the dialect and others had said that she had not eaten. The dialect mother has a meal...

The dialect only feels very funny. I have never eaten a dialect mother. How did the old lady survive? !

The dialect looked at the eyes and said that he said that there is a master like a treasure, let the grandson of the dialect talk about her mother, although the father of the dialect is gone, but the grandmother is a big meal, can eat the dialect mother In the year, let the mother of the dialect not care so much, and let the old lady end up in the end is to be a filial piety for the dialect father!

This dialect angered the chest ups and downs, the dialect did not want to talk to the unknown black and white neighbor aunt, she only sneered and said: "If her old family did not eat my mother a meal, my mother is really not filial, she Can the old man live to eighty-six this year?! Can you have such a good body today?!"

A neighbor’s aunt...

The old lady of Fangjia is 86 years old. She is in good health. She is better than the middle-aged people who are just in their early 50s. She can’t walk up and down the stairs on the fifth floor. People are a little gasp and quickly slow down, high. Blood pressure, high blood fat, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, this old lady has nothing at all!

This is a fact that no one can deny!

Only the neighbor Auntie saw the old lady at the age of 86 and went to the trash can to find the bottle and the express paper box to sell the money, so I believed the old lady!

The audible dialect says so, it seems that it is really the case!

But where the children are not filial, which old man can live to be eighty years old, still so refreshing, no sick, no pain, gas is probably mad!

When I got back to my home dialect, I saw that my mother was licking the baby who was already asleep and went straight to tears. When the dialect asked her what happened, she said with tears...

In the dialect, Grandma and the new neighbors said how the mother of the dialect is not filial, why not give her a meal! Why didn’t I spend a penny on the mother tongue, and said that the dialect father was raised to be more than sixty years old!

The dialect mother was so angry that she couldn’t talk nonsense! The dialect mother is not angry with the dialect grandmother theory, but the dialect said that her grandmother died and refused to admit that she had said that the mother of the dialect had let her confront the opposite neighbor. As a result, she gave the dialect mother two hammers, and it was painful in the heart.

The dialect's grandmother's problem has been around for a long time. The reason is very simple...because the dialect's father is brought back by the dialect grandmother and grandfather.

The father of the dialect is now gone. If there is no conscience, the old lady will have been abandoned. But the mother still has to support the grandmother of the dialect!

The dialect mother is too much to say what others are saying. If this is a dialect, since you said that you have not eaten me a meal, then you should not eat my meal in the future!

You said that I am not filial, how do you arrange me? How come I will give you everything you said! When are you telling the truth, when are we getting along!

The dialect has said this countless times, but the mother tongue is always a word, it will be poked!

Sometimes dialects are full of sympathy and powerlessness to their mothers.

The dialect shook his head and exhaled a long breath and re-entered the work.


After Lin warmed back to Haicheng, he was not idle, and Fu Huai'an was not idle.

The ability of Chu Fang to get to this stage is unquestionable. Soon all the contracts have been signed and the investment is more than expected.

He telephoned Tang Xi on the phone here, Fu Huaian people have already arrived in Jincheng...

Xie Jingqiu had already made an appointment with Fu Huai'an to meet Fu Huaian on his return to China.

Tianzhuyuan, a tea club where the rich people of Jincheng gathered, Jiang Mingan used to be the boss here and a frequent visitor here.

Later, Jiang’s family was smashed and smashed, and Xie Jingqiu took it here!

Tianzhuyuan was originally the place where these groups of people often gathered for tea and played mahjong. Xie Jingqiu was not for Jiang Ming'an, and he was not willing to let the owner change hands to others.

Jincheng is rainy, this season is no exception. At this time, there is drizzle outside the window. Xie Jingqiu is sitting in the car with his legs crossed, one hand on the knee, and the side looking at the drizzle outside the window, his eyes are hard and far away.

These years are the same as Fu Huai'an's rejection and his meeting. As far as possible, Xie Jingqiu does not want to meet with Fu Huai'an...

Because the two meet, they will inevitably think of Jiang Ming'an and Lu Xiangsi.

The car stopped at the gate of Tianzhuyuan. Xie Jingqiu got off the car and took the black umbrella from Xiaobai. Looking at the golden door of Tianzhuyuan, I remembered that when Jiang Mingan first showed him the design of Tianzhuyuan, Zhang Yang said brightly: The brighter the moon, the better, I just want to let Tianzhuyuan give a feeling that Laozi is not bad money!"

Xie Jingqiu, who is tall and long, has stood in a single-handed pocket and stood still there. It is only the height that makes people stand out. The whole person looks expensive and indifferent. The deep and handsome eyebrows are filled with wise mature gas fields. Pedestrians can't help but look back.

He looked at the magnificent Tianzhuyuan for a long time, and lifted his foot to step on the steps of Tianzhuyuan...

The doorman was very eye-catching and took the big umbrella from Xie Jingqiu’s hand. Respectfully, he said: “Xie Dong!”

Today, Xie Jingqiu asked Fu Huai'an to come over. The manager got the instructions of Xie Jingqiu's Bai Tezhu early. What the manager didn't think was that Xie Jingqiu valued this meeting with Fu Huai'an. He even let Bai Te help come in advance to arrange the private room in person. meet.

When Xie Jingqiu entered the door, Fu Huai'an had already taken his step.

In the private room, Fu Huai'an stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. The collared blue suit of the collar outlined the man's thick and strong shoulder curve. The trousers were quite straight. The shirt cuffs he rolled up at random were pushed to the elbows, and the ribs of the arms were clearly defined. The calm and heavy gas field is compelling.

Third, the third brother, the old Fu met... ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket! ! ! ! The last day of the month! ! ! ! ! The babies are going to vote! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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